I owe great thanks to all of you who helped me in any way to realise this presentation: whether it was in form of expert help, or with advices, or patience, and thanks to all of them who didn`t belived that I will persist in work - to them especially, because all of us know that spite is the best motivation (to every Serb at least).

   No, sincerly, I think that gratest gratitude I owe to mister Al Waller, k3tkj, who enabled me to set this presentation on his server for free - thanks Al, you`re the MAN.

   I would also say thanks to my friend, Bojan Zolnaj, who helped me a lot with his advices on expert field.

   Also thanks to my friend Ivan Bilicki who helped me with the english translation of the site.

   Furthermore I would like to thank to all the people on whose sites I found the material for this presentation. If I have let out anyone by mistake - please write me.

Serb Land of Montenegro


Trident Military

Government of Serbian Republic

Srpska Politika

Government of Montenegro

International Civic Heraldry

Srbski Obraz

   And at last thanks to all of you who visited the presentation (I made it for you afterall :-)

Goran Obradovic


