Presently I'm QRV from 1.8MHz through to 24GHz, but main activity is on 432MHz, 1296MHz, 2320 MHz, 3400MHz, 5760MHz and 10368MHz.
Have a look at OZ2OE Technical Home Page for more stories on design, modifications, equipment and operations.
I've built the OX3VHF beacon
for 2/6 meter and run the OZ5SHF beacon on 10 GHz.
Member of the OZ9KY VHF/UHF contest group.
Picture to the right shows some of my UHF/SHF antennas. From bottom: a 20 elm. for 432MHz, a 50 cm dish with transverter for 10 GHz. On top a 35 elm. loop-yagi for 1296MHz and on the side (barely visible) a 35 elm. loop-yagi for 2320 MHz.
Want a look at my family? Or my other big interest: - airplanes and airplane museum's. The pages are in danish.
Last updated March 24'th 1999. Comments? - send me an e-mail