↑ What is the current maximum useable frequency?

By Doron Tal, 4X4XM

The maximum usable frequency (MUF) is the highest frequency that can be reliably used for long-distance communication at any given time, and it is affected by a number of factors including ionospheric conditions, time of day, and location. As a result, there is no single "current maximum usable frequency" that is universally applicable.

The highest frequencies that can be used for long-distance communication, on the other hand, are generally in the range of 30 MHz to 50 MHz during the day and 5 MHz to 10 MHz at night. It is important to note, however, that these values can vary significantly depending on a variety of factors, and different frequency bands may be better or worse suited to different types of communication (e.g., voice vs. data).

One of the best tools to determine the current maximum usable frequency for a specific location is MUF 3000 Km HF Propagation Map.

For a further explanation please visit: Regional HF Conditions

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