Licensing information for Bangladesh - S2

Prepared by: OH2MCN - Veke & S21A Saif & KX7YT - John & KX7YT - John & S21YV/KX7YT - John & S21AM - Haque
Status: April 1997, Nov 2000, Feb-Aug 2001, Sep 2002, Nov 2004

Intro: Bangladesh Authorities issues limited 7-day licence to any amateur radio licence holder of any country. However, the processing of the application can take between one to six months.

PTT (12 Sept 2002 from S21W):
Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
House #10, Road #135, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh
Phone: +880-2-9891147, 9890980
FAX: +880-2-9891878, 9890029
E-Mail: (Spectrum Division)
trbproj at

BARL website
Bangladesh Amateur Radio League ( BARL )
222, New Elephant Road
Dhaka - 1205
Tel: +880 (2) 8617480 <HQ>
Fax: +880 (2) 8613298 <HQ>
s21am at 
s21rb at 

President: Sharif Ashmed, S21AS
General Secretary: Manjurul Haque, S21AM
Asst. General Secretary: Balayet Hossain, S21RB

Club Station Call Sign : S21HQ
Echolink Station : S21RB-L Node Number : 68569

We will help any individual or club for DXpedition from Bangladesh

Paperwork needed:
License application form (see
copy of Amateur license;
copy of passport and visa for Bangladesh
with cover letter advising the Board of license period being requested,
length of stay in Bangladesh and local contacts if any.

The best way to get a license:
With assistance of local amateurs. Nizam S21B has been very helpful with my application. Contact
License application, import permit needed to get equipment into the country duty-free and other fees about 4500 Taka or $85 US no information on other information on the web site.
Special calls:
How long before you can operate?
License restrictions:
Useful local contacts:
Places to operate from:
The Board does issue a 7-day license first then will issue a more permanent callsign/license. I have found that you really do need either to be physically present to work with the Board on issuing your license or you need help from a local amateur willing to assist you. My letters addressed to the Board requesting applications and information have gone unanswered. I understand from ex-S21 hams that the RF noise within the cities is pretty bad and makes weak signal reception difficult. As a result, I hope to do a lot of PSK31 from Dhaka while there.

Hope this helps, KX7YT

73 de Saif D. Shahid/S21A

former President BARL

E-mail: barl at  <HQ>

Addition From: jcore at
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2001 06:32:35 -0800

Hello from S21YV..You were interested in knowing about ham radio in Bangladesh. Just got back after a month there and got a temp. license as S21YV. Now applying for permanent license. Spent a lot of time with other S21 hams. Bangladesh Amateur Radio League does have a web page ( but currently must come up with funding to support it. May not be active now but may be in the future. In the interim, you may refer people to me at  KX7YT at  for information.

73s KX7YT/S21YV

Addition From: "John Core" < kx7yt at >
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2001

Here is some new/additional info for you S2 listing.
1. I understand the Bangladesh Frequency and Wireless Board has moved from the address you have posted so will try to get you new information during my next trip over in a couple of weeks.
2. Please change my email address you have posted from
jcore at  and just use KX7YT at .
3. The Board will issue a 7 day temporary license. After that expires, you can apply for a permanent license upon submission of a letter of request and a letter from the US Embassy in Dhaka in your favor stating they have no objection to your operating a radio in Bangladesh. A letter from ARRL attesting to your good standing is also helpful. There is no additional fee for a permanent license. Additional temporary licenses may also be issued upon application for an additional fee. All for now.. J. Core KX7YT/S21YV
PS New Appl form coming shortly

Addition From: "John Core" <kx7yt at>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2001

Hello..Here is more, new information on radio licensing in Bangladesh:
1. The Bangladesh Frequency and Wireless Board address has changed effective mid-July, 2001. The new address is: Bangladesh Frequency and Wireless Board 17, Bilkhusha Post Office, 1st Floor. Near Jabin Bima Tower & Krise Bhaban Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh Phone in Dhaka: 956-0809. Ask fro Mr. Alauddin
2. The Bangladesh Amateur Radio League (BARL) has a new website at:  which is also helpful. You may want to update the ARRL webpage information on S21 licensing with this information.
73. J. Core KX7YT/S21YV

Addition From: "John Core" kx7yt at
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002

Dear Veikko..

Please update your S21 licensing information. I would suggest that persons interested in S21 licensing consult the BARL website ( ) and contact Mamluker (S21W) or NIzam (S21B) for current requirements.
Mamluker Rahman, S21W, is now working at the Telecom Commission and is very helpful with requests for operating permits. His email is
look_y2k at .

Regards.. John Core KX7YT/S21YV

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