The Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society.

South East Radio Group
 Annual Gathering

The South East Radio Group held its annual gathering at the home of Tony (VK5ZAI) and Jill Hutchison near Kingston, S.E., in late March.
About 54 people rolled up, mostly from the South East area of the state, but AHARS was represented by six stalwarts


Click on photo for an enlargement.


The SERG mob.
AHARS representatives: 5th from left – Mary (VK5AMD) from Bordertown, in black top; centre front Deidre and John Elliott (VK5EMI), kneeling; Lesley and Hans Smit; and Trevor Quick (behind, in green cap and grey shirt).
You may recognize a few other faces amongst the SERG mob.

Jill is  in the red top.


WHEREIS Kingston, S.E.?
Just a short drive south east of Adelaide, along the Coorong.

The front view of Tony's QTH.
Tony, Lesley, Deidre and Hans (and Zac the dog) returning from a beach walk.
Click on photo for an enlargement.)


Hans (VK5YX) with Tony in his well-appointed shack.
Click on photo for an enlargement.)

Tony’s mighty satellite-tracking apparatus dwarfs the editor and Tony


Part of the crowd listening to Tony describing his ISS  and NASA adventures.
3rd from left is Doug (VK5GA), and in the black top is AHARS member Mary (VK5AMD).
Click on photo for an enlargement.)
Another regular visitor to the area.
It's just a 2 minute walk to a lovely, white and wide sandy beach.


It was a great weekend, meeting old and making new friends. Tony (VK’s telebridge ARISS Coordinator) showed us how his fine satellite-tracking system works in making contact with the ISS (International Space Station).
He ran a contact between the ISS and a Victorian school a few days after this weekend concluded.

 Tony has an inspiring website – logon on to:
for more information on his activities, antenna construction, AMSAT, etc.

Thanks to Jill and Tony, and the SERG for a great Amateur Radio weekend.
A highly recommended excursion.

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[ 26/07/2006 - vk5emi ]