Because of the postage rates of many countries being so high, the Stars and Stripes 
Island Awards program will be accepting eQSL's as well as regular cards for this program.  
Only e-mail cards printed from the website will be accepted for the award.  This site 
has a very good security system, and cards downloaded from there are considered good.  The 
eQSL should have printed on it the name of the island and the county where it can be found in.

	It will be necessary to print the eQSL's and send the cards in with all other qsl cards, 
because no emails will be accepted at the checkpoint.  By clicking on the logo below, it will
take you directly to that site, where a very good explanation on security of eQSL's is given.
They also have a place on the website where you can "register" your callsign.  They even give
you the opportunity to design your own card, if you do not wish to use theirs.  This service is
free of charge to everyone.  If you feel so inclined, they will accept donations.