W1DLO's 2-meter FM & C4FM
Playback/Echo Repeater

Pember Ridge | Levant, ME

147.360 Mhz

Offset +600 khz | CTCSS 77.0 hz


This setup is open and all properly licensed hams with 2 meter privilages are welcome to use it
anytime. My only requests are to keep conversations "G" rated and to be respectful/civilized.

What is a "playback" repeater?

So, how does this type of system differ from most others? It is a digital audio store-and-forward
relay system. In non-traditional terms, it is often called an "Echo" or "Parrot" repeater. Like
most repeaters, they still allow two distant operators to be able to communicate to one another.
It just takes double the time due to having to wait for the live transmission to be recorded then
retransmitted for the other operator to hear.

For an example:
Operator #1 calls for operator #2. The repeater records Operator #1's transmission (for up to 60
seconds). Once Operator #1 is done transmitting, the repeater will key up and playback what it
recorded for operator #2 to hear via from the repeater what operator #1 said. Then operator #2
can do the same thing back to operator #1 and so on.

Another advantage of having this type of repeater available is that it creates a good method for an
operator to test their own transmission and quality of audio without taking up a second operator's
time. Plus avoiding the confusion of another operator trying to describe how you are sounding.

Details of the playback repeater setup...

* Controllers... Radio-Tone RT-SRC1 & Argent Data Systems ADS-SR1
* Transceiver... Yaesu FTM-3200DR
* Amplifier ... None
* Primary power source... Battery (Duracell Marine 24MS)
* Battery charger (daylight)... Solar panel/controller (UPG 87511/Docooler CMP12)
* Battery charger (at night)... Trickle charger (Schumacher SC1)
* Coax... TIMES Microwave LMR-400
* Antenna... Tram 1481
* Elevation... 30 feet above ground level
               400 feet above sea level
* Power output... 45w from the mobile unit
* Original air date... August 28th, 2016

News & updates about this repeater...

I replaced the entire setup this evening. It is now a mixed
mode repeater consisting of a Yaesu mobile unit with System
Fusion enabled. The main controller was replaced with a
Radio-Tone unit although the ADS-SR1 is still going to be
used to send out the proper callsign ID on the FM analog
side. The prior "DCS 454" tone had to also be eliminated
as this new setup doesn't have an option to be listening
for two separate tones.

The repeater stopped working sometime over the last week or
so. I have plans on replacing the HT and amplifier with a
mobile unit this spring so, at this point, I'll probably
just keep it off the air until the change.

End of "2m Repeater" page