WindowsXP will not allow software to directly access the parallel ports, which is what is required for WriteLog 
and N1MMLogger to generate cw keying.  A special device driver can be installed to allow parallel port keying 
by these programs under WinXP.  There are two different drivers that can be used, DLPORTIO and USERPORT.  
I prefer DLPORTIO, but in some systems USERPORT seems to work better.  I'll give instructions for both.  

Here's what I did to get DLPORTIO working:

Here's what I did to get userport.sys working:

(there's also more info on parallel port interfacing here)

After installing one of the above drivers, proceed as follows

   Go to Config - Configure Ports and check the box for the LPT port you will use and you're finished.


   If you are using a version of WriteLog prior to 10.34, rename fport16.exe to "fport16.exe.bak" to disable it.  
   It's in the WriteLog programs directory.  This will prevent WriteLog from overwriting your writelog.ini file with 
   incorrect port addresses.  Newer releases of WriteLog corrected this.
   Also, open the writelog.ini file in the Windows folder and if necessary, go to the [PORTS] section and edit 
   the "LPTX=" line for the port you will be using with the correct starting I/O address that you found in step 1.  
   While you're at it, make sure there's an entry line for "CW_ON_PIN1=1" in the [PORTS] section as well.
   Go to Setup - Ports and check the LPT port you want to use and you're finished.

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