Spectrum Analyser ( Bandscope ) Freeware
I need some help with a little problem.
Website supervisor: Wladimir Wall *** This page updated - 14 August 2002 - last time *** © 1999 - 2002 by W. Wall, DL1KBX, Cologne, Germany
Spezial for Sub-RX FT-1000-MP. Beta-Version for Win-95 / Win98
The Authors: Sergej Wall (SWL) & Wladimir Wall (DL1KBX)
Mode 1 - Line Graph
Mode 2 - Area Graph
What is not so very good...
I wanted to make software-bandscope with the help of the second
receiver (even bought an additional narrow filter for that, hi)
The idea was as follows:
program read the frequency of the MainRX and uses it as the main
frequency for scanning SubRX. Depending on the selected width of the
controlled frequency (Width = W), in SubVFO frequencys from QRGmain
- W/2 till ORGMain + W/2 are being sent. The frequency of the first
receiver is being read again and everything repeats.. So,
bandscope is always connected to the MainRX QRG.
Due to the experience with the other programs I expected that the
amplifier of the low frequency of the 2nd receiver might be closed.
Actually I don't need it, because I was gonna listen on the main.
But I was really surprised to realize, that the 1st was closed
togehter with the 2nd...
If I scan with the 1st one, the only 1st is being closed...
If they would be of the same quality, I wouldn't care much... But it's not the
Unfortunately, syntax of the CAT-commands in TRX manual is documented not very
well . Maybe it's possible somehow to set the frequency (Set QRG)
the way, that the audio amplifier wouldn't get closed... Maybe there is one bit
responsible for that...
I have used commands F1 F2 F3 F4 0Ah for the main-VFO and
F1 F2 F3 F4 8Ah for the Sub-VFO.
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Or it's only possible to cut the wire, by which close signal for LF
amplifier is transmitted? Hmm...
BS-1K.ZIP. Download ca. 95 KB
BS-1K. BandScope for FT-1000-MP
Version for Win95 / Win98 / Win2000