Field Checking

Since the early 1990's, field checking has become an important resource for checking applications without sending QSL cards to HQ. Under this program, cards are checked by persons specifically approved by ARRL HQ.

On March 31 2000, the "old" card-checking program was eliminated. Under the current rules, only one Card Checker is required. In addition, cards for all DXCC entities are eligible for checking. Only a few categories of cards may not be checked by Card Checkers.

Complete information on the card checking program can be found at:

Q: What is field checking?

A: Field checking is having cards checked outside of the DXCC office. This is done by appointment with an approved DXCC Card Checker. The card checker will verify the applicant's cards against a paper application. The applicant's cards are then returned to the applicant. The card checker then forwards the paperwork and fees to HQ for processing.

Q: Are there any restrictions on card checking in the field?

A: Yes. Card Checkers cannot check:

Cards for 160-Meters
Cards for deleted entities

Cards more than 10 calendar years old. (Example: In 2004 card checkers cannot check any card with a QSO date prior to January 1, 1994).

Q: Do I need to make an appointment to have my cards checked by a Card Checker?

A: Yes, regardless of whether you plan to meet with a card checker or send cards to him/her via mail. You do not need an appointment with Card Checkers at a convention, provided you do not have more than the allotted number of cards (120).

Q: If I take cards to a convention or card checker, do I still need to fill out the record sheet(s)?

A: Yes. Card Checkers verify your cards against your application record sheet and then return cards to you. The Card Checker will then send the paperwork to HQ.

Q: Since I have to complete the record sheet for field checked applications, can I use a file generated by my computer or special logging program?

A: If your record sheet format matches the DXCC version of the record sheet form EXACTLY across the page, AND the listing is sorted as required above, you may use an alternative form.

Q: I just had my cards checked by an approved Checker. He gave me the application to mail to DXCC. Is this OK?

A: No. The Checker must send all applications personally. If this happens, your application cannot be processed and will be returned unprocessed. You must provide the checker with a SASE or sufficient postage to cover all costs including mailing applications to ARRL HQ.

Q: If I have cards that are not eligible for field checking, can I include these cards with a field-checked application?

A: No. Cards cannot accompany a field-checked application under any circumstances.

Q: How do I handle non-checkable cards?

A: You may submit non-checkable cards in a separate application, or you may simply send all of your cards in one application directly to HQ. If you send non-checkable cards separately, they will constitute a separate application, subject to the appropriate fees.

Q: If I give a card checker non-checkable cards to send in anyway, will I be charged a second submission fee?

A: Yes.

Q: Since I am not sending cards direct to DXCC, do I still need to sort them by band?

A: Yes. We still need to manually enter your data from the record sheets into the computer, and the sort order is just as important as it is with seeing cards.

Q: What is the difference between cards checked by appointment with a card checker and going to a convention to have them checked?

A: There is little difference in procedure. If a DXCC staff person attends the convention, all QSL cards, including those not normally checkable by Card Checkers may be checked. There is a "convention fee" of $5 to help cover the cost of travel if an ARRL staff person comes to the convention.

Q: Is card checking any different if DXCC staff attends a convention?

A: Yes, slightly. In instances where DXCC staff is attending a convention, the normal restrictions on card checking don't apply since the staff person can check all cards. At conventions where DXCC staff is present there is an additional $5 fee charged in addition to the application fees. The $5 is not charged if DXCC staff is not in attendance.

Q: Can I come to ARRL HQ direct and have cards checked?

A: Yes. As noted in rule 15(b) applicants can have cards checked at ARRL HQ. Applicants are allowed a maximum of 120 QSO's. Application with more than 120 QSO's can be brought to ARRL, but the application may not be completed the same day. Applicants can choose to come back and pick up their cards at a later date, or ask to have us mail them back. Cards must be arranged in the proper order as noted on the record sheet.

Q: If I cannot make it to have my cards checked at a convention or with a card checker, can a friend hand-carry them in for me?

A. Yes, but all paperwork must be properly prepared and all fees must accompany the application.

Q: Other awards programs allow local radio society awards managers to check their ham radio awards. Can DXCC cards be checked in this way?

A: No. This is often referred to as the "General Certification Rules" among IARU member societies. This is not allowed in the DXCC program.

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