TPDX - Trans Pacific DX on Medium Wave   
Here are some audio files of Trans-Pacific stations I've heard. All of these stations were received at coastal locations in Washington State and the Canadian province of British Columbia.
Freq Station & Location Description
531  2MC - Port Macquarie, Australia ID, 1120 24/Aug/92
603  HLSA - Seoul, South Korea ID & Time Signal, 1400 24/Oct/93
620  KGTL - Homer, Alaska ID, 0700 13/Oct/94
639  2CS - Coff's Harbour, Australia "6 to 11 at 2CS...", 1254 24/Aug/92
675 Vietnam Time signal, ID in Vietnamese 1400 22/Sep/01 (via Chuck Hutton)
729 Jiangxi RGD, China "Jiangxi Renmin Guangbo Diantai" IDs 1308 22/Sep/01
750 KFQD - Anchorage, Alaska ID, date unknown (via Chuck Hutton)
756 1YA - Auckland, NZ Radio New Zealand ID & news 1200 22/Sep/01 (via Chuck Hutton)
765  5CC - Port Lincoln, Australia "Today's 5 double C" IDs, 1341 24/Aug/92
774  4TO - Townsville, Australia Weather and surf reports, IDs, 1404 7/Aug/84
783 2YB - Wellington, NZ "Access Radio" ID 1200 14/Jul/01
820  KCBF - Fairbanks, Alaska ID, KGNW-Seattle in background, 0928 24/Oct/93
828  JOBB - Osaka, Japan Local ID, 1320 9/Sep/94
870 KAIM-Honolulu Final signoff, 1000 1/Jan/02 (via Patrick Martin)
909 RRI-Sorong, Indonesia Audio 1340 24/Mar/02 (via Chuck Hutton)
954  JOKR - Tokyo, Japan "TBS Radio" IDs, Top Ten Countdown show, many English words including song positions, 1231 4/Oct/97
999  RRI - Jakarta, Indonesia "Song of the Coconut Isles" melody, brutal interference from KOMO-1000, 1259 13/Oct/96
1161 Taiwan ID in Mandarin 1530 23/Mar/02 (via Chuck Hutton)
1188  2NZ - Invernell, Australia Ad for business in Glen Innes, "...a 2NZ Flashback Sponsor", 8/Jul/79
1287  JOHR - Sapporo, Japan "HBC" ID and time signal 1359 21/Mar/98
1332  4BU - Bundaberg, Australia Sign-off announcement, 1300 5/Jul/83
1386  Tianjin RGD - China "Tianjin Renmin Guangbo Diantai" ID and time signal, sign-off?, 1600 24/Oct/93
1575  VOA - Thailand, 
AFN - Japan
Voice of America sign-off, then ID for US Armed Forces station 1600 17/Nov/96


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This page was last updated on August 2, 2002