Ham Radio Biography
I got started early in amateur radio. I was lucky enough to have several ham friends in high school who served as my "elmers". Roger (WA2BHZ, now KG4ULC), Ed (WA2OAF, now W4OAF), John (WA2IBT-SK), and Lee (WA2UXU, now K2UXU) inspired me to get my license. My friends, along with a supportive family (my father was a Navy Radioman in WW II), helped tremendously. Roger gave me the novice test in 1961 and I became WV2VUL. That call became WA2VUL when I upgraded to General. My first station was a Knight T-50 transmitter and a Hallicrafters S-38E receiver. I couldn't wait to get home from school each day to get on the air. I had lots of fun!
After high school, I went QRT for 13 years, living in apartments in various cities, including Pittsburgh, PA, Madison, WI and Houston, TX. Finally, in 1977, I landed a job in Shreveport, Louisiana and got back on the air. While I lived in an apartment, I worked 20 meters using an indoor dipole. My call was WD5JFY at the time. It was not the best situation, but I was grateful to be back on the air. I worked CW exclusively. After several years, I finally moved into a house and had space for an outdoor antenna. I began with a G5RV and a vertical. I got involved in CW traffic nets and Air Force Mars. It was all fun. I received my present ham call in 1989.
Today I still work mostly CW on 80, 40 and 30 meters. In the past I've used an 80 meter grounded half loop. I'm currently using an IC-7300 and a 205 foot horizontal loop fed with 300 ohm window line.
I'm past treasurer of the Shreveport Amateur Radio Association (SARA). Currently, I serve as the secretary/treasurer of our local chapter (85) of the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA).
My wife Ruby is also a ham (KB5VKN).
My most memorable ham experience was having access to the ham station at the Johnson Space Center (W5RRR) in Houston. I had the good fortune to do a sabbatical there in 1991.
I enjoy this hobby as much today as I did in high school, maybe more. I credit my career in science to amateur radio. I've met some extraordinary people in this hobby and made lots of friends.
QCWA       FISTS #9775      SKCC #1154      ARRL Life Member    A-1 Operator
Bug Users Group #8