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Per Article XII Section 4.
Date: Revision / Change:
11/08/2007 0 Voted and accepted by the Membership present.
01/10/2013 1 Changed Article VI Officers Section 4 no more than 4 consecutive yrs.
Changed Article VII Duties of Officers: Section 4 removed duties club roster.
Section 12 Treasurer maintains club roster.
Section 18 (Newly Inserted) Club Trustee duties and responsibly
Sections 19 thru 23 no changes made.
Voted and accepted by the Membership present.
12/08/2016 2 BY-LAWS
Article III Sec 1. chg 4 classes to 3 classes of memberships.
Article III Sec 12. New addition.
Article IV Sec 3. Changed dues date from Mar 1 to Apr 1.
Article IV Sec 4. added with notification of general membership.
Article IV Sec 5. New addition.
Article V Sec 1. Changed Nominating committee from five to three.
Article VI Sec 4. added by a 2/3 vote of the general membership present
Article VII Sec 4. Removed serves membership chairman; solicit & encourage new members; accept membership applications; and present those applications for a vote by the club members.
Article VII Sec 9. DELETED Withdrawals from any account shall require two signatures: Treasurer, President, or Vice-President.
Article VII Sec 17. The Information Officer is nominated by the President and shall be approved by the Executive Committee.
Article VII Sec 18. Para 2 Item 1. required by FCC and or any coordinating authority.
Article XII Sec 5. Delete presented, without charge to each member.
Revision 2. BY-LAWS, Addressed September19, 2016
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; that we, the undersigned have assembled for the express purpose of defining the constitution of the below named organization, do declare as follows;
The name of the corporation shall be Middle Tennessee Amateur Radio Society, Inc.
ARTICLE II - Objectives
The objectives for which this
corporation is formed may include, but not be limited to, are;
(1) To promote a better understanding and to permit better social contact among
the Amateur Radio Operators and persons in the community who might be interested
in Amateur Radio Communications.
(2) To increase and foster more
efficient and reliable handling and relaying of traffic.
(3) To organize an active,
reliable group of proficient Amateur Radio Operators to handle communications
during such emergencies as may disrupt other lines of communications.
(4) To increase the knowledge
of persons interested in Amateur Radio Communications, both from an operating
and theoretical standpoint, and to further the technical knowledge of the
members of the club through the presentation of suitable discussions and
(5) To promote interest in
Amateur Radio Communications among other interested persons thru training
classes, exercises, contests, lectures and entertainment.
(6) To provide special
assistance to handicapped persons who are interested in becoming Amateur Radio
(7) To cooperate with the
American Radio Relay League in promoting the best interest of Amateur Radio.
Article III - Membership
The membership shall be open to all persons who are interested in furthering the
ideals and objectives of the corporation
Article IV – Board of Directors
All property and assets of the corporation shall be under the control and in the
custody of the Executive Committee; however, title to such property and assets
shall be in the corporation. Neither the Executive Committee nor any of the
members shall be personally liable for any debts or obligations of the
corporation except to the extent of any past due and unpaid dues.
The Executive Committee shall be the same persons who are chosen as the
governing body of the corporation and their term of office shall exist
simultaneous with their term of office as such governing body. Their selection
to membership of the governing body of the corporation in conformance with the
constitution of corporation shall automatically constitute their selection. The
Board of Directors and the Executive Committee is one and the same.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Repeater Trustee, the immediate past President, and
Information Officer. Where there is a conflict of one or more of the above
serving as an officer, then the open positions shall be filled by nominations
and vote of those present at the same, or next, regular meeting, for “Members-at
Article V - Government
The rules, regulations and government of the corporation shall be as provided for in the constitution of the corporation and such by-laws and rules as shall be adopted in conformance therewith.
Article VI - Capital
The corporation is formed for non-pecuniary and non-profit purposes exclusively and no stock is to be issued and no dividends of any kind shall be paid.
Article VII - Duration
The duration
of the corporation shall be perpetual.
The name of this Club shall be the Middle Tennessee Amateur Radio Society, Incorporated (MTARS).
The objectives of this organization shall be to carry out the purposes of the Club as set forth in the articles of incorporation.
The Club is an affiliate of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
Individual membership in the American Radio Relay League is not required for membership in the MTARS.
Any project, activity or publication whether written, verbal, electronic, via the internet, or otherwise, that contains the words Middle Tennessee Amateur Radio Society or the acronym "MTARS", shall be undertaken only with the approval of the Executive Committee. It shall be fully funded by and becomes the sole property of the Middle Tennessee Amateur Radio Society (MTARS)
SECTION 1. There shall be three classes of members; Regular, Associate, and Junior.
SECTION 2. Regular membership is open to the holder of a valid amateur radio license issued by the Federal Communications Commission.
SECTION 3. To be a regular member, a licensed amateur radio operator must submit or have submitted on his behalf by any regular member, at a regular meeting of the MTARS, a membership application.
SECTION 4. Applicants will become a regular member upon approval of a majority of the regular members present at a regular meeting.
SECTION 5. Regular members pay dues and have a right to vote.
SECTION 6. Associate membership is open to persons interested in amateur radio communications and purposes of the organization.
SECTION 7. For an associate membership, an MTARS membership application must be submitted and approved by the majority of the members present at any regular meeting.
SECTION 8. Associate members shall pay dues but shall not have the right to vote.
SECTION 9. Junior membership is open to any individual under age 17 who wishes to be associated with MTARS
SECTION 10. A junior member must have an application submitted on his behalf which is subject to approval of the members present at a regular meeting.
SECTION 11. Junior member pays no dues and has no vote.
SECTION 12. Membership Termination - Brings discredit upon MTARS or Amateur Radio. Dishonorable acts using MTARS club name, equipment, or at MTARS sponsored events. "For a member to be terminated a recommendation for termination shall come from the Executive Committee and required a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting"
SECTION 1. Dues shall be established by the Executive Committee with the approval of a majority of the membership at a regular meeting.
SECTION 2. Dues are payable on January 1.
SECTION 3. Members not paying their dues by April 1 will be dropped from membership. Anyone who was a member during the previous year will pay full dues for the current year upon reinstatement.
SECTION 4. The Executive Committee may waive payment of dues for any regular or associate member with notification of general membership.
SECTION 5. Dues are non refundable.
SECTION 1. Elections of Officers shall be held at the regular meeting in April. Prior to the regular meeting in March of each year, the president shall appoint a nominating committee composed of three regular members. The nominating committee shall make its report at the meeting in March. The
Committee must nominate at least one regular member who is willing and qualified for each Office to be elected.
SECTION 2. Qualified member nominations from the floor are accepted only on the same date that the nominating committee makes its report.
SECTION 3. Officers elected as above shall assume office at the May meeting.
SECTION 1. The officers of the Club shall be President, Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
SECTION 2. The Executive Committee as defined in Article IV of the constitution shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Repeater Trustee, the immediate past President, and Information Officer. Where there is a conflict of one or more of the above serving as an officer, then the open positions shall be filled by nominations and vote of those present at the same, or next, regular meeting, for “Members-at Large”.
SECTION 3. All officers shall be regular members in good standing of the MTARS.
SECTION 4. All officers shall serve a term of one year and shall serve no more than four consecutive terms in the same office. Unless waived by a vote of 2/3 of the general membership present.
SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club membership.
SECTION 2. The President is not entitled to vote in a regular meeting except in the case of a tie. In this case, he shall cast the deciding vote.
SECTION 3. The President shall appoint Committees and perform all the customary duties of the office.
SECTION 4. The Vice-President is in charge of programs.
SECTION 5. In the event the President shall be unable to perform the duties of the office, or, be removed from the office, the Vice-President immediately becomes President and holds office for the remainder of the term.
SECTION 6. The Treasurer shall receive all monies and maintain accurate records of receipts and expenditures.
SECTION 7. The Treasurer shall be authorized to open a checking account in the name of the MTARS, for payment of normal expenditures. The President shall also have check-writing privileges.
SECTION 8. The Treasurer may take reserve funds, other than normal operating expenses and deposit same in the bank account.
SECTION 10. At the request of the President, the Treasurer shall make a report of Financial Condition to the membership.
SECTION 11. The Treasurer, at the expiration of the term of office, shall prepare a detailed Financial Report and remit the financial records to the successor of the Office.
SECTION 12. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining membership records roster.
SECTION 13. Financial records of the Treasurer shall be open for inspection by any regular member at any regular monthly meeting.
SECTION 14. The Secretary shall maintain the official minutes of all regular club meetings, and meetings of officers and Executive Committee.
SECTION 15. The Secretary shall maintain the official record of all changes in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Club.
SECTION 16. The Secretary shall write all official correspondence for the Club, answer all official letters, and keep the file of correspondence of the organization.
SECTION 17. The Information Officer is nominated by the President and shall be approved by the Executive Committee. Responsible for public relations and publicity of MTARS, including the web page, and maintain a permanent record of these activities.
SECTION 18. The Middle Tennessee Amateur Radio Society has and shall have a club member as a trustee, who, with other assigned duties, shall be responsible for the use of the club’s licenses. When the trustee becomes unwilling or unfit to serve, the Executive Committee shall select a new trustee from the list of the club members holding an Amateur Extra Class license willing to serve.
The selected trustee shall:
1. Fill out all the paperwork required by the FCC and or any coordinating
Authority to become the trustee.
2. Continuously monitor the expiration date of all club licenses and fill all the
paperwork necessary to keep the license current.
3. Maintain a copy of all license associated paperwork, passwords, etc. and
provide the Club Secretary with a copy for the permanent file.
4. Maintain sufficient copies of the club’s license to be able to have a copy at
all club sanctioned events.
SECTION 19. The Executive Committee shall meet as required, and a report shall be given to the Club at the first regular meeting after said Executive Committee meeting.
SECTION 20. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to hold, transfer, buy, sell or otherwise dispose of all equipment and property of the Club, with club approval; and shall maintain a complete inventory of such property.
SECTION 21. The Executive Committee shall authorize all expenditures of the Club, excepting normal operating expenses which are authorized to be paid by the Treasurer.
SECTION 22. Should a vacancy occur in any office, and not be provided for in this article o any other, the Executive Committee shall select a member to serve for the unexpired term.
SECTION 23. Any member of the Executive Committee may be removed from office by recommendation of the Executive Committee, after a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any regular meeting.
SECTION 1. Field Day Committee.
The Committee shall be composed of a chairman appointed by the Club President, and any other members appointed by the Committee Chairman.
SECTION 2. Hamfest Committee.
The Committee shall be composed of a chairman appointed by the Club President, and any other members appointed by the Committee Chairman.
SECTION 3. Training and Education Committee.
The Committee shall be composed of a chairman appointed by the Club President, and any other members as the Committee Chairman shall determine is necessary for the function of the committee. The Committee is to; conduct classes in radio theory, amateur regulations, code, or other assistance in the licensing of radio amateurs; to provide continuing information and education to Club members; to encourage scientific experimentation and expansion of technical knowledge; to increase the ability to serve the public with amateur radio communication; to extend the full facilities of the Club to the physically handicapped.
SECTION 4. Long Range Planning Committee.
This committee shall be responsible for identifying and defining projects that the Club may want to undertake at a future date. This committee has no powers other than to recommend to the Executive Committee. This committee shall consist of the President, the treasurer, Repeater Trustee and two (2) members elected by the general membership. These three elected committee members shall have staggered three (3) year terms.
SECTION 1. Regular club meetings shall be held on the second Thursday each month. In the event a meeting falls on a holiday, the membership may select an alternate date or be adjourned.
SECTION 2. Recommended Order of Business for the Club meetings shall be:
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Introduction of Visitors
Discussion of Program
Report of Officers
Committee Reports
Election of New Members
Unfinished Business
New Business
This sequence may be modified by the presiding officer.
SECTION 1. The rules contained in "Robert's Rules of Order Revised" shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws.
SECTION 1. The Articles of Incorporation and by-laws may be amended, with proper notice and publication, by a two-thirds vote of members present at a regular meeting.
SECTION 2. All proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and read to the membership by the Secretary at a regular meeting.
SECTION 3. All proposed amendments shall be posted on the web page, distributed through the MTARS e-mailing list, discussed and voted on at the next regular club meeting after notification.
SECTION 4. Any amendment(s) adopted by the Club shall be published in this document.
SECTION 5. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws shall be published or on-line.
SECTION 6. A copy of the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws shall be available to any member, upon request, at the time dues are paid.