ADIF to KML converter Standalone by CT1GVN

Freeware for Linux/Debian and Windows

This freeware application allows you to convert an ADIF file to a KML file so you can map your QSO's.

It works by scanning the ADIF file QSO's for gridsquares, no internet connection is needed.


It's a standalone portable pre-compiled application, meaning you don't need to install it, just run the executable/binary file.

It's written in pyhton and compiled using pyinstaller.

Thanks to Tomáš Borovička - OK4BX for the python ADIF parser!


Click here and choose the lastest (higher number) file for you system.

For Windows systems choose the zip file.
For Linux/Debian based systems choose the gz file.

Note: The download button is usually on the lower right corner


After downloading just (g)unzip the file to any folder on your computer and then double-click the file, that's it!
Note: On Linux systems you may need to set the file's permission to executable

Hints and Tips

Revision History


V1.09 (Unreleased)



V1.06 First release - for testing only

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