A     The main modalities of communication, are:

VOICE   Through of a  microphone to the Emissor/Recepteur
CW/MORSE With a proper, manual or electrónic key, the message is transmitted under the form of " points and  strokes " code/alphabet invented by Mr. Guglielmo Morse to who if must also invents it radio-electric. Is therefore with entire justice, he has  known as the " Father of the Rádio"
SATÉLLITE  They are Intercontinental or National communications that they around take off left of repeaters placed in some satellites placed in the space of the Land. Radioamadores highly specialized in electrónica, had been the pioneers in this new type of communications that of nowadays is of generalized use.
LUNAR RFLECTION With well direccionadas equipment and specific antennas, many radioamadores Clearly obtain spectacular contacts taking off broken of the position and " phase " of our natural satellite - the MOON that technique is necessary much and " carolice ".
TELEVISION Many are the radioamadores that spend part of its time sending and receiving television pictures the long pitch, in the known type of picture as " Slow Scan ". Currently it is already in practical, but still in desenvolvimente, the local television destined only the fans, whose type of transmission is assigned of " Fast Scan "
DIGITALIS The Computers had revolutionized in overwhelming way the modern societies, of the Plant to the Office, of the Pharmacy to the Homes, nobody were exempt of its influence and, clearly, also here, the radioamadores had been of the first ones to be used to advantage of its potentialities. Thus, daily, thousands and thousands of communications are done taking off left of the Computer that, a on time to a small " Modem " codifies and decodifies the messages that are sent and/or received with the existing equipment of radio already. It is a wonder!!!!. The used emissions more are: RTTY, CW, PACKET if well that many others are available. Digital AMTOR and PACTOR are modalities that they also are of  hamradio use.