Learn more about the hobby of polar philately, and the organized group of collectors called the American Society of Polar Philatelists, and other related links at www.south-pole.com/homepage.html This is Gary Pierson's page, and quite probably the single best Antarctic philately page on the net; superbly done.
Find more information about Antarctica in the New South Polar Times. I need a link for this site. Anyone have one? This link seems to be a replacement for the New South Pole Times
Visit the website of the American Polar Society.
Steve McLachlan's Antarctic Philately page. A delight! Great illustrations of covers, and very much a page where new collectors (or wannabes) can learn about this hobby, as well as see photos of some of the vessels we get covers from. Steve is also a stamp dealer, so you can actually buy some of the covers he has illustrated.
Polar covers and polar items as well as a web-shop from Matthias Bjerrang at
http://www.mamut.com/polarpost He also has a Svalbard postal history page at http://home.online.no/~polar-ps/posthistory.html
Murray Lundberg's site about Arctic and Northern Culture, philatelic section.
I also suggest the Universal Ship Cancellation Society, which publishes the USCS Log, and often has articles of polar interest. Their webpage is at http://www.uscs.org
If you have suggestions for other great links, please let me know!
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