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Kenwood TS-2000 and 144mhz/432mhz preamp setup. Using SSB MHP-145 preamp on
144mhz,  and SSB SP-7000 preamp on 432mhz. Both with SSB DCW-15B sequencers.

Read This 1st!! To be clearer on what changes I made to the RigBlaster. On the RigBlaster
X-connect block "P1:B" remove the 2 jumpers (1st jumper will have 1 end on pin 17 = PTT GND,
and the other jumper will have a connection on pin 18 = PTT).
After these 2 jumpers are removed,
instead connect a pair of wires (1 to pin 17 only and the other to pin 18 only of X-connect block P1:B)
Run this pair of wires out the back of the RigBlaster. These 2 wires then go to key your sequencer
instead of being X-connected as before to the RJ45 (via P1:B) which would normally key your rig Mic
PTT.  P1:B is the output side of the X-connect block which normally feeds the rear panel RJ45
connector which is the feed to the rig mic input.

Note-My Mic is hooked to Rigblaster front panel 8 pin Mic connector

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On 144mhz MHP-145 setup note that I added an extra 62ms delay time (via added relays in Rig Keying
Control Box below)  before the rig can key from the SSB DCW-15B sequencer. Also note that the Rigblaster
can no longer directly key the rig, but instead keys the sequencer. My Mic keys the Rigblaster which then
keys the sequencer via rig keying control box.

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On 432mhz the SSB SP-7000 setup note that I added an extra 62ms delay time (via added relays in Rig Keying
Control Box below)  before the rig can key from the SSB DCW-15B sequencer. Also note that the Rigblaster
can no longer directly key the rig, but instead keys the sequencer.

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This is my Rig Keying Control Box. Everything (foot switch, mic ptt, hand switch,  rigblaster etc) keys the
SSB DCW-15b sequencers by means of it. The sequencer keys the relays in the control box, which then
keys the rig . This ckt adds 62ms extra time before the sequencers can key the rig. Also note that the
release time is 2ms to un-key the rig due to using 1ms SIP reed relays on the input and output. I also added
a 1ms SIP reed relay to enable the cw key for extra safety. VOX is "NEVER USED" in either CW or SSB.
Only hand key, foot switch, or rigblaster,or Hand Mic hooke to the RigBlaster etc.  The relays used in the
control box are of 2 kinds. (3) Minature 12vdc SPST (each adds 20ms to operate time), plus (2) 12vdc SIP
1ms reed relays (each operate and relase in 1ms). Same type SIP reed relay was used to enable the cw key.

*Bottom line is never use VOX for anything (NOT EVEN ON CW) and nothing directly can key the TS-2000.
The SSB DCW-15b sequencers start the rig keying but it is delayed an extra 62ms via control box. Also it is
important to un-key the rig quickly, which is done by the 1ms SIP reed relays shown in control box input/output.

** No problem with 1.5kw into the SSB MHP-145 mast mount using this setup. Would NOT suggest just
trying to use the SSB DCW-15b sequencer without the added 62ms operate delay provided by the rig keying
control box. Also NOTE* the 432mhz SP-7000 does not require all this extra delay and setup since it has
VOX switching built into it. I hooked it up through the MHP-145 144mhz setup above just because it was easier
to do here since I run both type pre-amps.