- Solar Indices - What Are They?
Solar indices (indexes) are numerical values that describe the current state of solar activity. They provide insight into how the sun's radiation affects Earth's ionosphere, which, in turn, influences HF radio wave propagation.
The following five indices (SSN, SFI, A, K, and X-Ray) are known as solar indices.
The first two, SSN and SFI are the solar indices:
- SFI - Sunspot Number is a count of the number of dark spots seen on the sun.
Higher SSN values indicate improved conditions on 14 MHz band and above.
- SFI - Solar Flux Index measures the sun's radio emissions at a wavelength of 10.7 cm (2800 MHz). A higher SFI generally indicates better HF propagation conditions. A typical range is 60 to 400. Higher values correlate with improved long-distance HF communication.
The solar indices: SSN, SFI
cond | BAD | Low | Average | Good | Better | Best |
MUF | < 15 MHz | > 21 MHz | > 24 MHz | > 28 MHz | > 50 MHz |
SSN | 0 | 25 | 50 | 75 | 100 | 125 | 150 | 175 | 200 | 250 |
SFI | 67 | 83 | 102 | 124 | 148 | 172 | 196 | 219 | 240 | 273 |
Reference to the conversion between SSN and SFI
The A and K indices are regarded as geomagnetic indices. They measure fluctuations in the Earth's magnetic field, which are influenced by solar activity but are not direct measures of solar phenomena themselves.
- A-Index represents geomagnetic activity. It measures disturbances in Earth's Magnetic field caused by solar events like solar flares or coronal mass ejections (CMEs). A low A-Index (0-7) suggests quiet geomagnetic conditions, which are favorable for HF propagation.
- K-Index is another measure of geomagnetic activity, ranging from 0 to 9. A lower K-Index indicates calmer geomagnetic conditions, which are more favorable for HF propagation. It's usually calculated from data recorded every 3 hours.
The geomagnetic indices: A, KInterference due to geomagnetic activity
HF Propagation conditions | Best | Average | Poor | BAD |
Geomagnetic activity index (linear) | A | 0 | 4 | 7 | 15 | 27 | 48 | 80 | 132 | 207 | 400 |
Geomagnetic activity index (log-scale) | K | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Reference to the conversion between SSN and SFI
- The solar flare index
- HF Propagation Forecasting:
Interpratation of the propagation indices:
- High SSN and SFI are good for daytime propagation on all HF bands. Best for higher frequency bands (20 meters and up).
Provides better long-distance communication opportunities.
- Low A-Index and K-Index are favorable for HF propagation. Reduced signal absorption and disturbances. Improved signal quality, especially for weak signals.
- Tools for Monitoring Solar Indices:
Stay updated on solar indices using various online tools and resources:
Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) provides real-time solar and geomagnetic data, including SFI, A-Index, and K-Index.
DX Cluster Websites: Many DX cluster websites display current propagation conditions and include solar indices.
Propagation Prediction Software: Use dedicated software like VOACAP (Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program) for detailed HF propagation predictions based on solar indices.
- Adjust Your Operating Strategy:
Based on the propagation indices, adapt your operating strategy:
- Select Appropriate Bands: Choose HF bands that match the current SFI and geomagnetic conditions.
- Optimal Times: Plan your HF operations during daylight hours when the SFI is higher.
- Monitor for Changes: Keep an eye on the indices, as they can change rapidly due to solar activity.
- Experiment: Try different bands and times to maximize your chances of successful HF communication.
- Continuous Learning:
HF propagation is a dynamic field, and solar indices can vary daily. Stay engaged with the amateur radio community and learn from experienced operators to refine your understanding and skills in using solar indices for HF propagation.
By grasping the basics of solar indices and their impact on HF propagation, you can enhance your ability to make effective long-distance HF contacts and enjoy the exciting world of amateur radio and shortwave communication.