# Header # set title "DEMO GNUPLOT LINUX" set nokey set nopolar set noparametric set offsets 0,0,0,0 set xrange [0:20] set yrange [0:10] set label 1 "#### # # # # ### ##### # ### " at 5,9 set label 2 "# # # # # # # # # # # # #" at 5,8.8 set label 3 "#### # # # # # ## # # # " at 5,8.6 set label 4 "# # ##### # # # ## # # # " at 5,8.4 set label 5 "# # # # # # # # # # # # #" at 5,8.2 set label 7 "#### # # ##### ##### # ### # # ### " at 5,8 set label 8 "(C) Robert Billon, 1999" at 8,6 a=10000; b=200000 plot a*x replot -a*x+b replot 0 replot 10 replot 7 replot 5 replot 0 set nolabel pause 5 # # # Vitesse initiale # set key set samples 1000 set title "TRAJECTOIRE D'UN PROJECTILE EN FONCTION DE LA VITESSE INITIALE" set xlabel "DISTANCE" set ylabel "HAUTEUR" set parametric set xrange [0:1000] set yrange [0:500] set trange [0:100] #set grid A=1; B=2; g=9.8; V0=100; alpha=pi/3; #REM: t = temps # set arrow from 0,0 to 0,500 set arrow from 0,0 to 1000,0 plot A*V0*cos(alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+V0*sin(alpha)*t title "V0=100" replot A*1.2*V0*cos(alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+1.2*V0*sin(alpha)*t title "V0=120" replot A*1.4*V0*cos(alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+1.4*V0*sin(alpha)*t title "V0=140" replot A*1.6*V0*cos(alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+1.6*V0*sin(alpha)*t title "V0=160" replot A*1.8*V0*cos(alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+1.8*V0*sin(alpha)*t title "V0=180" replot A*2.0*V0*cos(alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+2.0*V0*sin(alpha)*t title "V0=200" #set nolabel 1 #set nolabel 2 #set offsets 0,0,-4,-4 pause 5 # # Angle de tir # set title "TRAJECTOIRE D'UN PROJECTILE EN FONCTION DE L'ANGLE DE TIR" set xlabel "DISTANCE" set ylabel "HAUTEUR" set xrange [0:1000] set yrange [0:500] set trange [0:100] #set grid A=1; B=2; g=9.8; V0=200; alpha=pi/3; #REM: t = temps # set arrow from 0,0 to 0,500 set arrow from 0,0 to 1000,0 plot A*V0*cos(1.4*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+V0*sin(1.4*alpha)*t title "alpha=84°" replot A*V0*cos(1.2*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+V0*sin(1.2*alpha)*t title "alpha=72°" replot A*V0*cos(1.0*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+V0*sin(1.0*alpha)*t title "alpha=60°" replot A*V0*cos(0.8*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+V0*sin(0.8*alpha)*t title "alpha=48°" replot A*V0*cos(0.6*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+V0*sin(0.6*alpha)*t title "alpha=36°" replot A*V0*cos(0.4*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+V0*sin(0.4*alpha)*t title "alpha=24°" #set nolabel 1 #set nolabel 2 #set offsets 0,0,-4,-4 pause 5 # # Pesanteur # set title "TRAJECTOIRE D'UN PROJECTILE EN FONCTION DE LA PESANTEUR" set xlabel "DISTANCE" set ylabel "HAUTEUR" set xrange [0:1000] set yrange [0:500] set trange [0:100] #set grid A=1; B=2; g=9.8; V0=200; alpha=pi/3; #REM: t = temps # set arrow from 0,0 to 0,500 set arrow from 0,0 to 1000,0 plot A*V0*cos(1.0*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*6*t**2+V0*sin(1.0*alpha)*t title "g=6.0m/s^2" replot A*V0*cos(1.0*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*g*t**2+V0*sin(1.0*alpha)*t title "g=9.8m/s^2" replot A*V0*cos(1.0*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*15*t**2+V0*sin(1.0*alpha)*t title "g=15 m/s^2" replot A*V0*cos(1.0*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*20*t**2+V0*sin(1.0*alpha)*t title "g=20 m/s^2" replot A*V0*cos(1.0*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*30*t**2+V0*sin(1.0*alpha)*t title "g=30 m/s^2" replot A*V0*cos(1.0*alpha)*t,B*(-1)*40*t**2+V0*sin(1.0*alpha)*t title "g=40 m/s^2" set noparametric set dummy x set nolabel #set offsets 0,0,0,0 set samples 160 # pause 5 # # clean up # set nolabel set xrange [-10:10] set yrange [-10:10] set zrange [-10:10] set nocontour set nogrid set nohidden3d set samples 100 set isosamples 10 set view 60,30,1,1 set auto set title "" 0,0 reset