
The Burning River Traffic Net

We meet every Monday, Thursday and Saturday at 9:30 PM local time on the W8HF repeater*. The remaing days of the week this net is called up on an as needed basis. The purpose of this net is to handle formal written traffic to and from the Cleveland area and all of North Central Ohio. Also to provide training in traffic handling procedures. We welcome all radio amateurs regardless of your level of traffic handling experience. Your net control this evening is;

Monday - Dave, -W8DJG
Thursday - Mike, -K8MWF
Saturday - Net Control Station needed

* Primary; W8HF /R - 145.230 MHz  Minus offset. PL 110.9
* Secondary; KC8BED /R - 147.150 MHz  Plus offset. PL 110.9
* Really bad days; 146.490 MHz  Simplex

The Burning River Traffic Net (BRTN) was started in 1975 by Jeff, -WB8PIY, Jerry, -K8OZ formerly WB8OZA (SK) and John, -WB8JSC. Looking for a name that identified the net with the area, John came up with the name “Burning River”. The net started on 146.46 simplex and moved to KC8BED repeater (147.150) sometime later. Records indicate Will Wilson -WA8HED (SK) was the Net Manager from 1979 until 1997. In 1997 both Will and Ron West -N8OD, formerly N8RBE shared the Net Manager role. In December of 1997 Lew Parsons -N8IXF (SK) took over the Net Manager position until June of 2012 when his health no longer allowed him to continue. At that time, he appointed Dave -W8DJG to be Net Manager. Dave and Keith, -KD8GXL have been taking turns at the Net Manager position since.

The BRTN is over forty nine years old and still going strong.

BRTN Net Managers
1979 - 1997 Will Wilson, -WA8HED (SK)
1997 - 1998 Will Wilson, -WA8HED (SK) & Ron, -N8OD
1998 - 2012 Lew Parsons, -N8IXF (SK)
2012 - 2018 Dave, -W8DJG
2019 - 2019 Keith, -KD8GXL
2020 - 2022 Dave, -W8DJG
2023 - 2024 Keith, -KD8GXL

Check in to preserve, teach and or learn traffic handling skills. You will meet some interesting people and most likely make a few new contacts that may turn into life long friends.

Help keep the tradition alive.

[If you were a net control station or have more information concerning the history of the BRTN please email us.]