Welcome to N5PU's place on the web! Grab a cup of java and sit a spell. Not much to tell really. Been a ham 30+ years, so I could
bore ya, but won't. N5PU is a vanity call. It was number 10 on my list at the time I applied.
Just choose from the menu on the left side of this page. If a link doesn't work, please let me know by email. My station consists of the following: HF Flex-5000A SDR with Alinco DM-330MV power supply, VHF is the IC-2200H with
MFJ 4035MV power supply. Antennas are DX Engineering 43 foot vert. for HF and Comet ground plane for VHF. The computer is a home brew AMD-6000 dual core 3.0 Gigahertz with 4 Gigs of RAM and 2 monitors.WARNING THIS SITE HAS A LOT OF GRAPHICS! IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A HIGH SPEED CONNECTION, IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME TO LOAD!
(The email link is on the left side also.)
My messy shack!

Last Updated: August 5th, 2010