the DSP-device for transmit and receive

Rel. 3.2

Last change: 3.9.99

1. Introduction
1.1 Software specifications
1.2 Hardware specifications
1.3 Handling
1.3.1 Display
1.3.2 Operating panel
1.4 Installation

2. Receive Functions
2.0 Introduction
2.1 CW-filter for HF and VHF/UHF
2.2 SSB-Filter
2.3 Automatic Notchfilter
2.4 Automatic noise reduction (denoise, peak)
2.5 MS-recorder
2.5.1 Record / playback
2.5.2 Speedreduction
2.5.3 Reactiontime
2.5.4 Bandwidth of High-Speed CW


3. Transmit functions
3.1 Clipper
3.1.1 Functions
3.1.2 Clip level
3.2 Voice Recorder
3.2.1 Recording
3.2.2 Playback
3.2.3 Input
3.2.4 Example for SSB Meteor Scatter
3.3 CW-Meteor Scatter

4. Setup

Appendix 1 Installation
A1.1 Connecting the boards
A1.2 Power supply
A1.3 Microphone
A1.4 Connecting a headphone
A1.5 Optimizing the installation
Appendix 2 Blockdiagram
Appendix 3 Schematic diagram
Appendix 4 Filterdiagrams