My name is Leonard Budd. My involvement in Ham Radio is varied. I operate both from my
base station at home and mobile from my vehicles. I am also involved as an instructor for
those who are aspiring to be HAMS or to upgrade their license and privileges.
On some of my other pages you will find a more detailed picture of my home
station and a list of my base station equipment; a picture of my mobile station and a list
of my mobile equipment; a page of HAM radio links (I do not maintain all these links so I
make a disclaimer here of any responsibility for their content); a copy of my QSL card
(the card that I send to confirm a contact with another HAM station) and a page on the
most recent class I have been involved in Elmering. Please E-Mail me with questions
about HAM radio or comments about my website.
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to the KD3QQ Virtual Ham Shack
since 01/13/99.