Macedonian DX group (MDXG) is founded in the beginning of 1990
by group of Z3 ham's interested Z31A (ex Z31AA), Z31CZ,
Z31GX, Z31MM, Z31PK (SK) , Z31RC (SK),
Z31RQ, Z31TU, Z32BF, MDXG is issue an MDX Award to all radio amateurs and SWL's. There are the rules for the award:
MDXG Award
1. To work or hear: DX stations 5 members of MDXG and EU
10 members of MDXG Venco Stojcev, e-mail:
[email protected] We are also accept QSO's with our
ex calls and our contest calls: Z39A, Z39M, Z39Z, |
Last updated: 15-06-2010 Designed by
Z36W |