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Thank you for visiting our home on the web!

Please make yourself at home and enjoy your visit!


Yes welcome to our humble home on the web !

In this fast changing and fast paced world of electronics, computers and the increasing rat race, our little space here on the web, is an attempt to put some sense into our lives.. We try to anyway..

Its a place we continuously try to improve.. fixing roof and water tank leaks, maintaining the power generators , cleaning the solar panels and gardening, struggling to put up our earthships... what else ? Oh yes.. the organic gardening that needs attending to. Our fruit trees and our veggie garden.. There simply isn't that much time in a day... But thru it all.. we are learning, sweating and enjoying the rewards of being independant.. away from the grid.. doing our own thing with electronics, computers and the hobby we love the most... Amateur Radio !!

Our family 22nd May, 2004

The Undans on dad's birthday at home at Hillview Gardens 22nd May 2004
( L to R: Jason 9W6BMW, Brenda 9W6BX, Brenden 9W6SWL,Alfons 9M6MU ,Michelle 9W6SWL (our guitarist) and Doris 9W6DU )

For years now, Doris and I have been dreaming of trying to be as independant as we can. Independant, meaning doing as much ourselves as we can. Building our own shelter,running our own water supply, generating our own power, growing our own food and of course, planting and maintaining our antenna farms which is connected to our love.. Amateur Radio ;)

What you will find here in these pages are our thoughts, our hopes, our aspirations and our attempts at living life to the fullest. Indeed it is a reflections of our dreams.. that someday, we will be able to achieve all that we want to in our vision of the ideal ham world hi .

So if you are still reading this.. Again.. welcome to our place, please come on in and make yourselves at home..
The home brewed coffee is ready and the homebaked hot bread is just out of the oven...
Relax.. Doris my xyl and I are very happy that you dropped by..


Last Updated: 26th March, 2005