Jim Smith, VK9NS. A Recollection

Jim Smith, VK9NS, was working at Dhahran Airport doing airways 
communications upgrade installation work.  He asked us to relate
a story that was memorable to him. While not related to ham radio,
it was most significant to him and and Americans stationed there.

Jim was quite pleased to attend a movie/film showing in the theater
at the base one evening. Since it was a British comedy, he was having
a thoroughly grand time and could not understand why some of the 
Americans didn't "get it". British humor, that is!

Midway through the showing, the theater lights were turned on and the 
film was stopped.

The theater manager walked down the aisle and turned to announce that
President John F. Kennedy had been shot in Dallas. Our young president
was dead.

Needless to say, we know Jim was in Saudi Arabia in November 1963.

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