arkaiv - mula1

DO THEY TAKE 40 METER WITH THEM ? Everyday at 5 pm 40 meter band came to live. 9M2FK,   9M2DW, 9M2AT, 9M2GV, 9M2EG, 9M2AV, 9M2RJ, 9M2BS, 9M2MW, 9M2EG, 9M2CF, 9M2WT, 9M2PT, 9M2CW, 9M2SH, 9M2SS, 9M2OK, and a few others would make themselves heard on the band. If the crowd were too big then they would split to different frequencies. Hamming and SWLing were fun then. MARTS counsel's weekly meeting were on 40 meters. While the meetings were on, the rest monitored and would only joined in to comment when invited.

Ragchews were vey long. Frequencies were occupied sometimes till midnight. The band was very kind to The Malaysian hams. Then slowly things changed.

                     9M2EG - went home to be with the Lord
                     9M2GV - went home to be with the Lord
                     9M2AT - went home to be with the Lord
                     9M2BS - went home to be with the Lord
                     9M2DJ - went home to be with the Lord
                     9M2AV - went home to be with the Lord
                     9M2EE - went home to be with the Lord
                     9M2PN - went home to be with the Lord
                     9M2MW - migrate to VK land
                     9M2CG - migrate to VK land
                     9M2FR - fell sick
                     9M2CF - move to KL..may be is having ant problem

Though 9M2BS has left us, his name is still alive. You go to electronic shops and super market and look for EKK transformers. EKK stands for Ewe Kuan Kew. He was the well known 9M2BS the co-founder of MARTS. 9M2EG, 9M2DW and 9M2GV's legacy continues. The son and the grandsons carry on with the good name of those good old hams.

But with their demise 40 meter could be considered as dead. Frequencies where Malaysian hams used to gather were taken away. Only occasionally a few persons were heard. Is it a curse ? Do those good old hams who are with our Good Lord took 40 meter away with them ?


TODAY I opened back my old callbook.asp , the older version of my webpage. I would say it is 50 time better than this one. because it contains databases for callbook and monitored contacts I have to apply a simpler program language i.e asp. I don't have to crack my head with asp. Free server like do not accomodate free stuffs like the asp. Because of that I have to run my own server at home using the no-ip to provide me something like a fix IP. The host name is very long , To connect it to the callbook I have to add callbook.asp to it with the http:// in front of it. The home server suffered from many disadvantages, namely I have to run my PC all the time. Using the normal PC as a server is something like forcing a slave to work without any rest and sleep. Components get hurt. Secondly it is extremely slow especially when many people try to access it. Finally my server is proned to attack. Finally my went dead. I jumped to QSL.NET.

Today I had to run my no-ip server again to test a remote data access by parents on their kid at schools. I was trying to apply an interactive person to database processing; the data request will only be processed when teh data is sent out to the server. In this way the computer comments on each student's performance will vary each time a request is made.

The task of port forwarding is not difficult but I just don't remember it. I port forward port 8080 and 7000, tested it but nothing happen. It took me about 7 hours to realize that I also have to forward port 80, the http port. Fnally it worked. Now my callbook is workinhg again. But it will not be on all the time. It could be attacked again. When I am at home and working with my PC the server might be on. The callboook's content is not current. It was the old information. You might want to try it and test whether you access it.

THE RADIO IS NOT FOR YOUR KID - We still hear kid's voice on VHF and HF band. At the background adult voices were heard. The person concerns should understand that though ham radio is a hobby, it is not a free for all stuffs. How smart you are, how big your rank is, you have to exercise controll over your ego. Please convey this message to anybody whom you know in a habit of allowing the kid to talk on the air. It is not a matter that you can hide yourseif and people don't know you, but it is a matter of you and yourself. You are staying in your 'something wrong body' which needs to be cleaned somewhere; what more if you are an amateur. 

One of the practices we can do is to hide the microphone or lock our shack while we are away. If you do not have any shack and your station is in the open then carry the microphone with you. Put it in your car. Of course not every kid would rush to your rig to talk. In many cases kids are well disciplined and we can avoid the unneccessary thing.

Causing disturbances on the air is not good at all. Deliberate disturbances are only caused by mentally disturbed persons. Emotionally unstable and a mild unsound mental health guy would behave strangely and would react strangely when a radio is in access. The 'babi, butoh and pungkok' guys do not seem to present themselves already and hopefully they have done the complete overhauling of themselves by now.

If you want your kid to be a ham, to pass the mic to him to talk wildly is not the way.

MORSE CODE CLUB - There are several categories of morse code clubs.The Radio Telegraphy High Speed Club HSC was founded in 1951. It is a communty of Dutch Amateur Radio Club. The member are interested in high speed telegraphy. Today there are members in more than 70 countries (DXCC list) and all 6 continents. 


Secondly there is the  Telegraphy Very High Speed Club VHSC , founded on May 1st 1961 under protection of VERON and DARC and has the intention to gather radioamateurs who are able to transmit and to copy very high speed telegraphy .


Thirdly, Telegraphy Super High Speed Club was founded on the 20th of March 1982 in association with the HSC and VHSC and was created for every amateur who enjoys high speed telegraphy to provide a stimulating challenge to achieve their highest operating speeds.


Finally The Radio Telegraphy Extremely High Speed Club was founded on the 20th of March 1982 in association with the HSC and VHSC and was created for every amateur who enjoys high speed telegraphy to provide a stimulating challenge to achieve their highest operating speeds.


There are more clubs being set up in various places to save morse codes. Forming clubs is just anybody's activity. Members of the same interest can interact, changing ideas and seeking thrills among themselves. CW itself provide thrills. I hope Malaysia would be having the CW club soon too.

The pictures above and the wave files were taken without permission from the owner. I tried to locate the e-mail address but so far could not find yet. I hope I will not be sued for taking other people's property without permission. If you want to hear the sample speed just click on the image.

TO PITY OR NOT TO PITYIf we want to pity people then let's go for NO-RAE. At the beginning of ham radio commercial equipments were not available as it is today. Amateurs have to homebrew stuffs and repair their own equipments. Therefore electronic knowledge was vital. Today money is more important than knowledge. Take anyone at all without any technical and electronic knowledge, he will still go on the air without any problem.

After all the MCMC has legalised  the use of ham gears by giving a special repeater to those who do not own ham callsign. Even in the RAE room many people sitting for the test bring the handies along with them.

If we have rules, we have to reenforce them, which would cause plenty of problems. If we cast those rules and regulations aside then it will be easy for everybody; time is not wasted on RAE, radio bussiness would flourish, radio companies survive and people do not lose their jobs. MCMC can make more money because more people pay for their equipments registeration fee.

After all ham radio is no more the king of all hobies. Now they have sky-divinng, bungy jumping and many more sports that require guts and skill. You want to feel great go for those hobbies. What skill do we have in ham radio ? Talking using all the Q-codes ? Passing the irrelavant RAE ? Homebrewing communiaction equipments ? It is almost none. Eliminating RAE simplified everything.

Believing - Malaysian politics and ham radio can go disarray if we go on believing what people say blindly. Recently I was asked about so and so,  the true and false of their actions. After many readings and witnessing several media displays, I still cannot confirm or deny the status of those people. But I believe people must be honest and sincere. Honesty and sincerity do not come with soft spoken and smiling face. People also should not be greedy and should always think on the welfare of the others. Do observe, you will see that honesty,sincerity,good wisdom and tolerance do not come with religious  or racial group .

Ham radio should not be used to take side, any side at all. So far so good. No ham is heard to broadcast any political message from any side using national repeater. We have ears, so we hear. Believing everything we hear could put ourselves in danger. We tend to be prejudice.  Even though we have witnessed very concrete proofs, we should always remember that they can be deceptive. Remember Iraq was bad under Saddam, is it better today ?

WHY I TALK OF GOING SILENT KEY ? From time to time I would mentioned the word 'dead' on the air until Manan noticed it and wondered why I always mention it. Generally people are scared of death except the suicide bombers. Many others do not think about it at all because they are still young. In my opinion we have  to think about it because it can influence our present and future activities.

Today the lifespan of a person is approximately 80 years. But there are death at 60+ and some are younger. Heart attack is common among people of between 40 to 65. Assuming we can go 80 and now we are 60 years old, we have 20 more years to go. In the present busy world 20 years is a very short time. So now if we want to make a certain decision we have to compute several things. Should we start  to buy expensive tower, buying more rigs, go for vacations or have unending funs ?

When I think of buying a new rig, I ask myself 'will the additional collection give any future benefit ? After all I already have 2 rigs and they are doing well." At the age of 20 you can say 'In 20 years time I promise.....' but at the age of 61, you cannot say the same thing anymore.

Believe me or not there are a few people are waiting for some hams to kick the bucket. 'If so and so dies, I have the chance of getting his equipments....'.

I notice there are young people collecting transceivers even though they don't have tickets or not a full pledge hams yet. The expenditures could climb up to RM50K or even more. For a non licence or a 9Ws to own 10 HF tranceivers is really a great hobby. But for older hams without any kid investing a huge sum of money is not wise. Long time collection is a different story. He bought a second hand rig at the age of 20, another at the age of 30, another at 40 and finally at 65.

On the other hand a person full of dollars and ringgit can do anything at all at any age. 'It is my money...I better enjoy life while I live..who cares it is my money.' It is true. As for me there are many decision I have to make have to base on my age.


1. 9M2PZ, 9M2AR over  - 'over' is not neccessary because it is an understood when our callsigns have been mentioned. Some articles mentioned the word 'over' is OK while some others say it is not OK but permissible.

2. 9M2PZ, 9M2AR returning - 'returning' is not neccessary. It is also understood when the callsign of the receipient has been mentioned. But from time to time when somebody passes the mic to us, we do not response by mentioning the callsign. We straight away continue chatting. Half way we decide to mention callsigns, then we can say 9M2PZ, 9M2AR returning just to let the other party know that we are not passing the transmission to him.

3. 9M2PZ, 9M2AR right back - used as convenience to the user. But using it repeatedly does not sound nice.


PRICE INCREASE. WHY ?Though in a democratic and capitalistic economy prices are said to be determined by demand and supply yet in some cases prices are determined by human greed. Electronic components and ham radio stuffs are produced in abundance. To attract buyers the producers have to lower down the prices. Durable goods are less elastic. For the survival of the industries prices have to be pushed down. Morover they are not essential products.

Essential goods and commodities like petrol and foodstuffs can kill people if greedy people just want to increase the price. The world community should not let these goods be controlled by market price. Observe how greedy and inconsiderate people are when a nation is suffering during the time of disaster when foodstuufs were sold at a skyrocketted price. Now we are all experiencing a very high price of gasoline and food products. The tycoons who controll those items do not have any heart, never think of the sufferings of poor people. This is the price that we all have to pay for accepting capitalistic free enteprise econonomy.

People are looking for alternatives. As far as gasoline is concerened there is already a breakthrough. Battry driven bicycles and motorcyles are sold in the market. The 150 mpg hybrid car is waiting to be sold. It is a relief. BUT the Malaysian government ban the sale of the electric driven motorcycle. For whatever reason given I think banning to make people suffer is not a smart idea. Just mention any reason, I am sure everyproblem that they might cause can be overcome. The hybrid car costs round 22K USD. It is cheaper than a RM200,000 car in Malaysia. If we are concern then allow free import of the hybrid vehicles.

As for the foodstuffs we can blame the political policy. Some leaders had claimed turning agriculture land to housing and firms bring more profit to the country. ( Really ? ). In Malaysia the policy was formulated during the previous administration.

Ham radio manufacturers believe reducing prices may not increase much sale. They believe the market could be enhanced by increasing the volume of the ham radio operators. Whatever they have to compete with the computer manufactureres because people can do worldwide communications through PCs too.

Ham radio stuffs, electronics equpments and components are facing the issue of survival. Gasoline and foodstuffs are due to greed and disregard for human sufferings. X-Treme X560 Electric Scooter

Price $399. Cheaper than the one described. Below is at $249

X-Treme X400 Electric Scooter


Electric Scooter

Scooter like this should not be banned by the government. It can go about 20mph. Though slow, it is useful for us to go shopping or to market. In USA people are inventing gadgets to save money. The price of a scooter like this is less than a medium range rig. It is sold at about USD1 K. Just multiply by 3 to get the ringgit.

HONG KONG TRIP - I could not make to CQ Ham Radio shop in Hong Kong though I was already at the metro station . I have only 2 days. Another 2 days for travelling to and from HK. The first activity was a city tour and the 2nd one was at Disneyland. The first 2 nights I was in Kowloon Ramada Inn. The room was very small. If you remember the Subang Airtel, it is just as it's size. So far in my tour I never stayed in such a small room. The city is compact, city busses are double deckers and taxis would start with RM8.00. I bough a take away lamb briyani for HK45.00 but it is worth the money. The taste was very good and it took 2 persons to finish it. The Samosa was extremely tasty, 1 for HK3.00. I never bought anything as things were expensive.

The second day at Disney was more interesting. HK Disney is smaller than Los Angeles's. The shows are great. The Disney's hotel is very much bigger and a 5 star one too. But the location is too far away that you cannot buy anything from outside shop. I have to pay HK20 for a pop-corn and the same price for the small bottle of pepsi. The cheapest gift like a key-chain costs HK45-50. 

The tour leader told us the life is more difficult in HK after the Communist took over because factories were closed and moved to the mainland. The price of an apartment is fantastic. In Ho Chin Min city I heard the same thing. Greed shot up the price and they say it is due to demand and supply.

Disneys Parade. Young boys and girls in Hong Kong are very talented. In several show cases they show their elegance dance.

THE CINCAI WORK Malaysian government agencies depend on its officers to do good work. The definition of 'good work' differ from individual. Only a handful would  mention avoidance of cincai work. Try to observe all government departments and see the ways work are done and the outcome. It is up to you to make the judgement. But the result of the cincai work can be vey devastating, From the increase of criminals to the lost of a Malaysian soil to foreign contries. The refusal to look at one's weakness and arrogance could bring disaster. Now the number illegal operators operating openly on HF has gaining momentum. Why ?


Calling CQ- CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ DE 9M2XXX 9M2XXX 9M2XXX K Listen for any reply. If you hear no reply repeat the calling procedure. The reply may comes like this

9M2XXX DE 9M2YYY 9M2YYY K . He may just stop at that or continue giving signal report. Usually he will pause. Notice character K. It is an invitation for the other station to transmit.

9M2YYY DE 9M2XXX  GE OM . TNX FER CUMING BACK TO MICALL . UR RST 599. OP IS MAN MAN MAN. QTH IS ALOR SETAR ALOR SETAR ALOR SETAR. HW CPY ? 9M2YYY DE 9M2XXX K . tnx=tks-thanks. GE or GM good eveing/good morning. Micall=mycall. OP or name. HW=how.cpy-copy.




I wouldn't buy QRP rig if I don't know CW. When stations using 5 watts call you on SSB accompanying with QRN and QRM you are suffering. He will keep on talking to himself as if you can copy him as strong as he can read you. When you can't copy his callsign and ask him to give his callsign in CW, he would be unable to do so. Then invest on normal rig, which is about 1.5 K only. For CW people QRP will not fail him. He can sail through and  have fun with hams throughout the world. No doubt QRP create challenges but let it not cause sufferings to people at the other end. Even from Kuala Lumpur the SSB signal fail to deliver in Kedah. If you wnt to DX using QRP then go CW.

9M2PZ is the callsign currently used by Manan. Prior to this 9M2PZ was owned by Dato' Pawanteh, Manan's farther. Manan put aside his 9M2MP and requested to use his father's callsign after Dato' Pawanteh went silent key. DPWT was a rover scout. During his scouting days he leared codes using flags, lights and tone. In other words he knew CW since his scouting days. He only decided to take up ham radio at the age of 70s. He pushed both of his sons, Manan and Jamil, to sit for RAE. He watched Manan closely when Manan practised his CW. Finally at the age of 74 DPWT got his ticket. He worked CW with me several time and never failed to response to my CQ call. 9M2DW, Dato' Tan bin Hussein, the farther of 9M2FX and DPWT went on very well. I remember DTBH sent an expensive gift to DPWT during the later's birthday but could not not remember the item of the gift. 

Being a law abiding ham Manan wanted to surrender the logbook to the autority after 9M2PZ's demise but the authority asked Manan to keep all belongings of DPWT. But unfortunately enough the flood in Arau had destroyed DPWT's logbook otherwise it could tell us more stories about DPWT's ham radio activities.

Monitoring 9Ws on MARTS national link today appeace my ear. Almost 100% do not use Q-Code wrongly at the end of the chat. They end well too, short and brief. The right SOP is not us against them. It is for all hams. I hope these people would come on the band more often to set example to the other hams, old and new. One thing about newcomers is that they are smart and knowlegeable. Many have a high technical education and thorough experience in some technical aspects. To these people I would encourage them to go 10 meters. I have every confidence in the manner they handle the stations.

I don't know what is happening on other repeaters. But the Perlis repeater seem to be OK as well. Among the many I just heard one station using the wrong Q-Code recently. The rest is OK. Congrutulation.

Recently I gave away V8000 to one person who wants to sit for RAE. The equipment is good for monitoring but the final amplifier has gone kaput. 'This is for you to monitor only,' I said. He had to find his own antenna. With the help of his friend at his workplace I am sure he will be able to become a real SWL. At one time when we had a field day and I wanted to go home, I took the transceiver's mic home with me so that nobody could be cheeky. Helping a person to become SWL is not telling him to talk without a licence.

This person worked with me before. He does not have extra money to spend on ham gear, but I could not stop him from persuing his interest. Because he is a good and a hard working worker I plan to help him when he got through his RAE.

A low income group will have to struggle to become a ham. To spend 1K for the whole setup is not easy. Going HF requied more money. A second hand set would cost about 800 ohm or may be more.

I told one ham friend 'radio is just a hobby. Your bread and butter comes first...' For a government servant, he should not leave his job for radio. The boss will not be happy if a person put aside his daily task just to attend a radio exhibition. However teachers are encouraged to form electronic clubs, teaching electrical and electronic theories and morse codes to the students.

A person with a stable economy will not be having problem. He doesn't need any financial or material aid to become a ham radio operator. If he is a boss, he can extend his help to his subbordinate who is interested in becoming a ham. But as a boss he will have to tell the subordinate, 'Work is work...a hobby is a hobby..'

WHY I SELDOM GO DXING - When I first got my ticket I was fond on working DX stations. Intermitently I switched to 40 meter band where I could hear at least 4 stations each day. I would talk to them for a short while and later would joined the Gangarudarimau Net where Eshee, Kiyo San (JA2AUI), Pak John ( VK5JF), Malcom ((M2MP) and a few Indonesian stations would be there almost everyday .  After a few years and having received thousands of QSL cards, I began to stay away from DX band. Local stations seemed to be more interesting. I enjoyed the late 9M2DW very much. Dato' Tan was not only a talking person, he was also a great contributer. Though he did not present a rig to every station for a birthday ( he did sent such gift ), but he helped use hetting co-axial cable, tuner and other stuffs, plus computer softwares he worked on. He event sent us keroncong music.  Idris was the master in technical stuffs. Eshee and Loke would talked on antenna setups. Stories were unending, from weather to golf. 9M2GV explained about his flying experience. 9M2WT would tell about golf and his exprience in travelling. The most interesting was about him missing flights.

The local chats turned out to be very joyful and DXing begun to fade. Ari was known as Ekor Gajah, Bahar ( Sambal Belacan), 9M2RJ was Raja Jepun. We knew almost all the hams in the country. May be the number was too small. 

Though the greatness of the good old days has disappeared due to the demise of many old hams and the local net is almost dead, I do not find my way to workd DX as my main activity. I stay put. I would call CQ on CW whether there would reply or not. I keep on brushing my morse skill because it gave me pleasure and feeling of satisfaction after 30 to 60 minutes of ragchew with the local stations. 

GROUPINGS AND CASTING CURSES - Birds of the same feathers flock together. They feel more comfortable that way. How many group do they have in UMNO now ? Certainly you have to agree there are several. How many group do they have in ham radio ? The minimum is 2. There is no such thing as unity in deversity as far as Malaysian hams are concern. When I first came back to ham radio I heard some licence B guys were disgracing and were finding faults at the 9M2s. Then I read a chain of e-mails of exchanging words between the 9W2s in Kuala Lumpur and the SEANET organizers in Johor. On a repeater a voice of one 9W2 throwing a curse was displayed. And last night again I heard the discussions on the topic  on national repeater.

Some say groups happen because of the increase number of hams. But even before this big number (of about 5000) the fight had already started. I had had a bitter experience too when someone mentioned the word 'babi' and some group called their friends to boycot me. Then there was someone who went around and told the 9M2s not to use phonetics 'america' for alfa etc. Then the very new hams from Perlis were talking of the wrong way the 9M2s making their communications.

Things do not stop there. It is not the disagreement between the old and new hams only but also between the licencees and the non-licencees. Some licencees want to champion the non-licencees. Just to gain popularity you can find old timer encouraging piracies.

People born with a certain peculiar behaviour will  behave the same way, whether in ham radio or in politics. Like some people use to say 'the reason why the ship can float is because it follows the generation' or 'keturunan punya pasal'. People raised up to bother themselves and befriend all others will not quarrel even though they are poked. There are a huge number of 9Ws who do not like to to go around finding faults with other people.

You want to stop the groupings ? Impossible. Each person sees things his own way. We have hams of PAS, UMNO, PKR, DAP and non-partisants. We have educated and non-educated hams. We have hams of different 'keturunan' and race. We have hams who could speak English and hams who hate English. Even the objective of getting the ham tickets are also different. There are people who always want short cut and those who do things the right way. 

Dr Bala always call for all amateurs to look back at the philosophy and objective of ham radio. Struggling for absolute peace ? It can never happen. Human skulls are not identical. Some skulls are prone to be aggressive and warlike and some are docile. Whether we like it or not it has been destined that the ying and the yang, good and evil, the dark and the light will have to exist side by side.


What you are looking at is the new type of transceiver. This unit is run by a software. The system is called flexradio. Your radio is somewhat on the computer screen as shown on left below.

This kind of interfacing is not new. We use to interface our rig to the computer using various methods. But different rig has different CIV numbers.

This system is already sold in USA. We have to wait for someone in Malaysia to try it and we will judge it's performance.

Usage of QRX -  QRX means 'I will call you again at...' or 'When will you call me again'. You usually say 'QRX one ( one second or one minute )....QRX 15 minutes I am going to make a cup of coffee..".  Some literature defines QRX as 'Hold on a minute, I will be right back". The Wikipedia difines it as "Hold on a minute, I will be right back..".  The has a similar meaning.  So is nodework .QRX does not mean 'I am going QRT but I am not closing down the station'. In fact on phone several essays suggeste that it  is better not to use codes made for CW. If you want to sign just say you want to sign. You can monitor after signing. You can also go to fish market after signing. If you pull the big switch then you switch off your station. Sometimes you say '..see you again further down the log..'. Log can mean the logbook. His station will be the last station when you contact him. Then there will be another last station and last and last; further down the log. Remember it will be better for you to mention QRX followed by the time frame. If you say 'QRX 10 seconds..." you must call the station you are contacting in 10 seconds time. Of course plus-minus 10 seconds.  If you are not sure how long, you can say "Please QRX for a few minutes, I got a land line..." or "QRX for a while, I'll be back after I finish my job" . Other words which you can use is 'please stand-by','hold on'. Or you can say ' I am signing but I will be monitoring'.  Sadly enough now 9M2s are using QRX to mean QRT and Temporary QRT.  QRT does not mean 'closing down the station'. It means '...stop sending..'. Your radio can still be on. But if you pull the big switch, your radio is off. DO READ SEVERAL ARTICLES CAREFULLY BEFORE PREACHING WITH CERTAINTY.