SCHEDULE 2006-07


Old cordless phone channels in 49 MHZ band. Other frequencies as well. 






















PR Docket 91-36

PR Docket 91-36 is the federal preemption of state and local laws
concerning amateur use of transceivers capable of
reception beyond amateur allocations. This preemption allows amateurs to
possess a transceiver capable of reception
(but not transmission) on frequencies adjoining the amateur VHF/UHF
bands. It does not apply to scanners which are
separate from an amateur transceiver.

                                                 Before the
                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                            Washington, DC 20554
                                               PR Docket 91-36

In the Matter of Federal Preemption of State
and Local Laws Concerning Amateur Operator
Use of Transceivers Capable of Reception Beyond
Amateur Service Frequency Allocations

                                    Memorandum Opinion and Order
   Adopted: August 20, 1993;
   By the Commission:
                           Released: September 3, 1993

                                         I. INTRODUCTION

1. On November 14, 1989, the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated
(ARRL), filed a Motion for a Declaratory
Ruling 1 requesting that the Commission preempt certain state statutes
and local ordinances affecting transceivers 2 used by
Amateur Radio Service Licensees. The laws referenced by the ARRL
prohibit the possession of such transceivers if they are
capable of the reception of communications on certain frequencies other
than amateur service frequencies. On March 15,
1990, we released a public notice 3 inviting comment on ARRL's request.
In addition, on February 28, 1991, we released a
Notice of Inquiry 4 that solicited additional comment to assist us in
making a decision in this matter. This Memorandum
Opinion and Order grants the request to the extent indicated herein.

                                         II. BACKGROUND

2. The ARRL motion discusses state statutes and local ordinances
commonly known as "scanner laws," the violation of
which may be a criminal misdemeanor with the possibility of equipment
confiscation.5 Specifically, ARRL notes that state
statutes in New Jersey and Kentucky (which have subsequently been
changed --see paragraph 3, infra) prohibit the
possession of a mobile short-wave radio capable of receiving frequencies
assigned by the Commission for, inter alia,
police use.6 In addition, ARRL states that local ordinances exist
throughout the United States that similarly prohibit the
possession of such mobile short-wave radios without a locally-issued
permit.7 Therefore, ARRL explains, scanner laws
can, inter alia, render amateur radio licensees traveling interstate by
automobile vulnerable to arrest and to the seizure of
their radio equipment by state or local police.8

3. Since the ARRL motion was filed with the Commission, New Jersey
repealed its statute and substituted a new, narrowly
tailored scanner law that only applies in the criminal context.9 In
addition, Kentucky amended its statute by adding an
exemption applying to amateur radio licensees.10 As a result, there no
longer appears to be any state scanner law with a
deleterious effect on the legitimate operations of amateur radio service
licensees. Nonetheless, the preemption issue raised
by the ARRL motion remains timely because it appears that some local
scanning ordinances remain in effect without
safeguards to protect the legitimate use of such radios by our

                              III. MOTION, INQUIRY AND COMMENTS

A. The ARRL Motion.

4. ARRL makes two arguments in support of preemption. First, it states
that the receiver sections of the majority of
commercially available amateur station transceivers can be tuned
slightly past the edges of the amateur service bands to
facilitate adequate reception up to the end of the amateur service
bands. ARRL seeks a preemption ruling that would permit
amateur operators to install in vehicles transceivers that are capable
of this "incidental" reception.12 Although ARRL's
formal request is couched in terms of this first, technical point, the
request focuses almost entirely on a second, broader issue
of whether state and local authorities should be permitted, via the
scanner laws, to prohibit the capability of radio reception
by amateur operators on public safety and special emergency frequencies
that are well outside the amateur service bands.

5. Concerning the broader issue, ARRL argues that amateur operators have
special needs for broadscale "out-of-band"
reception, and that the marketplace has long recognized these needs by
offering accommodating transceivers. According to
ARRL,13 all commercially manufactured amateur service HF transceivers
and the majority of such VHF and UHF
transceivers have non-amateur service frequency reception capability
well beyond the "incidental" -- they can receive
across a broad spectrum of frequencies, including the police and other
public safety and special emergency frequencies here
at issue. This additional capability, argues ARRL, permits amateur
operators to participate in a variety of safety activities,
some in conjunction with the military or the National Weather Service.
In both cases, reception on non-amateur frequencies
is necessary. Such activities benefit the public, according to ARRL,
especially in times of emergency,14 and some require
the mobile use of the amateur stations.15 ARRL states that, in addition,
the vast majority of amateur operators take part in
these mobile activities, and that the widespread enforcement of scanner
laws would render illegal the possession of virtually
all modern amateur mobile equipment.16 ARRL states that, as a result of
scanner laws, "several dozen instances of radio
seizure and criminal arrest [have been] suffered by licensed

B. The Inquiry and Comments.

6. The Commission's February 28, 1991 Inquiry solicited additional
information concerning the technical and financial
feasibility of modifying existing amateur service mobile transceivers to
render them incapable of receiving police or other
public safety channels. We also asked for information concerning the
current and future marketplace availability of mobile
equipment meeting the restrictions of the laws and whether there is
value in having an available pool of wide-band, mobile
amateur equipment in the United States to meet emergency needs.

7. In response to the Inquiry, we received 115 comments and reply
comments, of which the great majority are from
individual amateurs who support the preemption.18 One commenter, the
Michigan Department of State Police, states that
although it cooperates with the amateur service during emergencies, it
is concerned about isolated incidents of apparently
unlawful actions taken by amateur licensees upon receipt of public
safety communications outside of the amateur radio
band.19 Therefore, it concludes that "there can be no beneficial need
for amateur radio equipment to tune in public safety
channels."20 Of the remaining comments received, only a few address the
technical and marketplace questions described
above. These comments are from individual amateur operators 21 who state
that existing wide-band transceivers cannot be
modified to meet the restrictions of the scanner laws without
substantial expense and that this situation will continue as new
equipment becomes available. Despite our specific request in the Inquiry
that manufacturers comment on these technical and
financial questions, no manufacturer chose to respond on these points.
We also received a few comments describing the
prevalence of scanner laws nationwide.22 Finally, the National
Communications System (NCS), of the Department of
Defense, states in its comment that the federal government utilizes
amateur operators in a number of programs requiring
mobile, wide-band transceivers.23

                                          IV. DISCUSSION

8. There are three ways state and local laws may be preempted. First,
Congress may expressly preempt the state or local
law. Second, Congress may, through legislation, clearly indicate its
intent to occupy the field of regulation, leaving "no room
for the States to supplement."24 Last, and most important for this

    [e]ven where Congress has not completely displaced state regulation
in a specific area, state law [may be] nullified to
    the extent that it actually conflicts with federal law. Such a
conflict arises when "compliance with both federal and state
    regulations is a physical impossibility,"...or when state law
"stands as an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution
    of the full purposes and objectives of Congress."25

Furthermore, "[f]ederal regulations have no less preemptive effect than
federal statutes."26

9. The amateur service is regulated extensively under Part 97 of the
Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. Part 97. As we have
stated in the past:

    [T]here is...a strong federal interest in promoting amateur
communications. Evidence of this interest may be found in the
    comprehensive set of rules that the Commission has adopted to
regulate the amateur service. Those rules set forth
    procedures for the licensing of stations and operators, frequency
allocations, technical standards which amateur radio
    equipment must meet and operating practices which amateur operators
must follow. We recognize the Amateur Radio
    Service as a voluntary, noncommercial communication service,
particularly with respect to providing emergency
    communications. Moreover, the Amateur Radio Service provides a
reservoir of trained operators, technicians and
    electronic experts who can be called on in times of national or
local emergencies. By its nature, the Amateur Radio
    Service also provides the opportunity for individual operators to
further international goodwill.27

This federal interest in the amateur service is also reflected in
Section 97.1 of our rules, 47 C.F.R. §97.1, which provides
that the amateur service exists to "continu[e] and exten[d]...the
amateur's proven ability to contribute to the advancement of
the radio art."28 This regulatory purpose is consistent with the
Communications Act requirement that "[i]t shall be the policy
of the United States to encourage the provision of new technologies to
the public."29

10. The strong federal interest in the preservation and advancement of
the amateur service is also demonstrated by
Congress's recent recognition of the goals of the amateur service in a
"Sense of Congress" provision in which Congress
strongly encouraged and supported the amateur service.30 Congress
therein directed all Government agencies to take into
account the valuable contribution of amateurs when considering actions
affecting the amateur radio service.31 We believe
that the strong federal interest in supporting the emergency services
provided by amateurs cannot be fully accomplished
unless amateur operators are free to own and operate their stations to
the fullest extent permitted by their licenses and are not
unreasonably hampered in their ability to transport their radio
transmitting stations across state and local boundaries for
purposes of transmitting and receiving on authorized frequencies.
Indeed, as a result of advances in technology making
smaller, lighter weight radios commercially available, the Commission
has expressly amended its rules to facilitate and
encourage unrestricted mobile amateur operations. As we noted in a
recent rule making proceeding to modify the rules
governing the amateur radio service,

    In the age of the microprocessor and the integrated circuit
[amateur] equipment is highly portable. It is common for
    amateur operators to carry hand-held transceivers capable of
accessing many local repeaters in urban areas and also
    capable of reasonably good line-of-sight communication. It appears
that the concept of fixed station operation no longer
    carries with it the same connotation it did previously. For this
reason, we propose to delete current rules that relate to
    station operation away from the authorized fixed station location.32

As a consequence of these changes, the rules now expressly authorize
amateur service operation "at points where the
amateur service is regulated by the FCC," that is, at fixed and mobile
locations throughout the United States. Furthermore, the
Commission's Rules do not in any way prohibit an amateur service
transceiver from having out-of-band reception

11. Against this background, we conclude that certain state and local
laws, as described below, conflict with the
Commission's regulatory scheme designed to promote a strong amateur
radio service. Scanner laws that prohibit the use of
transceivers that transmit and receive amateur frequencies because they
also receive public safety, special emergency or
other radio service frequencies frustrate most legitimate amateur
service mobile operations through the threat of penalties
such as fines and the confiscation of equipment. As noted by ARRL,
virtually all modern amateur service equipment in use
today can receive transmissions on the public safety and special
emergency frequencies at issue, and the majority of amateur
stations34 are operated in a mobile fashion. Consequently, the mobile
operations of the vast majority of amateurs are
affected by such laws. In addition, the record statements by amateurs
that the costs would be substantial to modify existing
transceivers are unchallenged. The scanner laws, then, essentially place
the amateur operator in the position of either
foregoing mobile operations by simply avoiding all use of the equipment
in vehicles or other locations specified in the laws,
or risking fines, or equipment confiscation. This very significant
limitation on amateurs operating rights runs counter to the
express policies of both Congress and the Commission to encourage and
support amateur service operations, including
mobile operations, and impermissibly encroaches on federal authority
over amateur operators.35 It conflicts directly with
the federal interest in amateur operators being able to transmit and
receive on authorized amateur service frequencies.36

12. For these reasons, we find it necessary to preempt state and local
laws that effectively preclude the possession in
vehicles or elsewhere of amateur service transceivers by amateur
operators merely on the basis that the transceivers are
capable of reception on public safety, special emergency, or other radio
service frequencies, the reception of which is not
prohibited by federal law.37 We find that, under current conditions and
given the types of equipment available in the market
today, such laws prevent amateur operators from using their mobile
stations to the full extent permitted under the
Commission's Rules and thus are in clear conflict with federal
objectives of facilitating and promoting the Amateur Radio
Service. We recognize the state law enforcement interest present here,
and we do not suggest that state regulation in this area
that reasonably attempts to accommodate amateur communications is
preempted.38 This decision does not pertain to scanner
laws narrowly tailored to the use of such radios, for example, for
criminal ends such as to assist flight from law enforcement
personnel. We will not, however, suggest the precise language that must
be contained in state and local laws. We do find that
state and local laws must not restrict the possession of amateur
transceivers simply because they are capable of reception of
public safety, special emergency or other radio service frequencies, the
reception of which is not prohibited by federal law,
and that a state or local permit scheme will not save from preemption an
otherwise objectionable law.39 Finally, we note,
as stated by APCO in comments filed previously in this proceeding, that
any public safety agency that desires to protect the
confidentiality of its communications can do so through the use of
technology such as scrambling or encryption.40

                                          V. CONCLUSION

13. We hold that state and local laws that preclude the possession in
vehicles or elsewhere of amateur radio service
transceivers by amateur operators merely on the basis that the
transceivers are capable of the reception of public safety,
special emergency, or other radio service frequencies, the reception of
which is not prohibited by federal law, are
inconsistent with the federal objectives of facilitating and promoting
the amateur radio service and, more fundamentally,
with the federal interest in amateur operator's being able to transmit
and receive on authorized amateur service frequencies.
We therefore hold that such state and local laws are preempted by
federal law.

14. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that the request for a declaratory ruling
filed by the ARRL IS GRANTED to the extent
indicated herein and in all other respects IS DENIED.


William F. Caton
Acting Secretary


Comments or reply comments to the Inquiry were submitted by the
following parties:

        70 individual amateur operators, some of whom also operate GMRS
equipment or use scanning receivers

        2 individual General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) operators

        13 individual scanning receiver users

        American Radio Relay League, Inc. (ARRL)

        Associated Public-Safety Communications Officers, Inc. (APCO)

        Bellcore Pioneers Amateur Radio Association

        Big Spring/Howard County, Texas; Hal Boyd, Emergency Coordinator

        C. Crane Company

        Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.

        City of Martinez, California; Gerald W. Boyd, Chief of Police

        Communications Electronics, Inc.

        County of Sussex, New Jersey; John Ouweleen, Emergency
Management Coordinator

        CO Communications, Inc.

        Egyptian Radio Club, Inc.

        Grove Enterprises, Inc.

        Jessamine Amateur Radio Society

        National Communications System (NCS), Department of Defense

        Pasco County, Florida; Edith L. Sanders, Disaster Preparedness

        Personal Radio Steering Group, Inc. (PRSG)

        Radio Communications Monitoring Association (RCMA)

        Riverside County R.E.A.C.T.

        Seminole County, Florida; Kenneth M. Roberts, Emergency
Management Coordinator

        State of Michigan, Department of State Police; David H. Held,
        Communications Section

        Tandy Corporation


    1 The American Radio Relay League, Inc., Request for Declaratory
Ruling Concerning the Possession of Radio
    Receivers Capable of Reception of Police or Other Public Safety
Communications (November 13, 1989) (ARRL

    2 Transceivers are radio equipment capable of both transmission and

    3 Public Notice, 5 FCC Rcd 1981 (1990). 55 Fed. Reg. 10805 (March
23, 1990). Comments were due by May 16,
    1990, and reply comments by May 31, 1990.

    4 6 FCC Rcd 1305 (1991) (Inquiry).

    5 The scanner laws appear to be aimed at promoting the health,
safety, and general welfare of the citizenry.

    6 See generally ARRL motion (citing N.J. Stat. Ann. §2A:127--4 (West
1985) (noting that a person is guilty of a
    misdemeanor for possessing or installing a short-wave radio in an
automobile capable of receiving, inter alia,
    frequencies assigned for police use unless a permit has been issued
therefor by the chief of the county or municipal
    police wherein such person resides) and Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §432.570
(Michie/Bobbs-Merrill 1985) (noting that any
    person who possesses a mobile short-wave radio capable of receiving
frequencies assigned for police use is guilty of a
    misdemeanor , except that certain users such as radio and television
stations, sellers of the "scanner" radios, disaster
    and emergency personnel, and those using the weather radio service
of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
    Administration are exempt, while amateur radio licensees are not

    7 See generally ARRL motion (regarding, inter alia, a Kansas City,
Missouri, scanner law). See also note 24, infra.

    8 Id.

    9 N.J. Stat. Ann. §2C:33-22 (West 1992).

    10 Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. §432.570(4)(c) (Baldwin 1992).

    11 See note 22, infra.

    12 ARRL Motion at 1, 3 and 5, "Most commercial Amateur Radio VHF and
UHF transceivers...are incidentally
    capable of reception (but not transmission) on frequencies
additional to those allocated to the Amateur Radio Service.
    These frequencies are adjacent to amateur allocations. This is true
even though the equipment is primarily designed for
    amateur bands, and results from the intentional effort to insure
proper operation of the transceiver throughout the entire
    amateur band in question." Id, at 3.

    13 Id. at 12.

    14 For example, Amateur Radio licensees were widely recognized as
serving a vital role in providing communications
    from devastated areas of South Florida during Hurricane Andrew and
its aftermath in 1992.

    15 See generally House Comm. on the Judiciary, Electronic
Communications Privacy Act of 1986, H.R. Rep. No. 647,
    99th Cong., 2d Sess, 42.

    16 ARRL motion at 2 and 12. As of February 28, 1993, the
Commission's licensing database indicates that there are
    598,656 amateur stations in the United States and its territories
and possessions.

    17 Id. at 11.

    18 A list of commenters is provided in the Appendix. Further, we
have accepted a comment
    from Communications Electronics, Inc., which was filed one day late.
See generally 47 C.F.R. §1.46(b). We also have
    considered 45 comments filed previously in this proceeding. See
Inquiry, 6 FCC Rcd at 1306-1308 (noting that all of
    the filed comments support the ARRL motion). In addition, we
received comments from scanner (receive-only
    equipment) users, who are not federal licensees and whose interests
have not been at issue in the proceeding.

    19 Comment of State of Michigan, Department of State Police, at 2-3
(June 3, 1991). But see Reply Comments of
    Personal Radio Steering Group of Ann Arbor, Michigan (July 8, 1991)
(noting that ARRL has not requested the
    preemption of state and local laws that proscribe unlawful actions
taken by amateur licensees).

    20 Comment of State of Michigan, supra, at 2-3. But see paragraph
12, n. 40, infra (noting the comments supporting
    preemption filed previously in this proceeding by the Associated
Public Safety Communications Officers (APCO)).

    21 See, e.g., Comment of John F. Fuhrman at 4 (April 29, 1991),
Comment of Joseph Reymann at 9, 14 (May 24, 1991),
    and Comment of Mark D. Tavaglini at 3 (July 5, 1991).

    22 See, e.g., Comment of ARRL at 12 & n.6, 14 (June 7, 1991);
Comment of Association of North American Radio
    Clubs at 5 (April 30, 1990): Comment of Radio Communications
Monitoring Association at 5 (June 6, 1991). With
    respect to scanner laws at the local level, ARRL has notes that it
is difficult to determine the precise number of such
    ordinances. See Comment of ARRL at 12 (June 7, 1991); See also
Letter from ARRL to the Chief, Private Radio
    Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. (May 26,
1993) (noting local scanner laws in effect
    in Newton and Overland Park, Kansas, Jersey City, New Jersey, and
Kansas City, Missouri).

    23 Comment of National Communications System at 2-4 (June 7, 1991).

    24 Capital Cities Cable, Inc. v. Crisp, 467 U.S. 691, 699-705 (1984)
(quoting Rice v. Santa Fe Elevator Corp., 331
    U.S. 218, 230 (1947)).

    25 Fidelity Fed. Savings & Loan Ass'n v. de la Cuesta, 458 U.S. 141,
153 (1982) (quoting Florida Lime & Avocado
    Growers, Inc. v. Paul, 373 U.S. 132, 142-43 (1963); Hines v.
Davidowitz, 312 U.S. 52, 67 (1941)); see Capital Cities
    Cable, Inc. v. Crisp, 467 U.S. at 705-09.

    26 Fidelity Fed. Savings & Loan Ass'n v. de la Cuesta, 458 U.S. at

    27 Federal Preemption of State and Local Regulations Pertaining to
Amateur Radio Facilities, 101 FCC 2d 952,
    959-60 (1985) (concerning Amateur Radio antenna restrictions)
(Amateur Preemption Order), See 47 C.F.R. §97.1.
    See also Note. Federal Preemption of Amateur Radio Antenna Height
Regulation: Should the Sky Be the Limit? 9
    Cardozo L. Rev. 1501, 1517-19 (1988), Note, Local Regulation of
Amateur Radio Antennae and the Doctrine of
    Federal Preemption: The Reaches of Federalism, 9 Pac. L.J. 1041,
1055-60 (1978).

    28 47 C.F.R. §97.1(b).

    29 47 U.S.C. §157(a).


                                               Sec. 10

    (a) The Congress finds that --

    (1) more than four hundred thirty-five thousand four hundred radio
amateurs in the United States are licensed by the
    Federal Communications Commission upon examination in radio
regulations, technical principles, and the international
    Morse code;

    (2) by international treaty and the Federal Communications
Commission regulation, the amateur is authorized to operate
    his or her station in a radio service of intercommunications and
technical investigations solely with a personal aim and
    without pecuniary interest;

    (3) among the basic purposes for the Amateur Radio Service is the
provision of voluntary, noncommercial radio
    service, particularly emergency communications; and

    (4) volunteer amateur radio emergency communications services have
consistently and reliably been provided before,
    during, and after floods, tornadoes, forest fires, earthquakes,
blizzards, train wrecks, chemical spills, and other

    (b) It is the sense of Congress that --

    (1) it strongly encourages and supports the Amateur Radio Service
and its emergency communications efforts; and

    (2) Government agencies shall take into account the valuable
contributions made by amateur radio operators when
    considering actions affecting the Amateur Radio Service.

    Federal Communications Commission Authorization Act of 1988. Pub. L.
No. 100-594, 102 Stat. 3021, 3025
    (November 3, 1988); see also Joint Explanatory Statement of the
Committee of Conference on H.R. Conf. Rep. No.
    386. 101st Cong., 1st Sess. 415, 433 (November 21, 1989), reprinted
in 1990 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 3018,
    3037 (amateur licensees exempted from new Commission-wide fees
program because "[t]he Conferees recognize that
    amateur licensees do not operate for profit and can play an
important public safety role in times of disaster or
    emergency"). Joint Explanatory Statement of the Committee of
Conference on H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 765, 97th Cong., 2d
    Sess. 18-19 (August 19, 1982), reprinted in 1982 U.S. Code Cong. &
Admin. News 2261, 2262-63.

    31 Id.

    32 Reorganization and Deregulation of Part 97 of the Rules Governing
the Amateur Radio Services, Notice of
    Proposed Rule Making, 3 FCC Rcd 2076, 2077, (1988), final rules
adopted in Report and Order, 4 FCC Rcd 4719
    (1989), aff'd in Memorandum Opinion and Order, 5FCC Rcd 4614 (1990).

    33 The rules, however, do prohibit amateur service transmissions
outside of the allocated amateur service bands. 47
    C.F.R §97.307(b); Public Notice, Extended Coverage Transceivers in
the Amateur Radio Service, mimeo no. 4114
    (July 21, 1987) (noting that "[i]t is a violation of the
Commission's regulations to...transmit on a frequency allocated to
    a licensed service without the appropriate Commission-issued station

34 See para. 5, n.16, supra.

35 Cf. Capital Cities Cable, Inc. v. Crisp, 467 U.S. at 711 (state ban
on alcoholic beverages commercials preempted where
compliance by cable companies might result in deletion of out-of-state
programming, thereby frustrating federal goal of
promoting programming variety).

36 See Amateur Preemption Order, 101 FCC 2d at 960 (ordinances that
"operate to preclude amateur operations in their
communities are in direct conflict with federal objectives and must be

37 We note that federal law prohibits unauthorized reception on
frequencies of certain radio services, e.g., cellular radio.
See Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. §§101(a)(1),
101(a)(6), 101(c), 18 U.S.C. §§2510(1), 2510(10),
2510(16)(d), 2511(1). House Comm. on the Judiciary, Electronic
Communications Privacy Act of 1986, H.R. Rep. No. 647,
99th Cong., 2d Sess. 31-33, 37.

38 See Amateur Preemption Order, 101 FCC 2d at 960 (state and local
regulations regarding amateur antennas based on
health, safety or aesthetic considerations "must be crafted to
accommodate reasonably amateur communications and to
represent the minimum practicable regulation to accomplish the local
authority legitimate purpose").

39 The possibility that an affected licensee might obtain an additional
authorization or permit to operate under the state or
local law does not ameliorate the conflict, because the state or local
issuing authority might choose to deny the amateur
operator the permit, or charge a fee for the permit, or require the
permit of even a non-resident.

40 See Comments of APCO at 2-3 (May 16, 1990) (summarized in Inquiry, 6
FCC Rcd at 1306).

Page last modified: 10:40 AM, 05 Oct 2001 ET
Page author: [email protected]
Copyright © 2001, American Radio Relay League, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


The above ruling does not apply in any way to scanners (radio receivers meant to scan VHF or UHF radio, including Public Safety radio.  Amateur radio licenses do NOT cover scanners.  No license does.  Consequently the above does not give amateur radio operators special privileges to use scanning receivers.  If you have a scanning receiver in your vehicle, it can still be deemed illegal by any authority that so chooses. 

Secondly, the above ruling does not cover ham radio transceivers being used in public safety scanning mode.  It covers only ham radio transceivers that CAN scan public safety, but only because that is their design.  It does NOT give hams the RIGHT to scan police or fire channels.  It only gives them the RIGHT to have a radio that is capable of doing so. This right is allowed only because most ham transceivers can, as they come from the factory, scan those frequencies, and to prevent it would force the ham to modify his radio so that it could not monitor outside the ham bands.

What this means is, if you are found, in a district which prohibits scanners, to be using your ham radio transceiver to scan police or fire frequencies, you are, as far as the law is concerned, operating a scanner, not a ham radio!  Be careful!  They may still can take your radio and fine you, if they determine you are using it as  a police/fire scanner!  And the above ruling does not exempt you from that.

If you are in a jurisdiction which prohibits using scanning receivers, you would be VERY wise to be sure your radio is programmed NOT to scan police or fire frequencies.  If that cop stops you, and he hears a police call on your radio, you are indeed, under the law, running a scanner, and he may react accordingly.  And you will lose in court!

The best way to do this is through memory banks.  Allocate one memory bank to ham radio use only.  Then, if you see you are about to be pulled over, switch your radio that that memory bank.  You can then demonstrate to the police officer that you are listening ONLY to ham radio. 

Remember, too, it is not illegal to have a radio that CAN transmit on police frequencies.  It IS, though, illegal to use it there.  If your radio is "opened" so that it can transmit on PS channels, and the officer hears it listening on a PS channel, he may ask you to demonstrate that it will not transmit on that channel.  Don't transmit!  Tell the officer you are not permitted to transmit on that channel, and as long as the radio is in your control, it will NOT be permitted to transmit, or even attempt to transmit, on that non-ham channel. And stick to it.  He cannot order you to break federal law by ordering you to transmit on that non-ham radio channel.  So don't even try it to show him it can't be done. 





International Third-Party Traffic -- Proceed With

Occasionally, DX stations may ask you to pass a
third-party message to a friend or relative in the
States. This is all right as long as the US has
signed an official third-party traffic agreement with
that particular country, or the third party is a
licensed amateur. The traffic must be noncommercial
and of a personal, unimportant nature. During an
emergency, the US State Department will often work
out a special temporary agreement with the country
involved. But in normal times, never handle traffic
without first making sure it is legally permitted.

US Amateurs May Handle Third-Party Traffic With:

 V2                        Antigua/Barbuda

 LU                        Argentina

 VK                        Australia

 V3                        Belize

 CP                        Bolivia

 T9                        Bosnia-Herzegovina

 PY                        Brazil

 VE                        Canada

 CE                        Chile

 HK                        Colombia

 D6                        Comoros (Federal Islamic Republic of)

 TI                        Costa Rica

 CO                        Cuba

 HI                        Dominican Republic

 J7                        Dominica

 HC                        Ecuador

 YS                        El Salvador

 C5                        Gambia, The

 9G                        Ghana

 J3                        Grenada

 TG                        Guatemala

 8R                        Guyana

 HH                        Haiti

 HR                        Honduras

 4X                        Israel

 6Y                        Jamaica

 JY                        Jordan

 EL                        Liberia

 V7                        Marshall Islands

 XE                        Mexico

 V6                        Micronesia, Federated States of

 YN                        Nicaragua

 HP                        Panama

 ZP                        Paraguay

 OA                        Peru

 DU                        Philippines

 VR6                       Pitcairn Island*

 V4                        St. Christopher/Nevis

 J6                        St. Lucia

 J8                        St. Vincent and the Grenadines

 9L                        Sierra Leone

 ZS                        South Africa

 3DA                       Swaziland

 9Y                        Trinidad/Tobago

 TA                        Turkey

 GB                        United Kingdom **

 CX                        Uruguay

 YV                        Venezuela

 4U1ITU                    ITU - Geneva

 4U1VIC                    VIC - Vienna


* Since 1970, there has been an informal agreement between the United
Kingdom and the US, permitting Pitcairn and US amateurs to exchange messages
concerning medical emergencies, urgent need for equipment or supplies, and
private or personal matters of island residents.

** Limited to special-event stations with callsign prefix GB (GB3 excluded).

US licensed amateurs may operate in the following US territories under their
FCC license:

     The Northern Marianas Islands, Guam, Johnston Island, Midway Island,
     Kure Island, American Samoa, Wake Island, Wilkes Island, Peale Island,
     The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

Please note that the Region 2 Division of the International Amateur Radio
Union (IARU) has recommended that international traffic on the 20 and
15-meter bands be conducted on the following frequencies:

     14.100-14.150 MHz
     14.250-14.350 MHz
     21.150-21.200 MHz
     21.300-21.450 MHz

The IARU is the alliance of Amateur Radio societies from around the world;
Region 2 comprises member-societies in North, South and Central America, and
the Caribbean.

Note: At the end of an exchange of third-party traffic with a station
located in a foreign country, an FCC-licensed amateur must transmit the call
sign of the foreign station as well as his own call sign.

Page last modified: 03:52 PM, 01 May 2000 ET
Page author: [email protected]
Copyright © 2000, American Radio Relay League, Inc. All Rights Reserved.