From the President . . .


I am working on re-creating the ParaPhrase newsletter, but instead of print, I would like to do it through this webpage.  Please stop by from time to time to see what is new.  I am also trying to collect as many email addresses of members as possible.  I may or may not have yours.  Please send me an email at [email protected] or [email protected].  This way, I can collect everyone's email address.  This way, when I have published a new edition, I will email you a notice of changes.

In my personal life, over the last few years, I have had many changes in my life.  As you may or may not know, I went through a divorce.  Like everyone, this was not only a life changing experience, but one that made me take a good look at myself and my life.  I am now happily married and I live outside of Fairmont and started a new job.  I work at Preston Memorial Hospital in Kingwood, interesting enough at the hospital that I was born in!  I love my new life!

I have not really been active with the hobby over the last couple of years; but now back with a re-energized enthusiasm.  I have plans to do most everything that I used to do.  This includes being more active in the club, keeping the webpage up-to-date and improving the repeater coverage.  More to come on this in the next month or so.  We have worked on the 5.29 repeater and the amplifier has been replaced.  You should hear a big difference in the way you receive it.

I also hope to get back to county hunting although with everything going on this spring and summer that probably will not be until the fall.

I have also, re-joined the ARRL and have renewed by VE credentials.  I am working on setting up a technician class at the hospital and hope to have a testing session.  If you know of anyone that may be interested in becoming an amateur, please let me know.  I will most likely be ordering study material.  Timing of this will depend on interest and the start of a class.  This may not happen until the fall.

You may see on the homepage, I listed club meeting quarterly, my thought is to set these meetings on a routine schedule.  I hope this will help everyone to work a meeting into your schedule and I am hopeful that we can get a better turnout.

We haven't really kept current with everyone yearly dues, but on the same token we haven't spent any funds in a while either.  We have the expense of the PO Box, Edsel has taken it upon himself to keep it paid.  Thank you - Edsel!!  At the next meeting, we will discuss our balance and any expenses that we should cover.

I hope everyone is enjoying the hobby in one fashion or another.  If you get the time, stop by try to start a conversation on the repeater.  As I listen, the use is pretty sparse.  I hope in time, we can increase the use while continuing to make friends and acquaintances in the hobby.  73' for now!



May 1st, 2018


P.S. - I challenge you in your discussions…. Find a way that you may help your fellow ham.  For example, discussing an antenna design or helping one another build something new!  A good way for us all to learn something new.

