Do you feel that your personal importance
is not duly reflected by your present status as radio amateur or as a
radio pirate?
Do you feel inferior because one of your
club collegues just bought a new FT-1000MP or was awarded a DXCC
Honor-roll membership?
If you answer one of these questions with yes, the Dawg X-ray Club has the solution for you:
DX-ers guide to instantaneous fame
Don't stay a little grey
amateur no one talks about. Take yourself important and turn into a
shining star
the DX-community talks about. Make your call famous over night and
a world reknown DX-pert. It is so easy if you just follow the rules on
page: Join the Dawg X-ray Club!
The Rules
1) CQ calls
1a) Be a phoney
Use phone mode only. It takes up more frequency space and thus provides
a much broader presence of your personality. It is not as tedious and
fashioned as telegraphy (CW). Be aware that in the near future CW
will not be acknowledged anymore for DXCC and IOTA awards. Only for
purposes (see 3j and 3m below) CW might still be appropriate.
1b) Be a broadcaster: the TNWN principle or "In doubt I shout"
Some know-it-alls might tell you that listening is more important than
transmitting for radio amateurs. But why would this apply to operators
whose declared goal is fame? Can you think of any renowned broadcast
station that listens before transmitting? Thus, never delay your
transmissions by previous listening.
Note: The consequent implementation of the "transmit now, worry never" (TNWN) principle is
the chief distinctive mark
of Dawg X-ray Club members.
1c) Spelling and yelling
CQ-calls can be so boring if you just use the standard version of the
phonetic aphabet. Therefore, be creative like:
Please note the pronounciation of DX which is extremely essential:
"daaaawg x-ray, daaaawg x-ray" (try it several times, if you are not
already familiar with it).
1d) Making sense with vanity call signs
Choose vanity call signs that allow customized spelling. Let's assume
your name is Diethelm. By the right choice of call sign your CQ-call
read like:
Another unconventional way of spelling the own call sign:
became the trademark for "Moehringer", a ham who advanced to the most
famous radio amateur of his hometown Moehringen, a little village near
We should add that Moehringer's spelling habits were
only a small part of his contribution to sense making in amateur radio.
An invaluable platform for the latter was - and maybe still is - the
VHF repeater DB0ST (the former DB0WR, see the history blurb of DL4TA and
follow his link to the "official" DB0WR web site - both sites in
german). Moehringer's fame certainly was unrelated with any other
pattern of behavior described on this page and, therefore, he could
never be elected as a club member.
1e) Callers to ignore
Never answer to a weak signal or any QRPers. Be warned that "QRP" is a
movement of losers who try to interfer with regular amateur radio
traffic using inefficient equipment. Dealing with them only takes you
time and is almost never worth it. Therefore, if weak stations
are calling you, just resume CQ-ing. By long transmission cycles you
increase the chance to attract rare DX-stations. Be goal-oriented.
2) DX-Cluster
The DX-cluster is now becoming the stage to demonstrate excellence for
the ambitous expert. Don't miss your opportunities there!
2a) Self-Spots - do it yourself
Proudly announce yourself by DX-spots. If no one besides you spots you,
who else than you should spot you? Some people might object that a
must contain second-order information, i.e., that a station A hears a
B with A different from B. But this is nonsense, made up by people who
have not yet reached your status! Hasn't the cluster been
particularly designed for important DX-ers like you? Don't hesitate to
spot yourself on a daily basis so people will learn about your schedule
of activity. Use spots like those of "Len", the grand seigneur of
DX de KN6LEN 28600.0
KN6LEN WEST COAST listening for
Actually, self-spots may be very important second order information,
just of another kind: they mark the few moments when the spotter
realizes who he is and where he is on his dial at the same time. One
should be aware that "spot yourself" is free translation of the famous
antique greek motto "gnóthi seautón" ascribed to
Thales of Milet.
2b) BINGO-Spots
Let others know about your successful DX-operations. If the DX-station
was already spotted fifty times before, just make your spots unique by
personalizing them. An excellent method to make others envy you are the
so-called BINGO-spots:
DX de
ID1OT: 3799.0 XY7Z
DX de DA7ZLE: 3799.0 XY7Z my
333 1256Z
DX de SW8NK: 3799.0
!!!!!!! 1257Z
DX de M0RON: 3799.0
DX de AL1AR: 3799.0
XY7Z wkd without antenna
Or even better, make the cluster a show room for all the fabulous qsl
cards you have recently received:
DX de N1NNY: 21225.0
P5/4L4FN rcvd QSL, my #345, nice color card! Tnx Ed! 2048Z
Such spots will easily elicit the attention you need and deserve. For
example, an impressed fellow-DXer might respond:
DX de DO0FUS: 21225.0
P5/4L4FN congrats N1NNY, you are a great
op!! 2050Z
Further reading: Wilhelm Busch: "Das tapfere Schneiderlein" (The brave
little taylor)
2c) Digg the cluster not the bands
Look for DX-stations on the cluster. Never waste time by searching the
bands yourself.
2d) Attracting DX-stations through spotting
A clever strategy of cluster-aided DX-ing is to seek the attention of
the DX-station by placing cluster spots and anouncements. Since
landline access and plenty of computer equipment is obligatory at
DX-locations, you can expect any DX-station to monitor the cluster
permanently. Invite the DX-station to
your frequency by anouncements like:
08Feb2002@08:55:24 YT1ZFW -> ALL: To LU1ZA
Pse luck for YT7ZDX & YT1ZFW on 14095 73 Tnx!
11Feb2002@19:40:48 YT1ZFW -> ALL: To JX7DFA Per
Please QSO rtty,I need JX for rtty dxcc!Tnx
Or simply tell others to make the DX-station come to your favored band:
21Jun2001@15:40:18 DL1QSL -> ALL: Pse
ask VU7DX for QSY to 20, need VU7 on 20!!!!!!Tnx
2e) Global players without antennas
Not owning shortwave equipment does not mean you should renounce to
become a global player in the DX-community. Just put fantasy DX-spots
on the cluster or retype cluster spots you see. Start discussions by
full anouncements. Being
a so-called cluster crab will make your
more colorful and make your call famous within a few weeks. Find more
DX-ing, the optimal use of the DX-cluster, and how to apply for
becoming crab of the month
(crab nomination has been discontinued).
2f) DX-peditions rely on YOUR opinion
DX-peditioners are people enjoying life and traveling around sponsored
and pampered by generous DX-organizations. Usually they have no idea
(and they don't care) whats going on on the bands. Therefore, it is
important that you share your opinions and complaints about
DX-peditioners with the whole community. The best place is on the
DX-frequency itself, but you should also consider to state comments as
DX spots or AN/FULL anouncements in the cluster. You may use fantasy
calls for postings. Examples:
DawgX 14200.0
TI9M have no mike for
SSB? TI91304 21 Feb 2002
DawgX 21000.0
TI9M Very bad operation
... TI91811 21 Feb 2002
In the course of a major DX-pedition one can discern two typical phases
that the opinion of our club members passes through:
I) whining and complaining phase: "poor operators"
II) dazzling phase: "great guys, got them on 20
3) On DX-frequencies
3a) Tune in and stay tuned
Tune your transmitter directly on the DX-frequency to make sure that
full output power is available on the target frequency. Transmit for
longer periods to test whether your equipment is ready for heavy duty
3b) Who is the DX?
Ask who the DX-station is. Often DX-spots are set by people who cannot
tell A from B. Ask for DXCC region or IOTA number and don't waste time
by looking up this information yourself. Enough people just hang
around on DX-frequencies and don't know what to do with their time.
3c) Where is he listening?
Ask for the split frequency. Getting this information on the
DX-frequency makes your life much easier. You will also win new friends
because usually many people just wait to tell you. In rare cases some
crumblers might complain. Then just appeal on HAM spirit.
Hints: Mention your call several times on the
DX-frequency - many ears are listing and it is a unique opportunity to
introduce yourself on an international podium. Be social, say hello to
friends and discuss latest local news. There should always be time for
a little chat, shouldn't it?
3d) The "coup"
Once you located the split frequency, put the mike gain to the maximum
and start calling. Keep on calling until many people on the
DX-frequency tell you to shut up because you are already five times in
the log of the DX-station. As you will notice, efficient
behavior on the split frequency of the DX-station will also
provoke broad feedback on the cluster by people who envy your operation
skills. For instance:
F9BBL 20-Jan-2002 2340Z
F9BBL 17-Jan-2002 2216Z you
calmed down and got your <OH7YZZ>
F9BBL 17-Jan-2002 2201Z Is
continous calling Ham spi <OH2ZRF>
F9BBL 17-Jan-2002 2158Z
d10100 My tx is off your is <OH2ZRF>
F9BBL 17-Jan-2002 2156Z no
but you qrm all the time <OH2ZRF>
F9BBL 17-Jan-2002 2154Z Are
you OZ
Here the spotted station has already reached an exceptional level of
excellence. The spots indicate that he skillfully applies our master
rule 1b) and also some of the following rules, 3f), and
presumably also 3e). Wow!!
Also watch for feedback by anouncements mentioning your call. For
instance, they could look like:
09Feb2002@17:25:06 K2CXW -> ALL: IK9SAW
QRMing: Well done, DX-stn gone QRT: Tnx!!
12Feb2002@09:06:29 F9NZD -> ALL: IK9SAW TKS
3e) Tail riding
If the pile-up is big, an economic, elegant and time-saving technique
to get in the DX-station's log is tail riding. Let's assume your call
is DM3LIB and
the DX-station asks for SQ3XYZ: Then it is clearly your turn -
basically he
asks for your call and just got problems with some of the letters.
3f) Instructions from a DX-station?
There is a quite general rule how to handle instructions from a
DX-station: If you hear the DX-station at all (experts don't need to
hear the DX-station), ignore any instructions from this side.
Commonly, DX operators are guys
hanging out on a sunny island and drinking Baccardi. Mostly they are
with other things and have no clue at all what they are doing with
radios. Their instructions, if sensible at all, are for
newcomers, not for experts like you.
Here an example: The DX-station asks for AS while
you are sitting in the middle of EU: You should take your chance NOW
and call. This is the time when all the other EUs shut up and the DX
station can hear your signal loud and clear. Always keep in mind our
chief guideline (1b): In doubt YOU shout!
3g) Tell the DX-station about yorself
Once you attracted the attention of the DX-station, don't be too brief.
Even if the DX-station doesn't want to know, tell him or her all about
your equipment and your antenna system. Don't forget a detailed weather
and some personal information, such as about your past DX-successes,
club memberships (like your DIG number), the name of your dog, etc.
your call and the call of the DX-station several times to make sure
all listeners will learn about your close association with the
3h) Celebrate successes, you deserve it
After getting in the log of the DX-station, go back to the DX-frequency
and ask for QSL information. Ask several times because people sometimes
spread wrong QSL-information. Finally you should put BINGO-spots in the
cluster (for
details, see 2b above). Explain in full anouncements how you achieved
DX contact and why this is impossible for other people. Further
references: The song "Bobby Brown" by Frank Zappa.
3i) Dupes are fun for everyone
Make sure to work DX-stations repeatedly on the same band. Every
dupe QSO is another demonstration of your value as a DX-er and the
quality of your equipment. Also you keep the frequency busy and prevent
that too much unqualified people get a chance.
It is a very fulfilling experience to work a
DX-station ten times ore more on one band. If you have achieved this
you should look up the Happy Duper
Award (HDA) program maintained by the Dawg X-ray Club. Recommended
for passionate dupers: H. Boell:."Nicht nur zur Weihnachtszeit" (Not
at christmas time). The movie "Groundhog Day".
3j) Turn frustration into action
After calling the DX-station incessantly you might become frustrated.
Some DX-stations are just bad operators, incapable to put your call in
their logs.You should then go back to the DX-frequency and express your
frustration by deliberate jamming. Yes, be an asshole! Your QRM serves
four very important purposes: I) Your psychological relief. II) It is a
clear statement of what you think about the DX-station (but see also
2f, above). III) It prevents other less skilled DX-ers from working a
station that is not in your log. IV) It chases incapable DX-stations
off the band. Often, DX-stations are chickens - after a bit of QRM
action by people like you they go QRT voluntarily.
3k) International Amateur Police Department (IAPD)
Unskilled DX-ers tend to misbehave on DX-frequencies. In such moments
your intervention is required: It is up to excellent operators like
yourself to give education by lengthy explanations and instructions on
the DX-frequency.
Education on DX-frequencies is favored by the Dawg
X-ray Club because of its multiplier effect: People will learn about
your excellence and at the
same time many ignorant people will receive the lecture, even those not
misbehaving. (Join the IAPD task force and
your personalized IAPD plaque. Apply at the Dawg X-ray Club
3l) The split/up rap: Join it and feel the togetherness
Every skilled Dawg X-ray Club member starts to call the DX-station
simplex to find out about the split frequency. If you hear your club
collegue you should not only tell him "split" or "up" if there is good
short-skip condition to him. Make a "split" or "up" call on every
ocassion. You will be rewarded by the fulfilling experience of
togetherness, if not only a few stations, but an immense choir of
"splits" and "ups" forms the refrain of every simplex call.
Participating in this chain reaction of radio excellence will make you
feel truly connected with all the other Dawg X-ray Club members. Yes -
are not alone!
3m) QRM-ing for the shy
If you feel somehow confused about a CW-pile-up you happen to come
the noblest and most discrete strategy the Dawg X-ray Club recommends
is to simply send questionmarks. Even our shyest members should feel
comfortable with this strategy and its impact is nevertheless
tremendous: First, such genuine confession of deep confusion is an
important first step to your perfection as DX-operator. Second, spicing
the air with questionmarks will subconsciously cause the DX-station to
question his or her behavior. Third, this strategy adds to senseless
QRM, just as any of the more vocal behaviors recommended for our
4) DX-operations
You should not go on DX-peditions since it costs you money, it is work,
and it opens opportunities to your competitors only. Therefore, the
Dawg X-ray club does not recommend DX-operations to its members.
However, if you happen to operate as a DX-station here some rules:
4a) Long lists - rare birds
To take up very long lists can increase your importance
dramatically. It documents how wanted you are and it keeps a lot
of people listening to you for a long time. Since the propagation
changes over time, you also get rid of QRPers.
4b) Become a net celebrity
For maximum public exposure, join DX-nets. With the upcoming of the
DX-cluster, DX-nets lost their original meaning. But they still provide
an excellent opportunity
to work few people with maximum overhead of senseless communication and
the admiration of big audience. For more information about DX-nets, see
very instructive No List
Lizards, Inc.
page, in particular, the article Sitting Ducks (article unfortunately
no longer online).
4c) Call by countries not by numbers
Calling by countries can never be just (think of all the 335 DXCC
prefixes). Therefore, it gives you the natural opportunity to set
preferences. For instance, it is nice to work all your buddies at
home (switch to your native language then). Although driving most other
people crazy, it will substantially increase your local status.
4d) The two favorable split strategies: gluing and spilling
As a DX-station you shape your pile-up like when you have played in the
sandpit. You can either squeeze the callers like lemmings or spread
them all over
the band. Both is fun. Therefore, Dawg X-ray Club members adher to the
extreme strategies of split operation:
1) Gluing: Never change your listening frequency, or
even better, just stay simplex. This naturally fades out QRP-ers and
other little pistols.
2) Spilling: Skip successively over the whole band.
It is a rewarding experience when an entire band becomes yours. Try it!
4e) Secret service operation
A fascinating way to pile up pile-ups, even as a not so much wanted
DX-country, like DL or W, is the so-called secret service or undercover
operation. Use a fluent DX-operation style but strictly avoid to give
the own call for long periods of time - let's say longer than half an
hour. In many DX-ers this will trigger the wfwl (work first worry
later) reflex and big pile ups will be guaranteed. Also for major
DX-peditions secret service operation can be droll: Imagine the
confusion you can cause in the DX-community, and think of all the poor
guys taking a pirate's 599 for the confirmation of their DX-contact.
4f) Dawg X-ray Club parties - How DX-stations recruit new club
Some Dawg X-ray Club members are just natural talents, may they suck up
our rules by nutrition or acquire them in early childhood, who knows.
But can a DX-station help to recruit new club members?
Definitely so, simply by rewarding those who
carefully apply the club rules. Give a Dawg X-ray Club party: Accept
callers that you didn't call upon
(see 3f). Put tail riders (see 3e) in your log. Be a gluer (see 4d) and
work only the yellers that completely cover up the DX-frequency.
Encourage tattletales who unbid tell you their whole life story
although lots of
stations are waiting (see 3g). A few rewards will break the ice and
almost everyone in party mood...
Important notes:
1) All call signs on this web page are chosen for demonstration purposes only. Coincidences with calls of existing amateur operators are purely accidental.
2) The examples on this page are picked arbitrarily. The choice is not meant to reflect any representative statistics concerning the distribution of club members over different countries, regions, license classes, etc.
3) You can send your suggestions for nominees for the famous Dawg X-ray award. Please add a detailed list of achievements. Self-nominations are encouraged.
4) If you know typical patterns of behavior of Dawg X-ray Club members that are not included here, please send a mail to the address below.
5) If you find the behavior described on this page embarrassing, don't follow the rules of the Dawg X-ray Club and just refrain to become a member. Probably, no one in the whole world would blame you...
6) This page is primarily a pladoyee for modesty and self-criticism. Who besides us cares these days about amateur radio and DX-ing in particular? Our passion can be fun but also bears the potential of obsessiveness. Even in the heat of the DX-moment we should try to recognize this danger (gnóthi seautón) and avoid behavior that is ruthless and embarrassing. See also W8KC's DX Point-Counterpoint!
7) Essentally this page highlights a hit list of "not-to-do's" in DX-ing, some just odd, some thoughtless, and some highly illegal: all in all a caricature of repelling attitude. Find the complementary information, reasonable assemblies of "how-to-do's" at: So you want to be a DXer? (AA0MZ) and Operating practice (ON4WW) .
8) If you feel uncomfortable about this page,
please direct any comments or complaints to the person responsible.
9) In any case, don't take this page entirely seriously. It's just a hobby. Relax and enjoy...
Further related information:
The Rotten Radio Series in the QST magazine written by H. P. Maxim (W1AW) --using the pseudonym T.O.M.-- starting in 1917 (W1UJR webpage)
The Amateur Radio Operators Code written by P. M. Segal (W9EEA) in 1928: "The Radio Amateur is CONSIDERATE, never knowingly operates in such a way as to lessen the pleasure of others." (ARRL Webpage)
W8CNL was calling "CQ Dog Xray". So, some nut sent him 4 copies of a dog's Xray. - WA7RFH (QST for November 1974, Strays, p. 88)
So you want to be a lid by A. J. Massa (W5VSR), in Ham Radio Horizons 1978.
Primer and links to
detailed information for the DX-cluster. (Webpage of the Falmouth
Amateur Radio Association, K1BI)
Point-Counterpoint: "DXing brings me closer to the world's people"
versus "You DXers are all idiots!!!"
(W8KC webpage)
Books about DXing. Classics and recent (AD1C webpage)
The end:
Responsible for the content of this page: Fritz Sommer,
The credit for this web site, however, goes to many radio amateurs who
provided information, ideas and feedback.
Last update: April 8th, 2009
- visits since February 12th, 2006: