Welcome to the AMATEUR RADIO STATION’S home page!

S 5 5 D X



QTH: Jezero JN75fx, SLOVENIA

Flag of Slovenia




To celebrate the first 30 years (1974 - 2004) of my radio-amateur activity I decided to create this web page. I hope you'll find something interesting for you here. This page is dedicated to my friends from Radio club “ElektronBrežice, S59ACP (ex YU3ACP).

December, 2003


I became a licensed amateur radio operator in 1974. The DXing bug bit me and I’m still not cured.  What a great hobby!


S5 Half Century Oldtimer’s badge J


Last updated in January, 2025




Index of contents:

* Biography

* QSL info

* QSL card gallery

* Photo gallery

* Awards

* Video clips

* Links





Hello dear visitor! My name is MILAN. I was born on March 25th, 1960 in Brežice, Slovenia (at that time Yugoslavia). My radio amateur's path started at the age of thirteen in 1973. I was in the eighth grade when my elmer Tone Hribernik, S52MA (ex. YU3UHA), came to our primary school and organized a course for radio-amateurs . On June 13th, 1974 a few friends of mine (Bogdan  Barbič, Tomi Kastner S52TK (YU3TOL), YL Neda Pečnik and myself passed the “IIIrd class” exam. After that I have worked for 6 years as an operator on the club station YU3ACP (now S59ACP) in Brežice, Slovenia. We were allowed to work low power on 80 and 40 meters and on VHF and we were obligated to do at least 80 CW QSOs a year. At first we worked on a home made HF "SSB transceiver" and used wire antennas - a dipole for 80 m and a W3DZZ. Later on we got an Yaesu FT101E.

Even though the working conditions were poor, this was the time when I met a lot of good friends and really enjoyed my hobby the most. Let me mention just some of them from the “famous” YU3ACP team beside those of course whom I mentioned before: s.k. Vlado Pucko S52PT (YU3TRA), Ciril Medvešček, Ronald Kleč, Veko Krahulec, Ivan Kovačič S52UK (YU3UKP), (X)YL Mojca Barbič (Planinc) S51RX (YU3TRX, YU3RX), (X)YL Damjanka Kovačič (Barbič), Sašo Planinc (YU3TRY, YU3RY), Drago Deržič S51XA (YU3UDZ, YU3XA), Slavko Hafner S51YI (YU3TEL, YU3YI), Goran Šalamon, YL Marta Božič, Janko Knific S51NT, Dušan Dukič S52DD (YU3TGU), Dušan - Dule Kostrevc S52NR, Oleg Mamilovič, Marjan Zupančič (YU3HHS), Boris Čelik S57A (YU3TGN, YU3AN), Branko TucovičTuco YU3TBF, Miloš Prijatelj YU3HAQ, Bojan Ivnik YU3UAQ, s.k. Zvone Molan YU3TUO, Vito Molan YU3TUD, Jože Uhan YU3TUG... and many more. You can see that some of my YL friends later took my OM friends’ last names. I really wonder how could this happen ;) .

In 1980 I passed my "B class" exam and got my personal call sign YU3TEX. With this exam I also earned access to the higher frequency bands (20, 15 and 10 mtrs). I got me my first own radio station - an used Trio TS-510 , built in 1969. In 1984 I moved to Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Due to a change of the rules in 1988 I was forced to change my call sign again to a 2 letter suffix call YT3KY. In 1990 I moved to a small village called Jezero (The Lake) in the vicinity (about 10 kilometers south) of Ljubljana where I still live. In 1991 Slovenia won its independence and a year later I got my present call sign S55DX.

There were some drought years in my ham radio activity between 1984 and 2003, when I finally took time to boost my activity again. Since then I’m on the air almost daily. Now days I’m QRV from 160m to 23cm, but HF DXing is still my first and greatest love. I have 334 current DXCC entities confirmed. Still missing:

3Y – Bouvet,


CE0 - San Felix

KH3 Johnston I.

P5 – North Korea

VP8 – South Sandwich I.

I’m a holder of several DXCC awards: Mixed Honor Roll, CW, Phone, Data, 10B DXCC …

One of my ham radio activities is activating SOTA (Summits on the Air). In March, 2024 I won the title SOTA Mountain Goat for earning 1.000 activation points.


I’m not so fond of contesting, but occasionally you can hear me giving away points in major HF and lately in V/UHF contests as well.

I like to take my radio with me when travelling abroad. So far I have operated from 4O - Montenegro, 5B – Cyprus, 9A - Croatia, E7 – Bosnia & Herzegovina, F - France, HA - Hungary, I - Italy, LX - Luxembourg, OE - Austria, SV9 – Crete Is., TK – Corsica Is., VK - Australia, YU - Serbia and ZA - Albania.



QSL Information


* Bureau: I am a member of the Zveza radioamaterjev Slovenije (Association of Radio Amateurs of Slovenia) since 1974, so you can send me your QSL card via S5 bureau. I do NOT send QSL cards for each QSO, but 100% answer every card I receive.


* On-line: I upload my logs to eQSL.cc, LotW and QRZ.com daily. Try it, it’s fun and it’s free.


* Direct: If you are in a hurry, please send me your card with a SAE and $3 to my postal address :









All cards received direct without sufficient return postage will be answered via the bureau. Please do not send IRCs, unless there is no other way!



* ClubLog: You can also request my QSL card (via bureau or direct) via ClubLog. I upload to ClubLog once per month, usually on the 1st day of a month.




 [email protected]


Web pages:






My QSL card gallery:








* S55DX



















*     S55DX






Photo gallery

* YU3ACP (nw S59ACP) team

* TS-510 line

* IC-746PRO line

* AL-572 linear amplifier

* FT-2000

*     FTDX5000MP

* My present RIG: FTDX101MP


*     QRO

* Antennas







This is how it all started for me in 1973/4. Tone S52MA (YU3UHA), YL Neda and YL Silva with a couple of CB walkie-talkies in their hands and myself, S55DX.




Dušan S52DD (YU3TGU), Slavko S51YI (YU3TEL), YL Marta (YU3ACP), YL Mojca S51RX (YU3TRX) and me S55DX (YU3TEX).




Tomi S52TK (YU3TOL), Bogdan YU3ACP, Drago S51XA (YU3UDZ)  and myself on top of the Mt. Triglav (the highest peak in Slovenia 2864 m ASL) in 1981.





We were very thirsty when we climbed off the mountain. From left ro right Tomi S52TK (YU3TOL), Milan S55DX (YU3TEX), Drago S51XA (YU3UDZ) and Bogdan YU3ACP.





Sašo S51RY (YU3TRY), YL Mojca S51RX (YU3TRX) and Marjan (YU3HHS) in 1983.




* Trio TS-510 line (1982-2003)



External VFO-5D, TS-510 transceiver and PS-510 power supply




* Icom IC-746PRO line (2003-2008)



IC-21 external speaker, IC-746PRO transceiver, PS-125 power supply



* Ameritron AL-572 (2003-2016)




1,3 kW linear amplifier by Ameritron




in line with  an ICOM IC-746PRO.


* Yaesu FT-2000 (2008-2015)


Yaesu FT-2000 (NS roofing filter, SP-2000 speaker, MTU-160)

Ameritron AL-572 (4 x  572b) and an Amplitec UG:6-100/1000 (GS31b) amplifiers

 Backup and V/UHF RIG is a Yaesu FT-897D.




*            Yaesu FTdx5000mp (2015-2024)



Top shelf: Micro KEYER II on top of MFJ-998 1500W IntelliTuner.

Middle shelf: SPE Expert 1.3K-FA linear amplifier and 2 Yaesu rotator controllers with GS-232 (ZLP Electronics) interface

Bottom shelf: Main RIG is Yaesu FTDX5000MP with SP-2000 speaker and MTU-160 micro tuning unit.






*   My present shack: FTdx101mp (2024 à)


Top shelf: MFJ-998 1500W IntelliTuner, K9AY control unit

Middle shelf: 2 Yaesu rotator controllers with GS-232 (ZLP Electronics) interface

Bottom shelf: Main RIG is Yaesu FTDX101MP with external speaker / power supply.







My DX weapon since May 2022: OM-2000A+.


And another one since March 2024: Acom 1200S.








The V/UHF corner of my shack:

Diamond P810 external speaker, RM Italy SPS1050S 50A switching power supply,

2 SWR/power meters and coaxial switch between vertical and yagi antenna,

Icom IC-9700 (CW, SSB radio) with a couple of diplexers , Hiroyasu IC-980pro (FM radio)





* Antennas


DHF-6 a 4 element 6 band yagi antenna for 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters on top of the 15m (50 ft) tilt-over tower.

Guying is provided by a triple (fan) inverted V dipole for 80, 60 and 40 meters. Homemade, full size, apex at 14m.

 For 160 and 75m bands I use a Kelemen trapped inverted V dipole in Z shape. Total length is 48m and apex at 13mh.

V/UHF vertical antenna is a Diamond X-510. Feedpoint at 9mh.

V/UHF horizontal antenna is 29 (10+19) element yagi, 13mh.

 6m antenna is a 7 element DUAL Super Yagi (9m boom, 12mh).






* 10B DXCC

* DXCC Challenge

* WAE Top

* eZ40

* eWAS

* 10B eWAC

* WAS Triple Play

* 9B eDX100







DXCC Honor Roll

(334 current entities confirmed, plus 3 deleted)






VUCC, 500 grid squares on 6m awarded on LoTW

(current count is over 650)




* 10B DXCC


10B DXCC – Five band DXCC (80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m) plus additional 160, 30, 17, 12 and 6m band.

All confirmed on LotW.




* DXCC Challenge


DXCC Challenge, 2500+ band-countries awarded on LoTW





* WAE Top


WAE Top plaque (70 WAE countries, 300 band slots)




* eZ40


eZ40 – All 40 CQ Zones (Mixed, CW, FT8) confirmed on eQSL.cc





* eWAS


eWAS – all 50 USA states confirmed on eQSL.cc in SSB and FT8 mode on eQSL.cc

(been awarded Mixed, CW, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m and WARC eWAS as well)




* 10B eWAC


5 Band eWAC (Worked All Continents) on 80, 40, 20, 15, & 10m plus additional 160, 60, 30, 17 & 12m on eQSL.cc




* WAS Triple Play

 All 50 USA states confirmed on LotW.cc in CW, Phone and Digital modes




* 9B eDX100



5 Band eDX100  on 80, 40, 20, 15, & 10m plus additional  60, 30, 17 & 12m on eQSL.cc




Video clips:


*            QSO with Fred, VE3FAL on 10m SSB


*        QSO with Sam, FK8DD/M on 40m CW


*            Receiving TK0C on 2m CW





Places where I live(d):

* Brežice            

* Ljubljana   

* Jezero         

* Slovenia   

Ham radio:

* S59ACP  (ex YU3ACP) my Radio Club

* Zveza radioamaterjev Slovenije (Association of Radio Amateurs of Slovenia)

* https://www.qrz.com/db/S55DX my QRZ.com site