DX Information
I'm no "Big Gun" DXer (see my Bio page), but I do enjoy chasing after new countries and rag-chewing with friends overseas on all HF bands 160 through 10!
I've got the basic mixed-mode DXCC as well as the Phone, CW, and 20M versions, with a couple hundred plus worked and a lot fewer than that confirmed (ever notice how many people say they're "three away from Honor Roll"? Yeah, right!) I hope to one day get the 5-Band version (right now I'm plugging away at 5BWAS with--literally--about three more to go)!
I've come across a lot of great sites that can help with your ham radio activities, but hands down, the AC6V webpage is the most comprehensive list of DX related material you can find. Chances are, you'll find everything you need! Other useful sites are DX-Central and eHAM.net, each of which make a good start-up home page for your browser.
But...before you go zipping off in search of the rare and exotic, click below to check out my special section, designed just for DXers...