Early art of Raynard Merritt


pen ink colr pencil of arches n stairs


Possibly a view in Pittsburgh that I recorded 84ish.

marker color pencil Barbarian

A Barbarian middle 80's?

Uncle Bruchard

Uncle Constatina DiNardo although he pronounced it coos taan deen. Very colorful person in my life.

Conan the Barbarian Hey there's Conan, but eh we can see him every night on latenight.

Death Dealer Ah I copied Frank Frazetta's "Death Dealer" in '88


Frank Frazetta's original prints

sketches of my hands


Wow Tommy Macormick is in there

In memory of Tom Macormick

Napolian A drawing I made of a sculpture of Napolion.

Native in watercraft

Native in canoe

A bad photo of native village

Pencil sketch of cousin Paul DeGenova

I drew this of a photo I took of Paul DeGenova, my mother's first cousin.

Pencil sketch of Raynard Merritt

My cousin Paul DeGenova took the picture from which I drew this self portrait.

Father, grandfather, son, uncle, grandson, nephew just three

Three people are seen composing father, grandfather, uncle, son, nephew, grandson and I am taking the picture.

The Bird

This guy was a dark character in our lives at Shorty Corner.

We called him "The Bird" this was drawn from a photo I had taken.

Tropic dream vision in colored pencil by Raynard Merritt Tropic Dream

A copy of some promo material from an art auction house of the '80s.
