Dimitry Fedorov, Moscow, Russia
E-mail to UA3AVR here

Here you can download "NEC-2 for MMANA" program.

The utility "NEC-2 for MMANA" is intended for calculation of antenna models made and optimized in program MMANA and for construction and simulation of antenna models using input language NEC-2 and based on MMANA models. Calculation is made with use of NEC-2, including calculations above a surface of the ground in Sommerfeld-Norton model and calculations with use NEC-2 Extended thin wire kernel. Also in "NEC-2 for MMANA" it is possible to make calculation in a case when some wires in MMANA model are in dielectric isolation. Correction and editing of NEC-2 input code is allowed using most of cards from input NEC-2 language. A maximum quantity of processable segments - 3000, NEC-2 engine compiled by Arie from Neede, Netherlands. All files of the program are placed in one directory, program must be used only as 32-bit windows application (Win 98/2000/ME/XP).

About this utility - Russian
About this utility - English
Download 1.8.1 version here.
NEC-2 input language description (User manual for NEC-2 engine)
Version 1.8 download

Related references:

MMANA - English version (including HELP and descriptions)
MMANA - Russian version, see also DL2KQ site for many of interesting about MMANA.
NEC-2 archive by Ray Anderson, WB6TPU (executables, source codes for NEC and many useful utilities)

Alexander Yurkov, RA9MB for idea of dielectric coated wire calculations;
Ray Anderson, WB6TPU, and Arie Voors, Netherlands for fine working NEC-2 engines;
Alexander Schewelew, DL1PBD, for ideas to improve graphics.

SPECIAL thanks to Gary Goncharenko, DL2KQ, for attention to work, stimulating discussions for interface constructions and useful advices.

GL in antenna simulations, modeling and constructions, 73!

Other projects:

Utility "Optimal length of vertcal" (Russian)
Short letter: "Simple method of Noise Figure estimation" (Russian)
Research article: "Noise Figure Measurements at 10 GHz by the 'Cold-horn' Method" (Russian)
Or (portal "On measurements of noise at 10 GHz" (english translation available)