DL4YHF's homepage
Main Site : www.qsl.net/dl4yhf |
Who is "DL4YHF" ? DL4YHF is my amateur radio callsign. If you are one of the 0.1% visitors who got here without knowing about this hobby, follow one of these links: www.ARRL.org (American) or www.DARC.de (German amateur radio club)
The person behind the callsign DL4YHF is Wolfgang Büscher (that's me),
living in a small village called Mantershagen which you will hardly find
on a large-area map. Most of the ham radio, and radio-related experimentation
takes place in Barduettingdorf (that's with the club call DF0WD).
Some operation on shortwave and VHF/UHF also takes place in the
Königreich Mantershagen.
( = the kingdom of Mantershagen ). Possibly the largest percentage
of radio amateurs per village residents - one of the neighbours,
is almost in the 'reactive near field' of the antenna, at least on medium wave.
More seriously: Spenge (and thus Mantershagen, which some say isn't a kingdom but belongs to a federal republic)
is located 15 km north of Bielefeld in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. For VHF/UHF experts: the locator square is JO42FD.
I was interested in electronics long before becoming a radio amateur, I actually
found the time to prepare for the first radio license examination at the
same time when studying Electronics to become an engineer. At the present
time I am working as hard- and software developing engineer (more as software
developer for embedded systems these days). If you ever came across a field bus
module, or a programmable control device capable of sending out error messages
in Morse code (with an LED or piezo speaker), it's probably one of the creations at the QRL. Radio Amateurs around the world often exchange "QSL-cards" with fellow radio amateurs (sometimes called "hams", but I don't like the story behind the original meaning of "ham"..). Well anyway, "QSL" is an abbreviation which originally meaned "message received" in a conversation in morse code, the conversation (sometimes just a contact) being called "QSO" and so on. So here is one of my old QSL-cards - just in case I have forgotten to send one to you "via club". If you look close enough (and are not an email-address- harvesting robot), you will see a postal address which is still valid:
I am active on longwave, shortwave and VHF , preferably on the WARC-bands in CW and SSB. Most activity takes place at the club-station DF0WD. There is also a photo of myself amongst the crew members. -...- A completely different hobby is growing carnivorous plants - here just a small picture, maybe there will be more on my website if time and space permit. By the way this was the first time my helioamphora was beginning(!) to flower - thanks Mat for the donation - in contrast to my other carnivors like drosera, dionea, sarracenia. Actually the flower grew much larger, and lasted for the whole spring.
Before sending an email to me, please check the various forums if the question hasn't been asked (and answered) before. And, when sending mail, avoid stupid topic lines like "Hi", "Hello", "Question", or even "" (empty topic) because such a message will never make it beyond the spam filter. Also, mention one of the subjects which you find on this website (like "Accuracy of the PIC frequency counter", "Problem with Spectrum Lab under Windows Vista", "Problem with WinPic under Windows Vista", "Suggestion for the QRP Morse keyer", etc), so I can quickly see that your message is no spam. I receive about 50 spams per day ... you want some ? ;-)
Email trouble (2008-03-16)If you don't get a response from me after sending an email, don't take it too serious. It is not your fault, it is not my fault.. not getting a response from me is -most likely- due to those criminal spammers out there !
In a couple of occasions I have tried to reply to a question, just to get
a response from somebody's email provider like the one quoted below. Here is a typical response (email of the sender replaced, of course), which has bounced thanks to some PARANOID SPAM-FILTER :
(Wot ? ? My recent internet provider is one of the bad guys with a "domain reputation problem" ? Many thanks for that; free..., hot..., goo... - ....mail & Co ... ).
Here is another "nice" feedback from someone's paranoid email server:
Ufff. This server just says "bye", this is a permanent error, arrivederci to the sender ?!