SSTV RX by German Amateur Radio station DC9DD
*** Locator: JO31SO *** ITU Zone: 28 *** CQ Zone: 14 *** Please also visit: MAX SSTV Site

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SSTV: VHF 2m 144.500/144.8875 MHz Experimental Connection
The SSTV Slowscan images are uploaded automatically. Responsibility rests entirely at the station transmitting these pictures!


SSTV: HF 20m 14.230 MHz
The SSTV Slowscan images are uploaded automatically. Responsibility rests entirely at the station transmitting these pictures!

ON Air

SSTV: HF 40m 7.040/7.171 MHz
The SSTV Slowscan images are uploaded automatically. Responsibility rests entirely at the station transmitting these pictures!


SSTV: HF 80m 3.730 MHz
The SSTV Slowscan images are uploaded automatically. Responsibility rests entirely at the station transmitting these pictures!


SSTV: HF 10m 28.680 MHz
The SSTV Slowscan images are uploaded automatically. Responsibility rests entirely at the station transmitting these pictures!

04/05.08/30.09/1.10/03.10/08.10/02/24 - 31.12.2020

SSTV from the ISS: VHF 2m 145.800 MHz

ISS Wave Files by German Amateur Radio station DC9DD
*** Locator: JO31SO *** ITU Zone: 28 *** CQ Zone: 14 *** Download here: Download here:

Old SSTV Pictures

Old SSTV Pictures: 14.230 MHz
Thanks to all OMs from the World that makes SSTV great again !

DSSTV Pictures

DSSTV Pictures: QO-100 and Other Frequencies
Thanks to all OMs from the World that makes SSTV great again !