NVIS (acronym of Near Vertical Incidence, Skywave) is a special mode of propagation that allows for mid-range communication (less than 500 km), in the range between groundwave and skywave distances. NVIS signals are vertically transmitted upwards and returned downwards by the ionosphere.
This method provides local coverage in tropical areas with a single transmitter in hilly and/or jungle areas, operating 2-4 MHz at night and 4-8 MHz during daylight. |
Unlike long-distance communication methods, NVIS requires the use of a vertical radiation profile antenna.
A dipole at a height of 0.1-0.25 wavelengths is an efficient NVIS antenna, maximizing vertical and nearly vertical radiation while minimizing lower-angle radiation.
The signal to noise ratio improves at very low dipole heights, due to a greater reduction in background noise and interference from distant regions.
Very low dipoles have feedpoint impedances that are 50 ohms or less. To prevent a high SWR, care should be taken to match the antenna.
Low dipoles have another benefit in that they are simple to construct.
The inverted vee is a good NVIS antenna that may even be simpler to support. A dipole suspended from a height just below the inverted vee's apex will perform almost as well as an inverted vee if the apex angle is kept at least at 120 degrees. If the included angle is sharper than about 120 degrees, the inverted vee won't function for NVIS because there won't be enough vertical radiation.
An inverted vee is frequently easier to erect than a dipole because only one support is required above ground for the center of the antenna, which must support the weight of a center insulator and feedline.
A wire placed beneath a dipole (or inverted vee) that serves as a reflector and is about 5% longer than the primary radiating element can improve its high angle radiation. When the antenna is too low to allow for that, a wire laid on the ground beneath the antenna may still be effective. The ideal height for such a wire refector is about 0.15 wavelengths below the main radiating element. However, the soil in the area affects how effective a wire reflector is.
A knife switch at the center point of the wire reflector can be used to eliminate its effect. This technique is useful for using a dipole for NVIS and longer distances, too. When the switch is closed, the vertical gain will increase, and the noise levels may drop.
Watch the near real-time NVIS propagation charts showing the current critical frequency.
To plan a future schedule, use your experience what were the highest NVIS bands that could be used at different times of day, season, sunspot activity, atmospheric noise, and atmospheric absorption.The highest frequency that the ionosphere will vertically reflect is FoF2. This critical frequency is measured by numerous stations around the globe and used to create maps like the one below, which shows foF2 in near real-time. The following NVIS map was designed for radio amateurs:
The colored regions of this map, which are rebounded by Iso-Frequency contours, illustrate the Critical Frequency that is expected to bounce off of the ionosphere
at near vertical angle. The ham bands (160, 80, 60, 40, 30 ,20m) are designated by iso-frequency contours: 1.8, 3.5, 5.3, 7, 10.1, and 14 Mhz.
foF2, as measured by ionosondes, is the raw data that powers the site.
Colored discs indicate the location of stations. A number inside each disc represents the Critical frequency, foF2.
NVIS was first used by the German Army during the late 1930s as a solution to the Skip Zone. The Allies used NVIS in the invasion of Normandy. During the Vietnam War, the US military found NVIS as a solution for communication over rugged highlands terrain. Today, NVIS communication is practiced and used by military organizations and their affiliates, as well as various members of the preparedness community, to provide reliable, fast, and secure communications with lower probability of DF location.
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