The Shack of VK3JED
page has received
since May 1 1999
Note: I accept electronic QSLs and will provide electronic QSLs if requested. To QSL me electronically, please email your completed QSL in .GIF, .JPG or .PNG format (any other format will be discarded) to [email protected] . A return QSL will be emailed to the address you posted from, unless you request replies be directed to another address. To request an electronic QSL on air, either quote your email address, or ensure it is available on or Buckmaster. Electronic QSLs will be provided in .GIF format. If you prefer to QSL via the post (i.e. the traditional way), please QSL direct.
I also accept electronic QSLs
New! I now have a guestbook, so you can let me and others know what you think of this site.
Work trams and trains via satellite! - Click here for more information
Radio interests:
VHF/UHF - I've spent the majority of my on air time (> 90%) above 50 MHz. I have tried H.F., and listened to the bands I'm not licenced to transmit on, but that's not my main interest. This is the only real reason I haven't upgraded to a full call.
Data communications - Computers and networking are my other technical interest, so it's natural to want to merge the two. I have been on packet in the past, and intend to get back on when circumstances permit (propagation here is roughly equivalent to that of a mineshaft, and antenna space is limited :( ). Hope to see, and take part in the development of a high speed, multi purpose data network, capable of carrying voice, data and other traffic. I am working on a high speed point to point microwave link suitable for the data backbone. APRS via satellite is another potentially interesting data application.
Public transport mobile - Yes, that means operating from a tram, train or bus! One way to pass the time spent travelling to work, and a great way to indulge in radio without intruding on one's home or work life! Also a challenge to develop suitable compact, yet effective antennas. This is my major mode of operation these days, I can be found on VK3RSE (439.375 MHz) or VK3RCC (438.100 MHz, 123Hz CTCSS) most weekday mornings and afternoons.
Foxhunting - Not active these days, but remains an interest.
Contesting - I enjoy the John Moyle Field Day and Remembrance Day contest (VHF and up, of course :) ). Also occasionally work the Spring or Summer VHF/UHF Field Days, if circumstances permit.
Amateur satellites - The new breed of FM repeater satellites makes Amateur satellite operation accessible to more people.
Internet Repeater Linking - Connect your repeater to others interstate or around the world! Work DX from your VHF/UHF handheld!
Internet Linking Roundup - Which Internet linking system is best for you?
Amateur Television (ATV) - Communicate with pictures over the air!
Weather - Here are some ideas for using amateur radio for weather spotting.
Are you a user of Melbourne's amateur repeaters?
If so, you may be interested in the VK3RSE users' mailing list. While primarily oriented towards Melbourne's VK3RSE repeater users, this list discussed repeater happenings and talk around Melbourne. Interesting contacts, QRM reports, LIPDs, radio reviews and information, coming events and general chit chat between users of Melbourne's amateur repeaters. If you'd like to join, send an email to [email protected] with the word 'subscribe' in the message body, and follow the instructions in the reply you receive. Existing subscribers will notice a new list address. There is no need for existing subscribers to re subscribe, existing subscribers have been migrated to the new list server. The old addresses now redirect mail to the new system, in case you forget. :-)
VK Microwave Operators Mailing List.
Do you operate on bands above 1000 MHz, or are interested in operating in these bands? Amateurs who operate on microwave bands and anyone interested in microwave operation are invited to subscribe to VK-SHF. To subscribe, send an email to [email protected], with the word "subscribe" in the body of the message.
Topics for discussion on the list include:
CB Australia mailing list.
Not licenced yet? Or prefer to use CB radio instead? Then CB-Australia is the mailing list for you. CB-Australia is a mailing list specifically for Australian CB radio operators and enthusiasts, and was created to address the lack of online forums for Australian CB operators to discuss their issues and exchange ideas. For too long, Aussie CBers have had to try a ham radio or scanner newsgroup and risk an "off topic" warning or other harassment. Topics on the list include anything to do with legal CB operation in Australia, as well as other "publicly accessible" radio networks, such as the RFDS HF frequencies. To subscribe, go to and log in (If you haven't used onelist before, you will need to register first). Alternatively, you can send email to [email protected]. Some examples of topics relevant to CB-Australia include:
Please note that Amateur Radio is off topic, due to the vast array of existing resources devoted to Amateur Radio already on the Internet.
Melbourne's Vertically Polarised SSB Net.
VHF Single sideband is alive and well in Melbourne. For some time, there has been a regular 2 metre SSB net on 144.150 MHz Wednesday nights. This net is popular among SSB operators all over Victoria and beyond. However, a number of SSB capable stations only have a vertical antenna, and are unable to work many of the stations who are horizontally polarised. As a result, the vertically polarised net was started to enable stations running verticals to try out their SSB rigs. The details of the vertically polarised nets are:
Please note: Due to other commitments making it not possible to run the net every week, the verical SSB nets are in recess. If there are sufficient people wishing to take turns as net controllers, the nets can recommence. If you're interested in acting as a net controller, please email me.
As of Monday December 6 1999, there is now a vertically polarised 70cm net in Melbourne. The details of the 70cm net are as follows:
Other bands may activated is there are sufficient people with suitable equipment.
VK3JED Internet Radio.
VK3JED Internet Radio replaces the old virtual repeater, which was forced to close down, due to the vioice service provider changing their system, and making it impractical to continue the old service. The new Internet Radio system is like an ordinary broadcast radio station, where people can listen into whatever is being broadcast. There is no facility to talk back, but alternatives are being investigated for the purpose of hosting a text based callback service. This new service also features much improved audio quality, and the ability to work on severely bandwidth limited connections, such as a 14.4 kbps modem link.
To access the VK3JED Internet Radio, you need the following:
If your system meets the requirements, click here to listen in!
On Wesnesday nights at 8PM Melbourne time (10:00z from end of March to end of October, 09:00z from end of October to end of March), APC News, the news and information net of the Moorabbin and District Radio Club will be relayed on VK3JED Internet Radio. After the news, I will conduct an "internet callback" via the system. Both amateurs and non-amateurs are welcome to participate, as the callback will not be relayed to air. This relay of the news net is being done for a number of reasons. Firstly, to make the news content more available to a wider audience, and secondly, as an experiment to assess the properties of the Internet as a medium to link repeaters.
People wishing to listen to APC News for the first time are encouraged to log into the radio station well in advance, so they don't miss anything important. In the event you did miss the live newscast, there will be archives of older broadcasts that you can download. Details will be advised.
At other times (usually evenings Melbourne time - typically between 09:00z and 13:00z approximately), local amateur activity, satellite passes or other traffic of possible interest to SWLS and distant amateurs may be broadcast. If there is nothing being broadcast, you will receive an error message (consider it as the "static" one hears when there's no signal! :) ).
Articles: (otherwise known as the soapbox :) ).
My Thoughts on a Foundation Licence - A new class of licence for Australia?
Public Transport Mobile Operation - Equipment, tips and techniques.
Internet Linking Roundup - Which Internet linking system is best for you?
Thoughts on a Foundation Licence for VK - Coming soon!
Amateur Satellites on Rails! - One way to work DX while commuting.
Working your first satellite! - A short primer on FM satellite operation.
Satiquette - Good manners for Amateur FM satellite operators.
My vision for the future of Amateur Radio
High speed point to point microwave link for the backbone of a future high speed amateur data network.
What Amateur Radio means to me.
Icom IC-T81A Quad band handheld transceiver.
Dragon SS-201 10 metre all mode handheld transceiver.
Diamond SRH999 Quad Band Handheld Antenna.
Diamond V2000 Tri Band Base Antenna.
Retro review - Philips FM92A VHF mobile transceiver.
Retro review - Icom IC-745 HF Transceiver
Retro review - Standard C58 Portable 2m All Mode Transceiver.
Files (Miscellaneous downloads and info will appear here).
2.4 GHz omni antenna Part 1 - Collinear for 13cm amateur or wireless LAN use (courtesy "Amateur Radio", Jan 1993).
2.4 GHz omni antenna Part 2 - Collinear for 13cm amateur or wireless LAN use (courtesy "Amateur Radio", Jan 1993).
Other radio related sites:
Wireless Institute of Australia - the national representative body.
Looking for the closest Amateur repeater? VK voice repeaters listed here (courtesy WIA).
Or perhaps a CB repeater? Here's a UHF CB repeater list (courtesy VK2CA).
APC News - a weekly online Amateur Radio news bulletin from the Moorabbin and District Radio Club.
QNEWS - The weekly news from the WIA Queensland Division (includes Real Audio broadcasts!).
VK3RHF - Melbourne's 10 metre repeater.
Study for your licence online!.
VK2CA's Australian Amateur Radio site - Very comprehensive site, with lots of information, too much to mention here.
Mini Kits - Build your own VHF/UHF/Microwave gear.
Lionel, VK3NM's 6 metre page.
QRZ.COM International callsign server and lots of useful data.
Got an amateur radio related site and nowhere to put it? Try QSL.NET!
Put your SoundBlaster to use on the air with these programs!
An excellent UK based site by Jeremy, G4NJH.
This RingSurf Australian
Amateur Radio Net Ring owned by Tony, VK3JED. The BEST way to tour Australian Ham sites. Want to join the Australian Amateur Radio Ring? |
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