
S.P.A.R.C. sponsors a VHF/UHF repeater which is located in Farmingville, New York. The repeater is approximately 60 miles east of New York City and operates on a frequency of 145.310 MHz with an input of 144.710 MHz (600 kHz split) with a P.L. frequency of 118.8 Hz and is also linked to a UHF repeater of 446.5125 with an input of 441.5125 (5 MHz split) also with a P.L. frequency of 118.8 Hz.
This repeater is opened to any and all licensed amateur radio operators.


There is a weekly NET Every Monday on the repeater at 8PM Eastern time.
You DO NOT need to be a SPARC Member to check into the net.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to check in.
We discuss all types of "Technical" and "Not So Technical Topics"
as well as Computer Help and Tips.


Visit the Membership page for more information

Streaming Audio

Listen on Broadcastify HERE


                        SPARC is an ARRL Affiliated club

Early SPARC History


See the Meetings page for additional information
     Our Club Callsign is K2SPD

This club is located in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.
Membership in S.P.A.R.C. is limited to those members who are active or retired law enforcement officers. It shall be the purpose of this organization to first and foremost assist the governmental organizations during time of disasters and emergencies. Secondly, it is our purpose to promote amateur radio and radio knowledge while maintaining a spirit of fraternalism based upon our chosen profession. This organization was formed in 1990.

Suffolk Police Amateur Radio Club
"Amateur Radio's Finest"
1290GLI Radio Club Net

Starting 1/9/2015, Net Manager Jerry WA2FNQ will be discussing topics related to:
Internet Radio, Shortwave, Broadcasting and anything to do with radio.