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Getting on the air at Diamond Head

Hawaii Amateur Radio Hall of Fame

As amateur radio operators, our hobby and pastime is built upon the efforts of others. We remember the people and their accomplishments that has given so much to us.

Hawaii Amateur Radio Hall of Fame and KH6IJ

April 25, 2006

These amateur radio operators have contributed years to make amateur radio in Hawaii the practical and enjoyable pastime that we all enjoy and value today.

We start with Hawaii's most famous amateur radio operator, Katashi Nose, KH6IJ.

Richard LaChance, WH6T

August 25, 2008

We continue with Richard LaChance, WH6T.

Find out more by contacting:  rhashiro(remove this part)@hawaiiantel.net
Copyright © 1997-2015 Ron Hashiro
Updated: August 26, 2008

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