International Museums Weekend
Latest News of the Event
The awards scheme for the IMW 2002 is now in place.....
Ian GW1MVL has kindly stepped forward to help out with the design of the awards, which is progressing well.
Nigel, G3YSW has volunteered to handle the printing and posting of the awards.. Thanks Nigel.
There are difficulties involved for stations outside the UK, making the small payment for the award and we obviously cannot afford to do this for nothing. The cost of translating an award payment into Sterling, will far outweigh the charge being made for the award. There would be no problem accepting cheques in Pounds Sterling as last year, but we are unable to accept any other currency. The only sensible solution I have been able to find, is for those outside the EU, to send the payment in cash, in the form of a £5 note (or £10 for two awards) at your own risk, or a cheque made out in pounds Stirling. The amount requested from stations outside the EU is more than is required, but I can't see a sensible alternative way to do this. Whatever remains of the cash, once the cost has been covered will go to the Children's Charity, as it did last year.
It was a joint activity involving personnel and resources from Pimlico Mundingburra Scout Group, the Townsville Amateur Radio Club, and the museum of Tropical Queensland. Personnel from Hermit Park Scout Troop and the general public also participated.
· Promote Scouting, amateur radio and the Museum of Tropical Queensland.
· Provide a fun activity for the members of Pimlico Mundingburra Scout group.
· Contact amateur radio stations, and stations participating in the International Museums Weekend.
· Contact stations on Norfolk Island.
A positive meeting was held with Lorna Hempstead at the Museum of Tropical Queensland where the concept was discussed, the date agreed and resources offered. Pimlico Mundingburra Scout Leaders discussed and planned the activity at two monthly Group Councils and participation material was distributed to Youth members one month prior to the activity. The President of the Townsville Amateur Radio Club (TARC) Gavin Riebelt VK4ZZ had previously agreed to support the activity and detailed planning was done at the June Business meeting.
A group from the TARC (Bob VK4WJ, Gavin VK4ZZ, Ken VK4HAI, Steve VK4JUS, Wally VK4DO, Steve VK4SGW) and Jeff from the Museum erected antennas at the Museum on Sunday the 2nd of June. Coax cable was laid out and then withdrawn and stored on the roof for the interim.
Communication and Displays
Facilities were established to permit operation on a number of HF and VHF amateur bands using voice and Slow Scan TV (SSTV).
A Scout display was also set up including a tent, electric simulated campfire, posters, badges, and brochures. Scout participants were in uniform. A visual amateur radio display was presented on a laptop computer and a Morse code practice table was set up as a hands-on activity
The move-in, set-up and commissioning commenced at 0900 on Saturday 15th and was completed with the station operating by 1100. It was located against the window facing the River, beside the HMS Pandora reconstruction.
TARC members throughout North Queensland provided much communication support on Saturday with constant VHF voice and HF SSTV contacts for the rest of the day. Digital photos of the interior of the museum and participants were transmitted on the 40m band. An innovative extension of the exercise was provided by Gavin VK4ZZ who drove around Townsville and to various vantage points, transmitting real time photos of the museum and highlights of the city from his vehicle.
We did it tough as far as daytime propagation went with very little activity on the HF bands. This observation was confirmed with other North Queensland stations and was inexplicable with no current solar warnings. In light of this the support for the station throughout North Queensland was very much appreciated and valued.
Stations logged on Saturday, many with multiple and extensive contacts, were VK4ZZ, VK4DO, VK4FNQ, VK4SVU, VK4KIX, VK4JKL, VK4HUM, VK2AMM, and a contact was made with Jene KE5ZR in Tampa Texas just after midnight his time.
The station was closed for the day just after four so that it could be dismantled and packed away as the Great Gallery had been booked for a party that night.
By 1000 on Sunday the
station was set up again and operating. An antenna was erected on the roof
for the 15m band as it had been the only band active the previous day and by
that time the first of the Cub Scouts were arriving. Due
to quiet bands again contact was made with VK4FNQ and we exchanged photos
throughout the morning. VHF voice was used extensively.
Stations logged on Sunday, again many with multiple and extended contacts, were VK4ZZ, VK4FUQ, VK4IGM, VK4PAL, VK4WJ, VK4MOP, VK4KIX, VK4WIT, VK3DJY, US stations KE5ZR and W4WTB, Japanese stations JM7FTP, JH1MHE, JM1XAA, and JJ3FRB. Conditions improved somewhat in the afternoon with good contacts with the US and Japan allowing conversation and exchanges of images. We had multiple SSTV exchanges with the Japanese stations, sending them many views of the Museum. Even so, there were few callsigns to be heard on the bands and the 20m band was again quiet.
The station was closed down after 1600 following a broadcast by Gavin VK4ZZ thanking those that had participated and helped up out. The station was dismantled and the antennas pulled down and packed up and we were clear of the museum well before 1700. Thanks to Steve VK4JUS who arrived especially to help with the antennas.
Saturday was a quiet day with few visitors to the museum however Sunday was very busy. Throughout the weekend there were about 70 visitors associated with the station comprising amateur operators, Scouts, and their families.
Museum Support
It is important to acknowledge the support of the Museum staff who were all friendly and helpful throughout the weekend, showing interest in our activity, making us welcome, and in assisting us in every way. Particularly I would like to thank Lorna Hempstead for her generosity and enthusiasm far beyond our expectations.
Bill Chewter G0IQK, kindly volunteered to present the NMW 2001 cheque in person for last year and has volunteered do this again for the IMW 2002. The cheque presentation was covered in RADCOM.
If you have any suggestions for items worthy of inclusion within this section, then please email me:
A reminder for those in the UK:-
You may wish to apply for special event GB-prefix callsigns, for your museum stations. The RSGB advise that you should allow at least 28 days notice for these. It does show promise of being a very widespread event, so it might be advisable to apply for for your chosen callsign as quickly as you possibly can, to both avoid the rush, and get a better choice. It is possible to obtain instant clearance and reservation of your GB callsign, with a quick phone call to the RSGB HQ. You will of course then need to follow this up with the necessary form.
Write to: RSGB, Lambda House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3JE.
Phone on: +44 (0)870 904 7373 or +44 (0)1707 659015.
Download a GB special event callsign application form from the RSGB.
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