Construction of a Norcal Sierra.
The Norcal Sierra was designed by Wayne Burdick, N6KR. It is a QRP multi band CW transceiver
that achieves band switching by the use of a changeable band module. By changing the band module,
the original Sierra covers the CW portions of 80M, 40M, 30M, 20M, 17M, and 15M bands. The receiver
is a single-conversion superhet with audio derived AGC, and RIT. The transmitter has full break in
keying, while optional circuitry allows monitoring of relative power, and received signal strength.
The CW output power is about 2W. The TCVR has a number of Analog ICs, which simplifies
construction. If the builder wants a moderately complex TCVR home brew project, with room for
further experimentation then this is the TCVR to build. Parts are available from several Electronic
Parts vending sources, and with careful sourcing it is possible to consolidate the components
needed to build the radio.
FAR Circuits
makes the PCB boards available. The
ARRL Technical Department
keeps a copy of the "Sierra Template Package", while
Wilderness Radio
offers a modified Norcal Sierra Kit with accessories.
MARCH, 05, 2006-Prepared Bill of Materials from a schematic diagram of the Norcal Sierra.
JUNE, 21, 2006-Ordered Norcal Sierra PCB boards from
FAR Circuits
JULY, 07, 2006-Received Norcal Sierra boards, and continued with parts assembly consolidation.
DECEMBER, 05, 2006-This project is on hold, for a few months, as I try to make intercontinental contacts with the Rockmite, using minimal QRP improvement.
JUNE, 11, 2008-Successfully redesigned original Norcal Sierra PCB Board to a Mono Band Norcal Sierra version.
OCTOBER, 26, 2009-Decided to release my Norcal Sierra Monoband design for the benefit of other adventurous QRP homebrewers.
OCTOBER, 27, 2009-Started documenting my Norcal Sierra Monoband design.
Norcal Sierra
template file
Norcal Sierra schematic
and notes
Norcal Sierra card edge
connector(EBM25DRXH-Also available from Digikey)
Source for custom crystals
Elecraft K1
Wilderness Sierra