Cumberland County Tennessee's oldest and largest Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications organization

W8EYU is a
Solar-Powered Repeater on
118.8 CTCSS

Say hello while travelling on I-40 between Nashville and Knoxville.

Read about the project in the September 2010 issue of QST.

The Cumberland Plateau Amateur Radio Club (CPARC) is located in Crossville, Tennessee and was established to serve the public, further the art of amateur radio communication, and promote high standards in amateur radio. The club operates two repeaters, W8EYU on 146.865 MHz (118.8 Hz.CTCSS) and 146.895 (also 118.8). We are an ARRL affiliated club in the Tennessee Section.
 Visit the
CPARC Web Site

for much more information.
 Copyright 2001-2013
 Cumberland Plateau Amateur Radio Club, Inc
This page last updated March 2013