The PECOS VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Parts and Supply Store is open to any of our club members. Due to the difficulty in locating common parts, adaptors and fittings locally, the PVARC has developed this service for our local and area member hams only. We cannot mail order or take any form of payment online. All purchases are COD only by contacting Tom, W5TD, at 575-623-5734 or 575-420-3582. Check back often as our inventory will be expanding.

1. Anderson Power Poles 1 pair $1.00

2. PL259 Silver/Silver/Teflon each 1.50

3. UG175 Adapter (RG58) each .35

4. UG176 Adapter (RG59,RG8x) each .35

5. Red/Black 12ga. Zip Line per/ft. .55

6. Belden RG8x Coax per/ft. .35

7. RG58 Coax per/ft. .15