I've been licensed since 1961 as KN9GDT and have never lost interest in the hobby. Amateur Radio is a collection of many sub-hobbies. Whatever you do in your ham career, there's always some facet remaining unexplored. Throughout the years, I've enjoyed HF, VHF, UHF, DXing, AM, SSB, traffic/social nets, RTTY, PSK31, transmitter fox hunting, CW and homebrewing gear. Building equipment and CW have consistently held my interest.
- The photo on the QSL card was taken during late spring of 1961 for my KN9GDT QSL − A real junior op!
- The middle photo was taken in 1967 by my dad (K9GDU-SK) during a 6m band opening − Do I look grumpy?
- There is a homebrew dual conversion 10m receiver partially visible on the top shelf − Real top shelf gear!
- The third photo was taken in 2016 − I used a FF dSLR for more detail so you can recognize me at a hamfest!
Homebrew Topics
40m CW/SSB Receiver |
40m 100w Transmitter |
75 Meter AM Transceiver |
600 Watt Amplifier
20 Meter CW/SSB Transceiver (Under Construction)
20m 100w CW/SSB Transceiver |
 So named because the project is being built on a donated and depopulated Tempo One chassis
July 23, 2016 → Progress Report |
Attention Radio Builders! . . .
Do you showcase your homebrew radio equipment on the web? If so, I would like to include a link to your site. It doesn't matter what you've got! Solid state, vacuum tubes, original design, published project, simple or elaborate. All are welcome here. Please tell me about your project.
Vintage Radio
Some time after your 40th birthday, you begin to notice changes. For instance, how your arms gradually become too short to read a book....or a rekindled interest in the playthings of yesteryear....Lionel trains, Hallicrafters shortwave receivers or vintage cars, to name a few. I sure do miss that red 1966 MGB convertible!
Not long ago, these things were considered worthless junk....fodder for the landfill. Many are now considered classic industrial art. Pieces of vintage amateur radio equipment, affectionately called "boatanchors," are no exception.⇗ Do you remember the Amateur Radio postage stamp? |
Check out some of my favorite boatanchors:
Are you're building new gear or restoring vintage radios? Finding parts and documentation can be a real problem.
- Here's a list of resources you may find useful.
December 7, 2017
Disclaimer: |
I cannot personally vouch for all of the suppliers listed on the resources page. If you've been treated unfairly by any of them, please tell me about it. I will consider removing them from the list. Good news!!! − No complaints so far |
Noteworthy Web Pages (opens in new browser window)
- Do you remember the BPL debacle? − This spectrum polluter may QSY and return!
- Thinking of acquiring some new gear? − Check out the user reviews at eHAM!
- K9YA Telegraph − A free monthly Ham Radio eZine with interesting and varied topics!
- Guide to Amateur Radio for New Hams
- N9BOR − Mike's FB web site
- Nikola Tesla − The amazing genius who invented many things, including radio!
- VE7SL − Steve's info on Russia's over the horizon radar (a.k.a. The Woodpecker) Great videos!
- W2AEW − Alan's great electronics and radio videos!
- Can you identify the Ham Radio items shown below?
Return to George's Place
December 7, 2017
⇦ Visits to this page since January 14, 2016
☚ Let's talk about Ham Radio!