↑ Terms related to HF radio propagation

This page is part of the project "Understanding HF Propagation"
by Doron Tal, 4X4XM

Knowing the terminology used in HF radio propagation can help you understand long-distance communication via skywaves.

Find below a glossary of basic terms and an extended index of terms related to HF radio propagation:

A glossary of basic terms

    Waves and radio propagation

  1. Frequency (f) is the number of cycles of a radio wave that occur in one second, measured in hertz (Hz).
  2. Wavelength (λ) is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave, usually measured in meters (m).
    The relationship between wavelength and frequency is inverse, with higher frequencies corresponding to shorter wavelengths and vice versa.
  3. Groundwave propagation is the use of radio waves that travel along the earth's surface, providing communication over relatively short distances, typically up to a few hundred kilometers.
  4. Skywave propagation is the phenomenon in which HF radio waves are bounced back to earth's surface, via the ionosphere, allowing long-distance communication beyond the line of sight.
  5. The ionosphere is the region of the earth's upper atmosphere (approximately 50 to 800 kilometers above the ground) where ionization occurs due to solar radiation. This region plays a crucial role in HF radio propagation by bouncing radio waves back to Earth. The ionosphere is continuously changing due to natural storms, as explained below: A storm represents a disturbed state of the natural environment, characterized by significant disruptions to normal conditions. In this project, we specifically refer to:
    1. Solar storms occur on the sun.
    2. Space weather storms occur in the space between the sun and Earth.
    3. Geomagnetic storms (also known as magnetic storms) are temporary disturbances of the Earth's magnetosphere caused by a solar wind shock wave.
    4. Ionospheric storms involve varying densities of energized free electrons in the ionosphere due to geomagnetic storms.
    5. Understanding the dynamics of solar and space weather storms reveals the intricate relationship between our sun and Earth. Solar storms, originating on the sun, unleash powerful energy that travels through space, affecting not only the celestial environment but also our planet's magnetic field. When these solar winds encounter Earth's atmosphere, they can trigger geomagnetic storms, which are temporary disturbances that disrupt communication systems and power grids. Additionally, the presence of energized free electrons in the ionosphere gives rise to ionospheric storms, further complicating our technological landscape.
  6. Skip distance is the minimum distance from the transmitter for receiving skywaves, while blind, or dead zone, refers to the region with poor or nonexistent reception.
  7. MUF (Maximum Usable Frequency) is the highest frequency at which skywave propagation is reliably achievable between two points on earth during a specific time and under specific ionospheric conditions.
  8. LUF (Lowest Usable Frequency) is the lowest frequency at which skywave propagation can be used effectively.
  9. Fading (QSB) is the variation in signal strength and quality experienced during radio transmission due to changes in ionospheric conditions, interference, or other factors.
  10. The F-region is the upper region of the ionosphere that consists of two sub-regions, f1 and f2, and is the primary region for HF propagation. The f2 is particularly important for long-distance communication.
  11. The E-region is the middle region located below the F-region. It is responsible for sporadic E-skip propagation, which can enable HF communication at higher frequencies.
  12. The D-region is the lowest region of the ionosphere, located at an altitude of approximately 48 to 90 kilometers. The D-region absorbs HF radio waves during daylight hours, affecting propagation.
  13. The ionosphere reflects a radio wave at vertical incidence below the critical frequency (fc), regardless of transmitter power.
  14. The Optimum Working Frequency (OWF) is the frequency that provides the best propagation conditions for a given HF communication path.
  15. The Solar Flux Index (SFI) is a measure of the sun's radio emissions at a specific wavelength (usually 10.7 cm). It is used as an indicator of solar activity, which affects ionospheric conditions and HF propagation.
  16. The A-index is a daily measure of geomagnetic activity on a scale from 0 to 400, with lower values indicating quieter geomagnetic conditions. Geomagnetic activity can disrupt HF propagation.
  17. The K-index represents short-term (3-hour) geomagnetic activity at a specific geomagnetic station. It quantifies disturbances in Earth’s horizontal magnetic field by comparing geomagnetic fluctuations, measured by a magnetometer, to a quiet day. The K-scale is logarithmic, a scale from 0 to 9.

Extended index of terms

A list of terms that are explained on this website:

  1. A-Index
  2. Absorption
  3. ACE - Advanced composition explorer
  4. ALE — Automatic link establishment
  5. Amateur radio
  6. Amateur radio bands
  7. Amateur radio propagation today
  8. Angle elevation/transmission
  9. Applications for analyzing and forecasting HF propagation
  10. Applications used for forecasts and predictions (references)
  11. Aurora
  12. At what Kp index can I see aurora?

  13. B
  14. Band conditions
  15. Band conditions banners
  16. Band Opennings
  17. Beacons
  18. Benefits of the HAARP Project for Radio Hams
  19. Blackouts; R1-5 scale
  20. Blind zone
  21. Bt - total strength of the Interplanetary Magnetic field (IMF)
  22. Bz - orientation of the IMF

  23. C
  24. Carrington event
  25. ChatGPT learns about forecasting tools for radio amateurs
  26. Chirping
  27. Clouds of plasma in the ionosphere
  28. CME - coronal Mass ejection
  29. Compare DR2W propagation tool with VOACAP
  30. Compare forecasting tools for HF radio propagation
  31. Compare forecasting tools for radio amateurs
  32. Communication conditions
  33. Complex HF propagation Modes
  34. Conductive ground
  35. Coronal Mass ejection (CME)
  36. Current band conditions
  37. Current Ham radio conditions
  38. Current HF band conditions maps for radio operators
  39. Current HF band conditions online map
  40. Current HF propagation
  41. Current HF propagation conditions
  42. Current HF radio propagation
  43. Current propagation conditions
  44. Current shortwave propagation conditions
  45. Current solar activity
  46. Current solar events
  47. Critical frequency
  48. Critical frequency Map
  49. D-region
  50. Dead Zone
  51. Digisonde Directogram
  52. Direct wave propagation (LOS - Line Of Site)
  53. DX clusters DX Spots

  54. D
  55. DX propagation map
  56. DX propagation online map
  57. DX propagation prediction
  58. DXMAPS
  59. DXWatch
  60. DXZone

  61. E
  62. E-region
  63. Earth's magnetic field
  64. Earth's Magnetosphere
  65. Earth Magnetosphere vs Earth's magnetic field
  66. Earth observing system (EOS)
  67. Earth's magnetic field
  68. Effects of solar activity on amateur radio
  69. Electron densities
  70. Electron flux (Ef)
  71. Electromagnetic Radiation
  72. Electromagnetic Spectrum
  73. Electromagnetic Wave
  74. Electromagnetic Spectrum
  75. Electromagnetic Radiation
  76. Electromagnetic Wave
  77. Elevation Angle
  78. EME Deg - earth-Moon-Earth Degradation
  79. EsEU - Sporadic e europe
  80. EsNA - Sporadic e North America
  81. EUV sunlight

  82. F
  83. FAQ about HF propagation
  84. FAQ: Current HF propagation conditions
  85. F10.7
  86. F-region
  87. Flare
  88. foF2 - critical frequency
  89. foF2 map
  90. Forecast HF propagation conditions
  91. Forecast HF radio propagation - applications
  92. Forecast propagation for radio amateurs
  93. Forecast vs prediction of HF band conditions
  94. Forecasting HF propagation for radio amateurs
  95. Forecasting MUF for a 3000 km path
  96. Forecasting tools for radio amateurs
  97. Free Electron Density

  98. G
  99. G1-G5 - scale of Geomagnetic storms
  100. Gamma rays
  101. Gama rays bursts (GRB)
  102. GRB - Gama-rays bursts
  103. "GeoMag" (index) - earth`s geomagnetic field activity
  104. Geomagnetic
  105. Geomagnetic activity | What is Geomagnetic activity
  106. Geomagnetic conditions
  107. Geomagnetic data
  108. Geomagnetic field activity
  109. Geomagnetic indices K, A
  110. Geomagnetic storms and HF communications
  111. Geomagnetic storms; G1-5 scale
  112. Global conditions
  113. Global HF propagation
  114. Global radio propagation conditions
  115. Greyline
  116. Greyline radio propagation explained
  117. Greyline vs "Solar Terminator"
  118. Ground wave
  119. Ground wave propagation
  120. Ground waves

  121. H
  122. Hale cycle
  123. Ham bands' activity
  124. Ham propagation map
  125. Ham radio HF propagation (real-time)
  126. Ham radio propagation conditions
  127. Ham radio propagation tutorial
  128. Ham solar
  129. Helium lines
  130. HF bands allocated for radio amateurs
  131. HF bands allocated for radio amateurs and their characteristics
  132. HF band conditions
  133. HF band conditions maps
  134. HF bands Info affected by solar conditions
  135. HF bands Monitoring
  136. HF conditions
  137. HF propagation
  138. HF propagation app
  139. HF propagation blackout
  140. HF propagation calculator
  141. HF propagation chart
  142. HF propagation conditions
  143. HF propagation conditions at a glance
  144. HF propagation experts
  145. HF propagation explained
  146. HF propagation explanation
  147. HF propagation fadeouts
  148. HF propagation for beginners and advanced
  149. HF propagation for radio amateurs
  150. HF propagation for radio hams
  151. HF propagation forecast for radio amateurs
  152. HF propagation forecast tools
  153. HF Propagation Forecasting
  154. HF propagation: fundamentals
  155. HF propagation live map
  156. HF propagation map
  157. HF propagation model
  158. HF propagation modes
  159. HF propagation online map
  160. HF propagation overview
  161. HF propagation now (real-time)
  162. HF propagation predictions
  163. HF propagation prediction online
  164. HF propagation prediction software
  165. HF propagation preface
  166. HF propagation reporter
  167. HF propagation Status
  168. HF propagation — The basics
  169. HF Propagation Today
  170. HF Propagation Tools
  171. HF radio propagation indices and scales
  172. HF radio propagation prediction
  173. HF radio propagation tutorial for radio amateurs
  174. HF propagation widget
  175. HF radio conditions
  176. HF radio propagation
  177. HF signals propagation
  178. HF radio propagation forecast
  179. HF radio propagation today
  180. HF radio wave propagation
  181. HF radio waves (basics)
  182. HF radio wave propagation factors
  183. HF radio propagation prediction
  184. HF Skywave propagation for radio amateurs
  185. HF wave propagation
  186. HFTA - High frequency Terrain Assessment
  187. Helium lines
  188. High frequency
  189. IMF - Interplanetary Magnetic field
  190. Impacts of space weather
  191. Incident angle
  192. Interplanetary Magnetic field (IMF)
  193. Introduction to HF propagation
  194. Ionisation
  195. Ionization
  196. Ionogram
  197. Ionosonde
  198. Ionosphere
  199. Ionosphere and HF radio propagation
  200. Ionosphere propagation of radio waves
  201. Ionosphere regions
  202. Ionosphere, radio waves
  203. Ionosphere probing
  204. Ionosphere regions
  205. Ionospheric absorption
  206. Ionospheric bubbles
  207. Ionospheric clouds
  208. Ionospheric conditions
  209. Ionospheric data
  210. Ionospheric disturbances
  211. Ionospheric irregularities
  212. Ionospheric propagation
  213. Ionospheric reflection
  214. Ionospheric refraction
  215. Ionospheric regions
  216. Ionospheric skywave propagation
  217. Ionospheric storms
  218. ITU model

  219. K
  220. K-Index
  221. Kp index
  222. KiwiSDR map of remote public SDR receivers accessible via the Internet

  223. L
  224. Lagrange points
  225. Layers of ionization
  226. Learning about space weather
  227. Line-Of-Sight propagation (LOS)
  228. Live HF propagation map
  229. Long-distance communication
  230. Live solar events and past solar activity
  231. LOS
  232. LOS - Line of sight propagation
  233. LUF - Lowest Usable frequency

  234. M
  235. Magnetic field
  236. Magnetosphere (MS)
  237. Maximum usable frequency (MUF)
  238. Maximum usable frequency map
  239. Modes of HF radio propagation
  240. Modes of radio propagation
  241. Monitor band activity of radio amateurs
  242. Monitring HF propagation
  243. MS — Meteor Scatter Activity
  244. MUF — Maximum Usable frequency
  245. MUF Indicators
  246. MUF How what, why?
  247. MUF factor
  248. MUF map
  249. MUF propagation map by KC2G for a 3,000 km hop
  250. MUF propagation online map

  251. N
  252. Near real-time regional maps
  253. NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  254. Noise level
  255. NVIS
  256. NVIS map
  257. NVIS propagation
  258. NVIS tutorial

  259. O
  260. Observations - Geo (Terrestrial) & Solar
  261. On-Line HF propagation prediction
  262. Online propagation tools
  263. Online real-time propagation charts
  264. Optimal Sending frequency
  265. OWF - Optimum Working frequency

  266. P
  267. Past solar activity
  268. Plasma
  269. Plasma clouds
  270. Polar cap absorption (PCA)
  271. Practical applications
  272. Predict conditions
  273. Predict HF radio propagation
  274. Predict MUF
  275. Predict propagation
  276. Predict skywave propagation now
  277. Predict sunspot numbers
  278. Prediction of sky-wave propagation conditions
  279. Predicting propagation
  280. Prediction vs forecast of HF band conditions
  281. Propagation conditions
  282. Propagation DX
  283. Propagation factors and conditions
  284. Propagation forecast
  285. Propagation indices single: propagation index
  286. Propagation modes
  287. Propagation of high frequency radio waves
  288. Propagation of HF radio waves - Global conditions and Regional conditions
  289. Propagation of shortwave radio
  290. Proton flux
  291. Propagation | modes of HF radio propagation
  292. Propagation forecast
  293. propagation of high frequency radio waves | the rebirth of hf
  294. Propagation of radio waves explained
  295. Propagation prediction
  296. Propagation prediction programs and forecasts
  297. Proton flux (Pf)
  298. PSKR - PSK reporter

  299. Q
  300. Quick guide to HF propagation using solar indices

  301. R
  302. Radio Amateur
  303. Radio amateurs HF bands charactaristics
  304. Radio blackouts / fadeouts; R1-5 scale
  305. Radio frequency
  306. Radio propagation
  307. Radio propagation beacon
  308. Radio propagation forecast
  309. Radio propagation free software
  310. Radio propagation online tools
  311. Radio propagation properties
  312. Radio propagation software
  313. Radio propagation tool
  314. Radio propagation tutorial
  315. Radio wave propagation in the ionosphere
  316. Radio spectrum
  317. Radio waves
  318. Radio waves propagation
  319. Radio wave propagation model
  320. Radio-wave HF propagation models
  321. Radio-wave propagation modes
  322. Ray tracing (Optics)
  323. RBN - Reverse beacon Network
  324. Real-time activity of radio amateurs
  325. Real-time band conditions
  326. Real-time DX data
  327. Real-time DX propagation conditions
  328. Real-time HF band conditions
  329. Real-Time hf propagation charts
  330. Real-time HF propagation prediction
  331. Ham radio HF propagation real-time
  332. Real-time HF propagation reports
  333. Real-time ham band activity using the internet
  334. Real-time MUF 3000 km propagation map
  335. Real-Time MUF and solar indices
  336. Real-time MUF map
  337. Real-time propagation and band conditions
  338. Real-time radio propagation reports
  339. Real-time reports of HF propagation
  340. Real-time reports of radio propagation
  341. Real-time reports of space weather
  342. Real-time space weather reports
  343. Real-time watching of worldwide hams' activity
  344. Real-time watching of worldwide ham activity
  345. Recent geophysical & solar observations
  346. Recent MUF distribution
  347. Recent observations - Geo (Terrestrial) & Solar
  348. Recent sunspot number
  349. Regional conditions
  350. Regional HF conditions
  351. Regional MUF and solar indices
  352. Regional vs Global HF propgation conditions
  353. Regional vs Global propgation conditions
  354. Regions of ionization
  355. Remote sensing of the ionosphere
  356. Reports of space weather
  357. RSG scales of Space Weather

  358. S
  359. SDO - Solar Dynamic Obervatory (NASA)
  360. SDR - Software Defined radio
  361. SDR spectrum
  362. Seasonal variations in HF radio propagation
  363. Seasons affect HF radio propagation
  364. SEP
  365. SFI - Solar flux Index
  366. Shortwave propagation
  367. Shortwave propagation conditions
  368. Shortwave propagation forecast
  369. Shortwave radio propagation
  370. SID - Sudden ionospheric disturbances
  371. Significant frequencies relevant to skywaves
  372. Skip distance
  373. Skip zone
  374. Skywave
  375. Skywave HF radio propagation
  376. Skywave propagation
  377. Skywave propagation conditions
  378. Skywave propagation for radio amateurs
  379. Skywave propagation forecast
  380. Skywave propagation tutorial
  381. Software for HF propagation prediction
  382. Solar activity
  383. Solar Activity & Ham radio propagation
  384. Solar activity affects HF propagation
  385. Solar activity affects skywaves
  386. Solar activity for radio amateurs
  387. Solar conditions affect HF radio propagation
  388. Solar conditions and HF radio propagation
  389. Solar cycle
  390. Solar Cycle Ham Radio
  391. Solar data
  392. Solar electromagnetic spectrum
  393. Solar events
  394. Solar energetic Particle (SEP)
  395. Solar events
  396. Solar flares
  397. Solar flux index (SFI)
  398. Solar flux today
  399. Solar Ham
  400. Solar indices
  401. Solar observations
  402. Solar maximum
  403. Solar minimum
  404. Solar Particle event (SPE)
  405. Solar phenomena
  406. Solar radiation
  407. Solar radiation storms (flares); S1-5 scale
  408. Solar radio flux
  409. Solar spectra
  410. Solar storms
  411. Solar Storms Ham Radio
  412. Solar synoptic map
  413. Solar terminator (i.e. Greyline)
  414. Solar wind; The impact of the solar wind on HF radio transmission.
  415. Solar wind reports
  416. Solar X-Ray (Phenomenon)
  417. Solar X-ray Imaging system (SXI)
  418. Solar X-Ray flux levels
  419. Space wave
  420. Space Weather
  421. Space weather data and plots
  422. Space weather definitions and explanations
  423. Space weather events
  424. Space weather forecasts
  425. Space weather prediction
  426. Space weather prediction center (NOAA)
  427. Space Weather predictions for radio amateurs
  428. Space weather reports
  429. Space weather scales
  430. SPE
  431. Sudden ionospheric disturbances
  432. Sunspots
  433. SuperDARN
  434. SWPC = Space Weather prediction center (NOAA)
  435. Sporadic e
  436. Stratosphere
  437. Sudden ionospheric disturbances (SID)
  438. Sunlight
  439. Sunspots
  440. Sunspot cycle
  441. Sunspot number (SSN)
  442. Sunspots recent days
  443. Sunspots today
  444. Surface wave propagation
  445. Space Weather prediction center (NOAA)

  446. T
  447. T Index map
  448. TEC - Total electron content
  449. Terminator line
  450. Terrestrial geomagnetic indices
  451. Terrestrial observations
  452. The Rebirth of Shortwave radio communication
  453. The Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN)
  454. Thermosphere
  455. TID (Traveling ionospheric disturbances)
  456. Tools for analyzing and forecasting HF propagation
  457. Total electron content — TEC
  458. Transmission Angle
  459. Traveling ionospheric disturbances (TID)
  460. Troposphere
  461. Twilight zone

  462. U
  463. Ultraviolet
  464. Understanding Ham bands conditions banner
  465. Understanding Ham radio propagation
  466. Understanding HF propagation
  467. Understanding HF Propagation
  468. Understanding HF propagation Numbers
  469. Understanding HF radio propagation
  470. Understanding NVIS
  471. Understanding Skywave propagation
  472. Understanding the basics of HF band conditions
  473. Usable HF frequencies
  474. Using HF beacon tracking programs

  475. V
  476. Variations in HF radio propagation
  477. Very High frequency (VHF)
  478. Very Low frequency (VLF)
  479. VHF propagation map
  480. View HF bands conditions at a glance
  481. Visualizing HF propagation
  482. VOACAP

  483. W
  484. Wave propagation
  485. What is Radio?
  486. What is Space weather?
  487. Wide-band WebSDR
  488. World-wide Space Weather agencies & services
  489. WSPR - Weak Signal propagation reporter * WSPR Live * WSPR Rocks * WSPRnet

  490. X
  491. X-Ray flares
  492. X-Ray flux levels (scale)
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