The following is from John Kennon, N7CQQ, The N7CQQ Amateur Radio Club, Inc. and may be forwarded to other DXers, clubs and societies.
August 17, 1999
Dear friends,
We are finalizing plans for our expedition to the CLIPPERTON ISLAND scheduled for February 26, 2000 through March 15, 2000. We will be aboard the motor vessel Shogun from San Diego, California. Our goals are the following first of all is to provide as many European and other stations with a new country on as many band modes as possible.
CLIPPERTON ISLAND is very much in need as evidenced at being identified in the top 100 on the most wanted list. Transportation is limited and very expensive. That is why we have chartered a vessel. The vessel charter costs alone are approximately US $75,000.00. Also difficult but not impossible to obtain a license and landing permit, but we have them in hand. Our thanks goes out to Monsieur Jacques Defay, Chef de la Cellule, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia. It has been many years (1992 - FO0CI) since an effort has been mounted for CLIPPERTON ISLAND.
It was time to return.
With 2 operating locations or camps (CW and SSB) of 3 stations each, our presence should allow easy access for those in need. Each operating location will have specialized mode/band capability to enhance the CW or SSB operation.. Those specialties will cover RTTY, Satellite, 6 meters and 160 meters.
Currently supporters are NORTHERN CALIFORNIA DX FOUNDATION, INC., We also hope to add several of the prominent membership organizations such as yours in the near future. List of some operators who have expressed a desire to go are Peter ON6TT, Charlie W6KK, Mike N9NS, Al K3VN, Vincent G0LMX, James 9V1YC, Jacques ZL3CW(F2CW), Arie PA3DUU, Werner HB9US, Ron W6OM (N6VO), Ruech, HB9AHL, Stan, FO5IW, Bill, N2WB, Ralph, K0IR, Michael N6MZ, Bob K4UEE, Koji, JK7TKE and their host John N7CQQ. Each operator is skilled in DX operations from CLIPPERTON ISLAND, to Peter 1. Many of these operators conducted the very successful expedition to CLIPPERTON ISLAND in 1992.
Since all of our equipment will be loaded the day before departure, in San Diego, we must obtain and stage all equipment prior to our actual departure. This presents additional costs which must be borne between the group. The equipment will be staged by the Southern California participants at their homes. We are requesting financial assistance from your organization to offset the purchasing equipment such as tents, cots, diesel generators, coax, antennas, and camp supplies. Our food and transportation costs are US$5,000 and each participant is responsible for that cost.
Without financial assistance, these costs will undoubtedly raise the cost of the operation beyond our budget limits, and possibly postpone our operation. Any donated funds left over following the expedition will be divided up between the participants to offset the US$ 5,000 each cost of the charter. Of course your group will be credited as a supporter and duly identified on the QSL card, WEB, and many other publications or programs. We have opened an account for this expedition where you can send your tax deductible donations.
N7CQQ Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
P. O. Box 81
Searchlight, Nevada 89046
ACCOUNT 4961527327 Bank of America
We will have a CLIPPERTON ISLAND Web Site to provide updated information as the operation progresses. This site is made possible by the endless efforts of N6RT, Doug. Our hope is to provide daily logs to Doug, which will be posted on the Web Site to provide much needed verification of "in the log" requests depending upon equipment availability. Once the operation ends, on-line log checking will be available. Our group participants are spread across the world and possesses a plenty of experience in every facet of operation in our hobby. We have attempted to invite participants from Africa, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, and America. We are not forgetting the reputation of CLIPPERTON Islands past expeditions, and hope all considerations have been covered. The unknown factor, weather, will always be our concern. The first consideration is SAFETY of the team members.
Should it be necessary for you to seek any additional information which will help satisfy your needs for supporting this Dxpedition then we look forward to providing this information to you. If you know of any other groups/clubs or associations who you think may also be in a position to support us, we would very much like to hear of their names and addresses. The N7CQQ Amateur Radio Club, Inc. requests your sincere consideration on our funding request and we anxiously await your response.
Best 73's & DX
John, N7CQQ, Charlie, W6KK, Mike, W6RW, Jay, W2IJ, Doug, N6RT
N7CQQ Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
QSLs will be via N7CQQ
P. O. Box 31553
Laughlin, Nevada 89029