IARU Reg 1 VHF contest 2003. Polonina-Runa
1479 m a.s.l. KN18JT.
Русский вариант.
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Morning... | Assembling second antenna | All complete ! | Our position | Direction to OK, DL. |
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Dinner... | UR7D position | Two team's | At waterfalls. |
Englsih version made by PROMT
Online translator.
After not so successful trip
for Field day, we have decided to
try happiness at other tops. After have learned about result of command
UR7D: to 425 QSO only on 144, and it only using TROPO the ether since terribly
wanted to listen. Polonina-Runa mountain enough height (1479 м), open horizon
in all parties, and a close arrangement to Europe did this point almost
ideal for work in the forthcoming father-in-law.
And here still we learn, that command UR7D to work does not gather, since.
Vyacheslav UT5DL has left for Kiev, and the regular driver - Shandor UR5DDX,
leaves for business trip just in a heat of the test. We secure with "sanction"
to borrow another's his a place, we gather in road. That turns out to go
only by one machine - Opel Corsa. We take the minimum, counting only on
themselves. Three automobile accumulators in a feed, TS-2000, Daiwa LA-2160,
2x9 LEMM - all our equipment.
And here still we learn, that command UR7D to work does not gather, since.
Vyacheslav UT5DL has left for Kiev, and the regular driver - Shandor UR5DDX,
leaves for business trip just in a heat of the test. We secure with "sanction"
to borrow another's UR7D's a place, we gather in road. That turns out to
go only by one machine- Opel Corsa. We take the minimum, counting only on
themselves. Three automobile accumulators in a feed, TS-2000, Daiwa LA-2160,
2x9 LEMM, - all our equipment.
And here, Friday, morning, we leave. We it is Oleg UT0YO, Grigory UY0YY,
Vasily UR5YDI and I. So it is far (450 km) we for a long time did not leave.
Actually after disorder DOSAAF, it is the most distant trip. On road we
learn, that command UR7D too leaves on the same mountain, probably having
decided to postpone all affairs and to devote itself to favourite business.
Marvellously is relative early it was possible to gather.
Weather does not favour. There is decent enough rain. Owing to this process
of loading is accelerated. After purchase of necessary products (the most
important in radio - a feed), we are sent in a long journey. We pass Chernovtsy,
Ivano-Frankovsk, Lvov areas. At last Zakarpattya. It seems a rain is going
to stop. On soul becomes better :-)
Under stories rise for Polonina-Runa - the concreted road. It is good, the
truth through everyone some tens meters from concrete sticks out armature,
therefore rise reminds a slalom, only from below upwards. Some times it
is necessary all to leave the machine to not hook the bottom on stones.
And here we at top. A fine landscape for HAM radio fans. Where you will
not look, everywhere is lower. Grows dark. Quickly we put tents and we develop
technics. At light of small lamps we put one aerial. We join. The ether
comes to life. At once is evident absence of ricochets from mountains. Stations
are taken the bearings in narrow sector. Almost as in the Kherson steppes.
Having worked as some hours, we decide to save accumulators - tomorrow the
Morning begins with reduction of an antenna facilities an appropriate kind.
All is ready. The rumble of the engine is heard. There is a GAS - 66 with
UT5DX and UR5DDX onboard. Have arrived together with the car old technic's
:-). As our technics is developed - we are connected to expansion of position
UR7D. Between us will be about 100-120 m. There is an offer to desert our
iron and to develop their. A question on that, what for we have secured
all this for half-thousand kilometers, somehow is not discussed. As well
as the question on what signal to work. The Zakarpatye colleagues even to
hear do not want about any another signal except for the. Well all right,
we compare though complete sets " in fight ". We begin will anticipate
what mutual QRM. Almost as on internal, the truth a parity of signals of
correspondents and a preventing signal is little bit worse than a condition.
3-rd round "Karpatskie
dali" begins. UR5YDI is sent to work in contest. To it well answer,
but not on FM, all is far. There it is audible only UR4YYW. After several
tens rebilding and rearrangements of the equipment - UR7D on air. We communicate
with UT0YW - parity UR5YDI/UR7D +20 db, not in our advantage. On capacity
- in 10 times, and the rest - aerials. Two beams on 14 el on 7 meters long
better than two of 9 el on 3.2 meters...
Very strong handicapes on reception from ours equipment. The ether simply
"goes out". Dynamics home made TRX obviously "does not pull".
Though most likely the picture is created with a preamplifier on reception,
is obvious not tested on such signals. We leave a position of neighbours,
their a shelf has arrived - there has on foot come Stanislav, UX1DC. I go
on our point - here the full order. Tishin. The test begins, I spend communications,
neighbours is not audible. It appears, they have torn a cable, having reeled
up it on a mast.
But here, the cable is replaced, but handicapes strongly was not added!
Without ceremony we accept stations going on 4-5 points. What it is audible
more poorly, call all the same it is not real - power not that. We become
on frequency UR7D - it is heard not worse, and sometimes even it is better,
when the next stations on frequency prevent. It is available - not the worse
sensitivity (at much poor aerials, and it is significant the worse selectivity.
We try to not prevent, we do not work on the CQ, only when will ask to proceed
on some KHz aside, still someone almost always calls. Rate both at us, and
at UR7D almost identical, we go almost level with, that they work only on
the CQ! 17:45, 75 communications, we do a break for a supper.
In an hour we join, neighbours already far. That without us at them it turns
out better, that they and inform us. To me here interestingly one: how they
three together would put the aerial? Also would go, if we have not arrived?
Somehow one of us passing past kung GAZ-66has heard: ".. - give, develop
on them the aerial that at them the receiver has burned down. " After
such "hospitality" not so it would be desirable to work...
We used amplifier DAIWA, at fresh accumulators given out up to 150 watt.
It automatically is included on transfer, at submission HF signal of a pressure.
It is designed for input power from 5 watt. And so, when UR7D rotate the
aerial in our party, or we turned the to them even "back" the
relay in the amplifier worked in a step of transfer. But not ours, and neighbours,
in for 120 meters. As it has sustained TS-2000, I do not know, but is obvious
it with it have coped with honour...
Well and in the rest, were audible good stations, LX7I (1223 km), HB9, it
is a lot of DL, are a lot of OK... completely not such ether as at us, even
when we we leave highly (Goverla and so forth) Partly it contact closer
arrangement to the big weight of the western stations, partly with a fine
point - Polonina-Runa. Alternatives to it in the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains
practically are not present. To find alternative mountain - our plans for
the next year.
Resutts of the contest you can found here.
Our expedition's log you can found here.
© US2YW 2003