TIARA 40th Anniversary

Closing remarks from Bill 7J1AAB

When I was asked to offer some closing remarks, I thought about what TIARA has meant to me, personally, during my 33 years in Japan. I found that this club has meant more than I can possibly express in this short speech.


When I arrived in Japan as a young man in my late 20’s, not knowing anyone and knowing nothing about Japanese culture, TIARA was an oasis of friendship and camaraderie for me. Back then, as now, there is nothing better than ham radio to bridge the gap between people and cultures.


During the last century of amateur radio, we hams have made a remarkable contribution to the history and technology of communications. We’ve helped to bridge the vast distances between people around the world, between the land and ships on the seas, bringing people and nations closer together. As you can see, communications have come a long way from the days of lighting signal fires on mountain tops.


Today any teenager with a cellphone can contact Madrid or Mozambique. And now, with CNN and the internet available everywhere, it would seem that there is little need for ham radio.


A number of us here tonight are “old timers”—not simply by virtue of our age, but as a result of our decades-long involvement in amateur radio. It is easy for us to grow nostalgic for the “old days” of ham radio when CW was the main mode of operation and working far away stations was an adventure. But I am not here to tell you that we are all fossils and that our hobby is fading like the setting sun.


Today we have access to an incredibly wide range of digital modes, new technologies and increased frequency allocations. We are able to communicate with increased reliability across a city, region, country, continent, the world, and even into space. I’m hoping the next Mars lander will carry some form of amateur radio.


This capacity to communicate with increased reliability makes our ham radio activities more relevant and necessary than ever before—especially in these most challenging times as we face increasing natural disasters and great political and financial instability on a worldwide scale.


As we near the conclusion of this 40th anniversary party, and as we look to the future of TIARA, I’m reminded of something said by Viktor Frankl, a great 20th century psychiatrist and philosopher. He said, “No matter what we have already experienced in life, no matter how advanced our years, we should live with the attitude that our greatest challenge, our greatest achievement, our greatest contribution in life is yet to come—it still lies before us.”


I believe that TIARA’s best years are yet to come, and I’m looking forward to celebrating many future anniversaries with you. I’m confident that our club will continue as an oasis of friendship and camaraderie and I am proud, as I am sure you are too, to be here tonight to share this moment together with all of you.


Thank you very much !!!
August 25, 2012, by 7J1AAB