Netlog is predestined for VHF and UHF contests for on-line logging. It is not suitable for of-line typing from �paper� log after contest. Netlog is especially convenient for category MULTI OPs and MULTI BANDs.
Program requires computer IBM compatible 386 or higher (no problem with PII). You will need at least 2MB of free memory. Program runs in protected mode. For work in network you need net card and IPX network. For trainer you need sound card SB compatible.
With NETLOG you can log contests acording the I. Region IARU.
Main features:
Program uses a few configuration files. They starts with # and have suffix .def. You can edit them with any text editor. Remarks start with #.
#CONTEST.DEF � there are basic information about contest station. They are used on title page. In section {GENERAL} is contest locator, call sign, address and others. In another sections are information about RIGs for every band.
#CW.DEF - setup of parameters and CW memories.
List of used macros:
%U � my call
%H � partners call
%L � my locator
%C � send number and report
#NETNAME.DEF � network name of computer. The name must be unique in the network !!!
If two computers has same names are both ignored.
#SQ.DEF - definition of locators and prefixes DXCC countries
#TNC.DEF - TNC configuration
To be able to run log in network version, you need to have an IPX network. The only thing you have to configure is the name of computer in the file #NETNAME.DEF. Program automatically detects IPX network and print its version on the screen.
Program allows to use any TNC which supports HOSTMODE. Modem is shared along the whole network. It means that you can connect TNC to any computer and then you can work with it from every computer in the network. In configuration file #TNC.DEF set that TNC is allowed: TNC_ENABLE=1 , port number and speed of communication with TNC. Than are communication parameters as call, tx-delay, �
Support of CW is not integrated directly in NETLOG. It is used external resident program VHFCW by S57RA. If you want to use CW keying, you mast launch program VHFCW with parameter �port number� before you launch NETLOG.
In configuration file #CW.DEF you set type of paddle, CW speed, �.
To connect paddle and keying of TCVR you have to have simple interface on serial or parallel port.
2/DB25 (3/DB9) I\ I o----------I \I-------o-------I I / I I I I + I ======= I \_________/ I tantal 10 uf/16 V I I 7/DB25 (5/DB9) I - I o----------------------I I paddle I I 1 k 5 I 6/DB25 (6/DB9) ______ I o------I______I----------------o paddle . I I I 1 k 5 I 8/DB25 (1/DB9) ______ I o------I______I----------------I paddle - 1k 4N.. 20/DB25 (4/DB9) ______ o---I______I------ I I ___________o __I__ II / \ / II/ CW TX key __Y__ II\ 7/DB25 (5/DB9) I II \>----------o o_________________I 1k optoclen 4N.. 4/DB25 (7/DB9) ______ o---I______I------ I I ___________o __I__ II / \ / II/ PTT line __Y__ II\ 7/DB25 (5/DB9) I II \>----------o o_________________I _________________________________________________________________
NETLOG is started by file LOG.EXE. After start it occurs basic menu. You must choose to create new log or continue with the last open log or open some old log.
When you create new log, you have to fill first page. It means name of log file, name of contest and to choose bands on which you will compete on this !!! computer. Another bands on another computers program finds automatically as well as TNC when it is on some computer.
Adding QSO is very similar to program LOCATOR by OK1DUO. You enter what you just listen. For OK1xxx, OK2xxx and OM3xxx stations you can type only number and suffix 1xxx, 2xxx and 3xxx. Instead of /P you can type only / . The rest is added automatically.
From locator I recommend you type only last four characters, for example 70ac. The rest will be added automatically from prefix database. It helps you eliminate some errors. When you type the whole locator, than it is not checked. It allows you to enter for example DL1XXX/T9 without error message that locator is not in DL.
When you receive report for example 59 027, you can type only 27. The rest is added automatically. When you can change sent report type just �55.�. Program automatically adds locators from database (of course when it is in there). You can switch out this function by ALT+I. When you compete on more than one band, you can switch them by Home and End. When is switched on the choice ALT+V, you can switch into another log on different computer in the network.
ALT+F2-Antenna switch � not available in this version
ALT+F3-Control of rotator � not available in this version
ALT+F5-Change of operator
ALT+F6-Locatotr map
ALT+F7-Seeking in log + ALT+N � Seek again
F10-Send message on another computer in network
ALT+F9-DX Cluster window
ALT+F10-Convers window
ALT+0 Mark QSO as BUG.
ALT+A Change mod CW/SSB.
ALT+B Show big number of QSO.
ALT+D Delete current insert line.
ALT+I On/Off automatic WWL from db
ALT+L On/Off seek in database
ALT+M On/Off speaker CW moni
ALT+V On/Off network logs
ALT+P Print of log
ALT+X End of program
ALT+Z Change CW Mem BANK
ALT+M On/Off CW moni
ALT+C connect TNC
ALT+Q disconnect TNC
ALT+S send spot to TNC
ALT+E export into EDI
ALT+N Seek again
+/- Change CW speed Home-End Change band
F1-F9 CW Memories
TAB - Voice CQ
This is just !!! BETA VERSION !!! It is released for testing. There are quite a lot of known and unknown errors. If you find some don�t hesitate to send it to us. If program crash write down number of error message and address and try to describe how it happened (what you did just before the crash). We will do our best to repair it.
This program is !!! FREEWARE !!! You can copy it as you wish but only in complete form.
Known bugs:
What we prepare:
We started work on this program in May 1999. The size is now approximately 9000 lines of code. It is about 300kB of text.
Your ideas, suggestions or error messages send on E-Mail: [email protected] or via PR on OK1CDJ@OK0PHL.#BOH.CZE.EU
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